Topic: Sad trend, new enforcement on harassing people about card valuation

Hello everyone,
Due to the recent and increasing occurrences of people being 'called out' because someone else doesn't agree with how they are valuing their cards, I am forced to make this post. It is the seller/trader's own prerogative to value his/her cards at whatever value they deem fit, and it is an interested buyer/trader's prerogative to privately negotiate for a price a they deem fit. Publicly 'calling out' or harassing someone in their thread because you don't agree with how that person is valuing their cards is poor judgement, harassment, and will no longer be tolerated in this community as it is causing many problems. I will start to enforce this if I continue to see it, first editing posts and giving out warnings, and after that taking it on a case-by-case basis. If you have any questions feel free to contact me directly.

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Re: Sad trend, new enforcement on harassing people about card valuation

Stickied this for now so everyone can read it, will remove it from being stickied in a couple days

Profile   |   Foil Traders Community
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Re: Sad trend, new enforcement on harassing people about card valuation

I would agree.  If someone doesn't want to pay a certain amount or trade at a certain value, they aren't adding anything valuable to the forum post by saying so.  Just  go about your business and leave the post alone.  If you are right about someone asking too much, the OP will get the hint when no one responds to their offer.

Re: Sad trend, new enforcement on harassing people about card valuation

I think this is a good rule, but as long as it's stickied you should probably make the thread topic a little more explicit about what the new rule is, to at least motivate people to read it.

Re: Sad trend, new enforcement on harassing people about card valuation

Couldn't agree more.  Too many threads devolve into senseless bickering because of posts of this nature.

Re: Sad trend, new enforcement on harassing people about card valuation

PhyrexianLibrarian wrote:

I think this is a good rule, but as long as it's stickied you should probably make the thread topic a little more explicit about what the new rule is, to at least motivate people to read it.

Fixed smile

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Re: Sad trend, new enforcement on harassing people about card valuation

I have had issues with this personally, I would like to think that I try my best to make everyone happy but sometimes it just doesn't work out, this is definitely a needed addition.

I would request that it should remain stickied in the form of a simple locked post on rules about valuation as this is a sore subject for a bunch of people (for some reason)

I mean recently I traded way over value for a card (stifle) but that is because it is old as hell and I valued it more than the modern cards being traded for it. But I know that if it had been backwards and I was asking for more value for the card some people would be offended rather than just say ok that's unfortunate and close the trade.

Profile     Tradelist     Wishlist

Always interested in expeditions, invocations, foil full art lands, and reserved list

Re: Sad trend, new enforcement on harassing people about card valuation

I don't think this rule is necessary, the community can police itself. Obviously it's a problem if people are getting personal threats or whatever, but I don't see what the big deal is for pointing out pricing mistakes.

PS - when did you get made a mod flux? Did you get elected by the community?

Last edited by mtgtradingthread (2013-11-05 12:58:46)

Re: Sad trend, new enforcement on harassing people about card valuation

mtgtradingthread wrote:

the community can police itself

This is exactly what we are trying to avoid. The community policing itself has shown very flawed and a lot of bad has come out of it. It's like the Wild West: With the appearance of no real consequences to anything said or done in the forums, people were becoming far too aggressive and menacing/flaming. The idea is we want an accountable, unbiased authority for someone to go to if they have any issues who can also monitor posts/threads. This is a friendly website/community and we want to keep it that way. As I say time and time again, it is each seller/trader's own prerogative to price/value their cards however they choose and the interested party's prerogative to offer or negotiate a price they deem fair. Calling someone out on how they value cards adds nothing positive to the community and often detracts from it, derailing topics/posts into pointless bickering. And no, I was appointed smile

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Re: Sad trend, new enforcement on harassing people about card valuation

We saw how well the "community policed itself". Your right, there is nothing wrong with pointing out pricing details but after a while it devolves into senseless bantering. If someone wants to value card X at 5 when clearly is worth 10, then there doesnt need to be 50 posts about how can they undervalue card X and ripping people off. The lack of responses to that person's value offer should be a clear indication of that they need to adjust their value.

Re: Sad trend, new enforcement on harassing people about card valuation

I think that the mods have this one spot on.

The ability for a group of people to police themselves means that there must be accountability to each other, which we don't have. Most of us don't really know one another other than through trade reputation, and when money(card value) is on the line, otherwise very nice people can become very pushy and insulting. The facelessness of a forum makes this much too easy. There must be accountability, the only way we can fairly have this is through moderators by acclimation and rules that universally enforced and leave little room for opinion.

Just my two cents.

Profile     Tradelist     Wishlist

Always interested in expeditions, invocations, foil full art lands, and reserved list

Re: Sad trend, new enforcement on harassing people about card valuation

I would have to agree with both mods and AmarusCameron.  There are so many resources out there for card pricing that flaming someone on the forum for their pricing practices does nothing but harm the community.  Alone ebay stands as a price grabber for most and I think that a lot of people utilize tcgplayer and the pricing on deckbox to make sure they are getting fair deals.  There can be also blame put on people who retaliate back on the comments in their posts as well.  Keep the responses civilized, explain your reasoning and move on.

Re: Sad trend, new enforcement on harassing people about card valuation

Helios52 wrote:

We saw how well the "community policed itself". Your right, there is nothing wrong with pointing out pricing details but after a while it devolves into senseless bantering. If someone wants to value card X at 5 when clearly is worth 10, then there doesnt need to be 50 posts about how can they undervalue card X and ripping people off. The lack of responses to that person's value offer should be a clear indication of that they need to adjust their value.

