Damn! How much are those bloody hydra's worth?


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Started a conversation

How much do you value the foil preadatory sliver at?


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Jesse, just a note on fetch lands. Most people will only trade for other fetches, or an about 25% increase in value. It sucks for people like us who were not around in those blocks, but if you buy just one fetch land you can normally work trades to your favor and slowly build up your number.

Either way good luck! (free bump smile)

Gonna have to pass right now, one of the paths is in a deck and I would really only undeck it or a shock involved trade. (didn't realize I had one in a deck)

Sorry sad maybe another time

maybe, I'll take a look, but I'm dying for shocks traded too many away


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Got my token, now need the card smile

I have two paths, one conflux, one MM, are you willing to trade for a shock plus change?


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hey there, I have a sword of fire and Ice, as well as light and shadow, defense of the heart and some other stuff if you are interested


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Got the swords thanks guys, even a foil one too smile


(13 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

If the last guy trying to sell/trade me some falls through, I will hit you up. Otherwise I need to hold off, see how many I actually bought, put them in decks and see what's left.


(13 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Sounds good to me smile


(13 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Well I like all the zendikar artwork, and I save a bit of money each paycheck just for this sort of thing =P

I'm working on changing all basic lands to zendikar full art so if anyone has any they want to offload for cash or cards let me know big_smile


(13 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Don't care about lists, don't care what you have or don't have. I'll take the lot. Whatever isn't spoken for, I'll take it.


saw a sword of fire and ice on your wishlist, you still interested?

Title says it all, I'm trying get my dragon deck fitted out and the broodmother is pretty nice with its upkeep.

Sword of Light and Shadow (darksteel)
Sword of Fire and Ice (darksteel)
Defense of the Heart (Urza's Legacy)
and much more...

Dragon Broodmother
any shocks you have

As always, thanks for your time folks!

Bumpity bump


(19 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

They are both Darksteel, I'm not looking to trade the MM versions


(19 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I can see that, that is always something to experience for a time but the nobility of Athena as well as her loyalty to those she favors, and her wisdom and justice are to be admired and emulated. Athena, goddess of wisdom and war...that is what she is, that is what the car should be called. Would be cool.


(19 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

And it sounds like she will apparently be a new Elspeth. But that just kind of guts my hopes for an Athena planeswalker. She is my 'patron' Goddess so I was kinda hoping roll

I would like to see who they add as planeswalkers, and will they be one off side characters, or will they be added to canon and new adventure buddies. Elspeth always seemed secondary to me, but she is getting more play and added into new sets (apparently) where as we have not seen Nissa since Zendikar (don't spoil what happens to her I am reading the books right now and I'm in Shadowmoor) So on that note I wonder if Ral Zarek, Domri Rade, and Vraska the unseen; will be doing anything in the coming sets or will they just chill in Ravinca. I liked the idea of Vraska being a planar assassin for hire, so I would like to see a Vraska 2.0 sometime soon, if not in Theros than in the next set.

Just my thought.


(14 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Thanks a bunch, looking forward to it. Foiled EDH decks are clutch big_smile


(19 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Ok well then, I look forward to my Greek awesomeness.

They better have Athena as a goddess planeswalker White, blue, Red- that would be bloody awesome.


(19 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

UnstableFlux wrote:
AmarusCameron wrote:

So hey guys, busy morning, hows it going? Who is goign to the prerelease? I am! I know some people are like meh about M14 but I'm excited! Slivers are back, mutavault and thoughtseize and darksteel forge are in there! What's not to like!

No Thoughtseize sad

Awwww I totally thought they were reprinting it? Is it in the new Theros set?


(19 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

toastface wrote:

What version is your sword of fire and ice?

Darksteel, are you looking for one over the other?


(14 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


Do you have a portfolio to show off some of your work? I might be interested in this as well. And I would be paying cash.
