I voted yes...

BUT, you never tried to make a compensatory _trade_ with him.  You demanded a one sided trade of extremely small value, less than a dollar.  IMO, after reading the thread you really came off as a jerk and I can see why he didn't want to listen to you.  You bashed him over the head with rules immediately. 

We had a trade proposed and accepted, addresses exchanged and then Giant_Glass_Box canceled. I had offers out to other traders and dropped all of those because that trade had been accepted. Now back to square one and I feel I should be allowed to leave negative feedback.

Giant_Glass_Box    Will do. It might be next week before I send. Crazy busy right now.    17 Jul
Wally_H    ouch, next week...    17:13
Wally_H    tomorrow or the next day ok, but I wish you would have said something about sending next week before confirming the trade.    17:16
Giant_Glass_Box    No worries. I don't need them that bad. Sorry to waste your time.    22:08
Wally_H    the trade rules say that your not allowed to cancel the trade after you confirmed your address    01:41

If you were depending on cards from Glass to make your other trades maybe you shouldn't trade with cards you don't have in the future.  Patience is a virtue they say. If you would have just waited to get the cards from glass before committing other trades then maybe you wouldn't be so butt-hurt right now.  He apologized for not being able to get them out in time.  He's obviously either never traded or not been on here very long and some understanding for the rules should be given.

So in Glasses case, I think neutral feed back is appropriate, and wally should try to be more upfront and open with what he's going to do with the cards before he confirms _his_ address, especially with a new guy.


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

http://www.wizards.com/magic/magazine/a … /sfrlegacy

It's just another format with it's own card base.  This is the one with all the older cards are allowed to be played.  Though for competitive play you'll see some pretty expensive decks.


(3 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The wiki has a lot of these.  http://wiki.mtgsalvation.com/article/Li … agic_slang

You can search for a lot of stuff there and educate yourself.  It's pretty useful.  I used it when I got back in at RTR.  I didn't know jund or naya, or bant.  You'll get it though smile

I think the changes look good.   I know it's short notice but I think the thrags/strangleroots should be Scavenging oozes.  Seems like a strong card in the deck.  I still feel corpsejack is fringe at best but who knows.  You could be stumbling onto something good.  Ghor clan is a good addition. You might still consider domri over garruk.  with the ability of your guys to regenerate Domri seems good for removal.  the possible extra creature a turn sounds good too. 

The only cards I am really concerned about is fling and sheltering word.  Fling has the potential to be big in the deck, but I feel something like searing spear would just be more consistent. Down side is if your opponent is at 3 and somehow manages to wipe your board, a spear can still get there while a fling cant.  Sheltering word.  I get the point behind it... I think if you really want an out for your creatures I'd rather see a maindeck golgari charm.  It has more uses that are relevant than this card.  Though IDK if the deck really needs either.

Just some final thoughts.  Good luck smile

You're decks not standard.  It's modern?  If all your opponents are on the same level though then you'll do fine.  If they're competitive at all you'll need to take something more contemporary.

The variations I saw played lotleth troll.  Turn 2 lothleth + pitch vexing etc... is better than trying to depend on the initial damage. Lotleth is more resilient too. You can't burning tree into lotleth.  This deck has  little more reach than then average aggro and the ability to regenerate gives it more resiliency.

If you go straight Jund aggro then you can burning tree into the boar etc... You don't even play varolz in that case though, You'd more likely play reckoner or mangler.  Life gain does stall aggro decks. nothing you can do there.

I agree midrange is better, but the deck he has, and the deck your suggesting isn't the jund midrange you want to play.

The varolz build is an aggro variation, not a midrange variation. 

those cards you listed are all good choices.  Except legion loyalist. That should probably be rakdos cackler.

If you build around varolz you want 4.  If you have more than one now with the legendary rule you you can just play it and sac whichever or discard it to lotleth and eat him... nom nom, counters.

These cards....

Arbor Elf
Abrupt Decay
Vampire Nighthawk
Olivia Voldaren
Mizzium Mortars

These are all midrange cards.  He doesn't have a midrange deck.  Making some kind of funky hybrid isn't going to help him.  If you play the midrange, you need the huntmasters, the olivias, the thrags and the bonfires... the deck just doesn't work without them. 

You don't need to "balance" the curve in an aggro deck like this, It's about eating stuff with varolz. You want to be at a 2 drop/3 drop pretty quick.  I've seen them played, they do "okay" they're not great decks but it's better than a hybrid that doesn't have a focused plan. Haste does not an aggro deck make.

There's lots of good ways to deal with the hydra, Doomblade, putrefy, dreadbore, murder, detention sphere, oblivion ring, azorious charm, angel of serentiy, ... block?  Until rotation Kolonian is just another big chumpy target for removal... all the decks can deal with it.  I wouldn't try to play it if you weren't in R/G aggro/ big naya. which he's not.

yeah, I think it's a valid strategy.  The standard midrange decks have been running farseak for the last year.  It has the benefit of ramping and thinning, so you get  a little bit of both worlds.  I'd still want the shocks though. smile

These are actual fetch lands and used with the shocks in modern. http://www.ebay.com/bhp/zendikar-fetch-lands

I agree that i would probably play Terramorphic expanse over gates if I didn't have access to the other.  I do prefer the farseek with shocks though.  If money is an issue then this is probably the best option. Alternatively you can "fetch" gates with Maze's end.

