ABottleGnome wrote:
AmarusCameron wrote:
outofstep wrote:

The one thing I think would be nice (really nice) to see on the forums, maybe in the box-area with your name and other info, is some detail on what sort of trades are pending on that username. Perhaps icons with numbers beside them, just like each user's actual trade page. If not on the forum, for whatever reason, then it would be great to have it on each user's home page so I can immediately see what someone has going on.

It would be nice to see, at a quick glance, that a guy asking to trade for Tarmogoyf x4 has...

Multi-direction arrow -  27 active trades
Bus with down arrow - 16 packages on the way to him
Bus with up arrow - 2 packages shipped out

I can immediately see that said guy is either about to scam his way off Deckbox or he's just amazingly slow and probably someone I don't want to trade with either way.

That is a pretty good idea, and it is based on actions not words and opinions of other people. Though the only potential problem I see is if the guy is scamming he might as well click that he has sent his cards and then you are back to square one.

Perhaps if there was a field for tracking information, that could also be quantified. 10 trades going out, none with tracking? Possibly cause for concern if the trades are all high value.

As a developer myself I would say that you would be adding a lot of work for the guys who update this place. The Database now has to pull information from multiple sites with thousands of points of data (all of our tracking numbers) and return that to a value the database can read and then push it to our screen. Not saying it is impossible I'm saying that is a helluva lot of work. And I don't even know if the guys hear could get a connection to the databases of the delivery services (I'm guessing not) So I think the delivery thing is a bit unreal.

That is unless you are saying it's like a check box...but then again what keeps the scammer from checking that box?

I have a command, starting conversation

outofstep wrote:

The one thing I think would be nice (really nice) to see on the forums, maybe in the box-area with your name and other info, is some detail on what sort of trades are pending on that username. Perhaps icons with numbers beside them, just like each user's actual trade page. If not on the forum, for whatever reason, then it would be great to have it on each user's home page so I can immediately see what someone has going on.

It would be nice to see, at a quick glance, that a guy asking to trade for Tarmogoyf x4 has...

Multi-direction arrow -  27 active trades
Bus with down arrow - 16 packages on the way to him
Bus with up arrow - 2 packages shipped out

I can immediately see that said guy is either about to scam his way off Deckbox or he's just amazingly slow and probably someone I don't want to trade with either way.

That is a pretty good idea, and it is based on actions not words and opinions of other people. Though the only potential problem I see is if the guy is scamming he might as well click that he has sent his cards and then you are back to square one.

ABottleGnome wrote:

As a new trader here, I'd like to throw in my two cents. I don't feel that the amount of feedback an individual has on the site has any bearing whatsoever on the quality of the trade. Rather, I look for traders that are active and talkative. If I propose a trade, and that person shows activity on the site but doesn't respond to me within a day, I am inclined to believe that it was not going to work out as a trade in the first place. Honestly, how difficult is it to notice the notification, click on the trade, and say yes/no/let me think about it? I hate having stuff hanging in limbo with no communication. This goes for after the trade, too. Trying to track someone down to get feedback, which is especially important as a new user, is an unnecessary pain in the butt sometimes. I'd rather trade with someone who is responsive, honest, and open, rather than just basing trade decisions off of a feedback score.

This gent and I just traded and it is pretty much as he said, we conversed and were able to work something out quick and easily. And to be honest I would trust a person who will talk with me much more than someone who's only communication is to change the configuration of the trade. There are enough people here that I like trading with that I steer well clear of those folk.

I have traded with Paul multiple times and he walks the talk. We have always set expectations and though it may seem petty it is less about getting all the value and more about making sure we are both happy in the deal. When one talks about their expectations assumptions fizzle out like an aura without a target. This way no one is surprised with what they get and both sides are happy.

That said I think I have traded with almost everyone who has commented here at least once and none have been a bad experience, quite the opposite so these guys know their stuff.


(46 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Very entertaining indeed ^_^


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

All Slivers accounted for aside from the Queen, thanks for your help. Still looking for stomping grounds smile

I think communication and attention to detail has to do with the person.

I personally will fill your chat window if you show any interest in talking. I love the idea of haggling and trading, I would rather help someone get what they need instead of just buying (though I do that as well when necessary) I enjoy the personal interactions with folk who express their interest in certain things.

If I mess up a trade I make sure you end up with something extra because that was a loss of time as well as card mix up or loss. I have never had a trade end with hard feelings due to this attempt to always set things straight. On the other hand you have people who will not do anything to help the situation and are antagonistic just wanting what they want and damn everything else, but that is the internet and that is humanity there are some fun people and some assholes.

So that said, I have over 100 positive feedback and I would like to think I am even more gregarious and engaged now than when I started.

Thanks all!
Amarus Cameron


(46 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I think you are forgetting the part where Midnight threatened JoeCat. Not cool.

Also, I think a post on here asking for help (if you don't know what the BTR forum is) is not an issue.


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have a flooded strand, bloodstained mire, and polluted delta, not exactly sure if I want to trade them but willing to listen to an offer if you are interested.


(46 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


Glad to see you took my advice and posted here, also thank you for letting us know which guy is the puke that is screwing with you. Ironically I have traded with Midnight as well, it's sad to see people take a turn to crime (that sounds so comic book lol) but it happens and it's important we nail his ass to the wall. Threats are not something to just be bandied about like they mean nothing. Hope you get your cards.

For all you other guys, he was gonna trade with me but abruptly cancelled and expressed his indignation that this site is full of scammers, I told him to make a post about it and ask for help (I don't know this info as much as others). Glad you all were here to prove that most of us are upstanding gentlemen and ladies.

Amarus Cameron


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Almost there folks, please keep the trades coming!


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Added more slivers to my need list. Toxin is a big one, gotta love that deathtouch


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Trade list updated, got Garruk and some EDH goodies, thanks guys!


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Friendly bump, goodmornign deckbox!


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

List updated again


(13 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Started conversation smile


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Lists updated, thanks for the trades people!


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Things are updated once again, thanks all for your time smile


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Has two mutavault big_smile


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Updated list!


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hey gents looking to rework my standard deck to include M14 stuff so this is what its gonna need.

Standard Needs:
Stomping Ground x2
Primeval Bounty x3

Isolated Chapel x4
Sunpetal Grove x3
Sanguine Bond x3
Xathrid Necromancer x1
Rise of the Dark Realms x1
Young Pyromancer x1
Witchstalker x2
List etc etc

Alright got every sliver I needed for my EDH Slivers, thanks ladies and gents. But I'm always willing to trade for EDH stuff so don't think I won't still listen to a trade smile

Thanks for your time!


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

This is the one with maze of ith correct?


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Morning Deckbox, is everyone ready to get their boxes of M14!?!

Yeah I want to run slivers but I have to admit this I need four of.