mtgtradingthread wrote:




(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

ShadowStrike14 wrote:

Came home from work today and sadly found water damage in the house. What is worse some of my husband's cards he had just traded for on here are water logged beyond saving. We do not know how or where the water originated from but he is pretty bummed out.

What was lost was:

1 x Purphoros, God of the Forge
2 x Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx

The other cards that were in the pile are little easier to obtain (Via order on tcg). But these three listed he wanted for a deck. I have a Liliana of the Veil nm and a FOIL Kor Spirit dancer up for trade for these cards. If I have to pull a little bit out of my tradelist I will. He doesn't really read the forums so he doesn't know I am doing this. Can anyone help?

Thank you for least taking the time to read.

don't have those cards but check my tradelist out, i'm interested in your lilly

grossoggodeckbox wrote:

I have a Tabernacle I'd be interested in trading for FBB duals.  Let me know if you'd like to see pics.

sorry i should have been more specific. Looking for modern modo staples

UnstableFlux wrote:

Interested in foil Mana Reflection if you see anything smile

do you have mtgo tix/staples or paypal?

I'm looking to trade for MTGO tix or modern staples on MTGO. All of my tradelist is available as well as certain parts of my inventory. Open a trade if you're interested!

hey i have an ajani and an oath. i started a trade

Helios52 wrote:

We saw how well the "community policed itself". Your right, there is nothing wrong with pointing out pricing details but after a while it devolves into senseless bantering. If someone wants to value card X at 5 when clearly is worth 10, then there doesnt need to be 50 posts about how can they undervalue card X and ripping people off. The lack of responses to that person's value offer should be a clear indication of that they need to adjust their value.

From a public POV, I think it was fine. All that happened in a few cases was people got (lightly) flamed. If we're talking about spam, there are way worse offenders and I think you know that. I don't really care as long as mods aren't editing posts every time someone gets their feelings hurt.


(25 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Take a look at my tradelist and let me know if you see anything.

Which uwr staples are you looking for?  I have some mesas if you're interested

I don't think this rule is necessary, the community can police itself. Obviously it's a problem if people are getting personal threats or whatever, but I don't see what the big deal is for pointing out pricing mistakes.

PS - when did you get made a mod flux? Did you get elected by the community?

I can make this happen, started a trade

started a trade for 2 wastelands


(52 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

UnstableFlux wrote:
fairportmagic wrote:

I will say this again, I'm allowed to value stuff at what I want to.

He is right and I will ask everyone to stop 'calling him out'. It is his own prerogative to trade/sell his cards at whatever value he sees fit. It is a buyers/trader prerogative to negotiate, privately, for a price they deem fair. Continued harassment by users will result in actions being taken.

Edit: I can spell.

He's ripping people off, and somehow that's OK because people have traded at the wrong price before (due to a bug in deckbox)? Getting called out as a lowballer is "harassment"?


(52 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

fairportmagic wrote:

dude I don't know why you are trying to make 15 cents sound like a huge deal. I'm just trying to find people that want to turn basic lands into format staples. Just because I refused to trade a deathrite for what you were offering. you wanted a $1 each when I stated here what I was willing to trade them at. My cards might as well have magical pixie dust on them because it turns cards that many people on here got one of in every booster pack they got for a 1 year period into format staples

For anyone who doesn't know, deckbox incorrectly displays prices for ZEN full art lands because it averages normal and full art variants from the set. If you're going to trade your lands, go look at the value on TCGPlayer. In many cases the LOW for full art lands is .90 or $1.

Oh and if anyone here wants, I'll trade for your full art ZEN lands at .80. And my tradelist has better stuff than this guy's.


(52 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

fairportmagic wrote:

oh no, possible geting 15 cent less for them when trading up for stuff like deathrite, foil shocks, hero's downfall, anger of the gods. You are the only one who seems to care

Yeah sure, everyone wants to take a 16% value cut to trade with you. Your cards have magic pixie dust on them or something?

opened a trade


(52 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

fairportmagic wrote:

When I say I value them at 75 cents each that's whet I'm willing to trade for them at. If you want something expensive like a foil shock-land I'm wiling to do it but I expect trade down value, me valuing them at 75 cents is not some sort of built in trade-down value. Trade down value is a common occurrence so don't act surprised

anyone who trades them at .75 is undervaluing them. Go look up full art zen lands on TCGPlayer. The minimum on most is .90.


(52 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

fairportmagic wrote:

bump pulled a deathrite and added it to tradelist

I have 70ish Chinese full art zen lands and 20 english ones I'd trade if you're willing to use tcgmid for everything.

Let me know if you're interested.


(40 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Lakaen wrote:

These fourms are a complete joke for selling things, they might be fine for trading,  but are full of suspicious assholes that constantly spam bullshit and bash people because they don't have dozens of trades and feedback, instead of asking real questions or possibly proposing a good solution all most assholes do is take time to call someone A dirty scammer with next to no evidence than " this kinda looks shady" you people make this group look like shit to anyone atempting to get decent value from their stuff, most of you are just sharks and complete rude assholes. I've tried to be nice, tried explaining thing, none of you read none of do anything but skim posts and make rude remarks. The thread is done, I learned my lesson I won't try to sell on this group again, if I have good stuff for sale I sure as hell won't be bringing it here.

These forums are for trading. Occasionally, things are sold, but by members of the community with a reputation and history. You came in asking  for a lot with no reputation. I don't think you should be surprised at the response you received.

interested in your Japanese Foil PrimeTime. Are you interested in a judge foil mire?


(14 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

WarLordUSA wrote:

mtgtradingthread - 2 Wastelands are equivalant in value of a Tundra so 1 Tundra for 2 of your wastelands?

Not interested in breaking the playset. LMK if you change your mind on paypal/tundra split.


(14 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have a playset of Wastelands if you're interested in doing a cash+trade deal. Probably looking for 50% split. LMK if you're interested

i'd post the link to the other site (MOTL?) in your op. Still don't know if anyone will simul-send to a person with 0 feedback.

bump. Also willing to trade for MTGO tix