What you have there is somewhere between Jund Midrange and Jund aggro.

Here is my current list Im playing for Jund midrange. http://deckbox.org/sets/326292

Midrange is almost a control deck with a light creature base that does stuff nearly as soon as they hit the board.  Your focus on vexing devil and varolz is an aggro plan of scavenging to make big hitters like lotleth troll. It's all over the place right now and you need to focus on one strategy or another. 

This deck has more of the aggro components than midrange components. 

Creatures. In which case you can cut Arbor elf, Legion Loyalist, rebblebelt maaka ruric, and sire. You need a couple more lotleth trolls and corpsejack doesn't need to be in, on turn 4, you need to be holding mana for burn/removal.   Sire and ruric while powerful are midrange cards. 6 is too much for an agro deck.

Spells. You can put lili on the side and cut the charm.  You should run some searing spears to help with removal.

Try the list below and see how it might work for you.  I listed possible substitutes as well.

4 Slumbering Dragon
4 Vexing Devil
4 Lotleth Troll
4 Scavenging Ooze - strangle root geist
4 Varolz, the Scar-Striped
4 Dreg mangler
2 Thunder Maw Hellkite - Exava

3 Pillar of Flame
2 Rancor
3 Searing Spears

2 Domri Rade
1 Garruk Relentless

3 Blood Crypt
3 Dragonskull Summit
3 Forest
1 Kessig Wolf Run
3 Mountain
2 Overgrown Tomb
3 Rootbound Crag
3 Stomping Ground
1 Swamp
1 Woodland Cemetery


3 Volcanic Str
3 Skullcrack
3 Abrupt decay
2 Putrefy
4 xxxx

This is just my opinion but a cohesive strategy lends itself to more victories.  You're def closer to a deck like this than you are the midrange.

Piranha wrote:

And as for ante games, it's more of a I'll put up one of my old valuables for one of the new valuables so I'm more or less looking for something I can stomp someone's face in with and walk away happy with my new rare or whatever was ante'd. That way I can get in the game faster.

Man if you have older valuable cards just trade.  Sorry, but ante is just dumb that's why people don't play it any more.  Chances are you won't be stomping anyone's face if you're just getting back into the game.

Tutoring really isn't a game plan anymore.  I know it was great back in the day, ( I played too, in the mid/late 90s) but that just slows you down now.  The majority of the formats are just playing good cards in your deck and drawing into the answers you need.  90% of the tutor effects are too expensive for the format. The power of spells has been ratcheted down a lot since then.

If you want to play competitively, you should watch some streams of competitive players and go to reddit.com/r/spikes and read some of the posts there about the metagame.

IMO, the very best thing you can do since you've been out for a while is to get in and play some limited format events.  Draft/sealed.  Get back into the game slowly.  You really need to get a grasp on the current meta game and it sounds like you need some help.  Get to know the people in your area. Find out what you like in the current meta and work towards a deck you want to play.  Chances are anything you're thinking of playing based on your experience in the past will be lacking. Just shooting straight with you, if you walk up to any mildly competitive event using the strategies I've heard you'll walk away disappointed.


(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

My inner timmy always comes out at new set time.  tongue

battle driver might be better than I initially thought, but we don't know what theros' power level will be yet.  RTR was a notch below innistrad , m14 is a notch below that in most peoples opinion.  If we don't get any powerhouses at that cmc then who knows.

I completely missed the ante part of the question.  Ewwwww.... tongue

I'm not sure how your scenario goes down. Each instance of something dying puts a mimic vat trigger on the stack.

In a single target case. If someone murders your 1/1 goblin, the trigger for mimic vat goes on the stack.  you can exile your goblin after he's dead.  there's no time in between the trigger for "another creature" to die.  Another spell or ability would have to kill something after the fact. If someone destroys vat in response to the vat trigger, then you can choose not to exile the creature.  Remember it's a "may" effect.

If someone planar cleansing, killing your 1/1 goblin, 2/2 knight, 3/3 minotaur, and the vat.  they all die at the same time and 3 separate triggers go on the stack at the same time, in any order you choose.  If you choose to exile a creature that creature stays exiled forever, and you can't put a token in play.


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I don't think they're will be a mad dash to the retailers.  If you can't find one, I'll send you mine tongue

Glad you had fun.  What was your final decklist like?  and with the changes?

I would run a couple dissipates/syncopates main deck and rest in peace in the side.  They're perfectly good counters with the benefit of exiling... It's win/win for any control deck these days.

So, it's turn 4 on your opponents turn he doesn't have any spells to play he played a land he drew, your aggro opponent has a full board of 2/2 3/3s. Lets say 5 of them, swinging for game this turn, if you can kill any of those creatures you stabilize and play supreme verdict next turn.  The other card in your hand is silence.  You lose.  The thing about cards like silence is they're good early against aggro and maybe good later against control or midrange, but searing spear is always good. any removal at any point during that game would have helped you stabilize to cast supreme verdict turn 4.   I don't see how your argument for silence holds water in that case. 

See if you can work with someone at the store if you have friends/people you trust that might loan you the cards.  Thats a way to play with it also before you make the investment.


(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

that's true, and it's 4 mana, it can be ramped out in RG seems good with kalonion hydra.

Well, for the deck you have constructed. 

Silence, tome scour, and disperse can go.  You don't need any of these imo.  Azourius charm does the same thing (and more) as disperse.  Silence is just a worse counter spell and tome scour is completely unnecessary with jace.  all you have to do is activate jace a few times to mill them out.  I don't think I like volcanic gyser, the fact that it's instant makes it mildly playable, but you're looking at committing a lot of mana to this spell. 4 for a 2/2 minimum.  Seems to me war leaders helix is just better and give you life (maybe x4 since you don't have the sphinx revs).  I'd still play at least a couple augers, maybe 4, since you don't have the snaps (I realize it's m13, but they are just uncommon). Pacifism is okay, i'd rather see detention sphere or oblivion ring though. Dissipate and syncopate are must haves imo, you need to be able to exile the cards you counter, scavenging ooze, unburial rites, varolz... etc... there's just too much ability to gave value out of the grave yard.  Same thing for pillar of flame over shock.

As far as cards you need.  I wouldn't take this to tournament beyond FNM without these minimum cards. Some are repeats from above. 2 sphinx's (i know sphinx's are expensive, but you just can't replace them and it works in the deck. They're also standard legal for the next 14 months minimum), 4 supreme verdicts, 4 think twice (rotating or not it's a common,divination is not a replacement for this instant), 1-2 Syncopate, 2-3 Dissipate. 3 Pillar of flame (another common). 2 mizzium mortars (cheap one shot 4 damage, potential for another sweeper). 4 Sacred foundry.  2 of each of the checklands, clifftop retreat, sulfur falls, glacial fortress.  2 Warleaders Helix ).  I'd like to see a tamiyo as well.  She's such a house... made of brick even. I'd hesitate to take it to an FNM (depending on how competitive your area is) without these changes either. 

That being said Tywoo on here, posted a link to a woo-brew on channel fireball.  It's not my taste and I think I'd prefer to take the American control over it, but it's significantly lower in cost. Snaps can be replace with augers in a pinch.

http://www.channelfireball.com/articles … -budgeted/

Are you looking to play standard like FNM?  If so then you need cards from the RTR block as well as M14.  It's probably getting too late to pick up stuff from innistrad unless you want to play seriously in PTQs etc over the next few months.

Mono colors in general are not viable in Standard right now.  Most of the best cards are multicolor and with the mana fixing available there's no reaason not o play more than one color.  2 color decks are viable.  3 color decks are the norm.  RDW has some potential but even most people will splash green or white in the red decks.

If you don't mind doing a little research there are a few decks in standard you can look up right now. You can go to the Star City Games website decklists section to see lists for most of these.

GB - control, might offer the deck you want. More of a midrange deck really. 
WB/zombies - uses the gravecrawler and geralfs messenger.
Junk Tokens
RB Zombies - aggro deck

As for your sepecific deck.  need to get down to 60 cards. Traditionally gravecrawler and messenger are played with sac outlets like cartel aristocrat and blood artist for extra damage.


(7 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

You like the battle driver?  I wasn't sure about it.  I think post rotation you'd probably want to be rb or rg for aggro.  Theros is still up in the air, but spike jester/exava and burning tree are strong cards.

That deck seems good in an aggessive meta.  Woos brews are always fringe.  I liked the unexpected results brew smile

I think for the value of the cards in it id hedge close to a uwx control.  It hink it'd be more stable in various meta games than the brew listed.  However, this looks like it might be fun though.


(2 replies, posted in World of Warcraft)

let me knowif this works out. I have several good rares from the first few sets and some of crafted redemption cards.  As well several good loot cards from the molten core raid.

Aetherling is most certainly better than nivmezzet, paying 6 for a draw engine that is removable is not a good investment.  If people are able to destroy your aetherling you're playing it wrong it should be nearly invincable you don't play it as soon as you get to 6 mana, you play it when you have the game under control.

Burn is not a thing tight now for most fnm environments.  There is so much life gain pure burn just can't get there. You need a repatable win cont like aetherling.

You're right 6 is a tad too much for a sweeper especially since you can't. Ramp to it like the naya/jund decks can.  However with straigh red blue you don't have a lot of options.  If you stay ru for budget reasons you need the sweeper and to play this as a removal/control deck.  Blustersqual is a do nothing card really and should not be considered a replacement for a sweeper.  Cyclonic rift is only kinda like it because its instant and does everything on the board.

No reason not to have think twice or auger they're good fore the next 3 months and they're common and uncommon you could probably get them for a couple bucks.  Auger digs for you and blocks the agro decks until your remival comes online. 

As far as the nonbasic. Lands go the shock lands are valid for the next 15 months, no reason not to try to pick those up either.