From a public POV, I think it was fine. All that happened in a few cases was people got (lightly) flamed. If we're talking about spam, there are way worse offenders and I think you know that. I don't really care as long as mods aren't editing posts every time someone gets their feelings hurt.

Re: Sad trend, new enforcement on harassing people about card valuation

Amen, cards aren't currency, they're only worth what people will hypothetically pay for them. Actual ££ is more valuable than cards anyway!!

Re: Sad trend, new enforcement on harassing people about card valuation

There is a significant difference between flaming and educating.  I suggest that a little education be allowed.  The 2ndary market is brutal - I found out first hand when I first attempted to sell my cards and was profoundly unsuccessful.  I see little reason why more experienced users of this forum can't impart wisdom to newer users.  It will increase the quality of posts in this forum and will save the time and effort of forum users attempting to sell their cards.  It will also help members sell cards more quickly.

Last edited by grossoggodeckbox (2013-12-08 03:16:25)

Re: Sad trend, new enforcement on harassing people about card valuation

I really do think that a separate thread, or better yet, a separate forum for people selling would honestly make a lot of difference here.  I think some people (myself included) get a bit frustrated wading through a bunch of people mindlessly bumping the same selling thread just to get to a few legitimate trading posts.  The result is people being more aggravated, and taking it out on a few sellers.

Maybe just a pipe dream, but it costs nothing and would do these forums a lot of good.

Re: Sad trend, new enforcement on harassing people about card valuation

There is already talks in the work with Sebi to create a "Selling Forum". Not sure when that will be but its in the near future.

Re: Sad trend, new enforcement on harassing people about card valuation

drgolovacroxby wrote:

I really do think that a separate thread, or better yet, a separate forum for people selling would honestly make a lot of difference here.  I think some people (myself included) get a bit frustrated wading through a bunch of people mindlessly bumping the same selling thread just to get to a few legitimate trading posts.  The result is people being more aggravated, and taking it out on a few sellers.

Maybe just a pipe dream, but it costs nothing and would do these forums a lot of good.

i can get behind something like that.  it would make it easier on everyone

Re: Sad trend, new enforcement on harassing people about card valuation

It even happens IRL. There was a guy who was hesitating of a junk for junk trade due to $.15. This is in the uk where that's like 10p. In the end when I was home I checked and he was vastly underestimating my cards and overestimating his cards. This is why I'm loving deckbox. Makes it a lot easier.

Re: Sad trend, new enforcement on harassing people about card valuation

I'm okay with this AS LONG AS the mods are clear about the difference between 'flaming' and constructive commentary.

I've been in a Facebook trading group where someone would post some cards to sell, asking basically SCG's prices. And it was considered 'flaming' to point out that I could find them cheaper elsewhere - doing so incurred a flock of harpies to descend, screeching and shrieking, "IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BUY THEN JUST DON'T REPLY". And that was a steaming pile of bullshit. So let's not do that.

Re: Sad trend, new enforcement on harassing people about card valuation

QED2 wrote:

I'm okay with this AS LONG AS the mods are clear about the difference between 'flaming' and constructive commentary.

As just one mod, I am well aware of the difference between flaming (multiple posts mentioning the same thing) and constructive commentary (post designed to gain insight, aid, or assist the original poster who many not be aware of the possibilities that exist).

Re: Sad trend, new enforcement on harassing people about card valuation

Hi QED2. I am sorry to hear you disagree with our stance on the issue, but we are more along the lines of the latter part of your statement. Even when people were trying to be constructive and say TCG sells this card for $x.xx lower than your price it still somehow ended up devolving into a flame-train. The policy we've had for a few months has worked well for us with no issues since implementation. We're not trying to prevent constructive comments, merely trying to keep the atmosphere here on deckbox and this community relaxed and friendly (Pretty much the 'Don't be a douche' rule). Constructive comments are welcome as long as they are not flaming or phishing as flame-bait, however if it does start to become an issue again actions will need to be taken, just as last time.

Example of the correct way to phrase price differences:
"Hey! I noticed you're selling for $x.xx more than TCG at the same condition. You might get more offers and interested buyers if you lower your price."

The wrong way to do it:
"Hey why do you think you can sell for $x.xx more than TCG?! Are your cards printed on gold or something?!"
"Good luck selling those when TCG is selling for $x.xx less"

Profile   |   Foil Traders Community
Free yourself from yourself

Re: Sad trend, new enforcement on harassing people about card valuation

<3 admins

Also sellers should not retaliate on such comments, don't take them so personally or as an attack, most people here on deckbox are friendly and are only trying to help or provide helpful information, although sometimes may not be worded in a way that is polite. 

I know I have had my differences of opinion on card prices and the best way I find is to be level headed, state your case, listen to what others have to say and to keep the bickering to the trade windows and not the forum, that way you don't have outside comments that just fuel the flames (if it comes to that). 

If a person does come across a comment such as "good luck selling at those prices" etc. either don't reply or simply reply with a thank you.

Re: Sad trend, new enforcement on harassing people about card valuation

Also I've noticed recently (see: since the implementation of this rule) that those trying to keep the please civil can at least remind those posting of the rule and most people will relax. This forum really is a cool place with chill people, if you try just a wee bit not to see everything as a personal attack then much of the forum noise becomes just that...noise. That way you can have awesome conversations with cool people who love magic just as much as you do.

(...ok, maybe not as much as you do...we get it, you like cards) tongue

But in all seriousness if people are not looking to take offense then the forum is a much cleaner place.

Profile     Tradelist     Wishlist

Always interested in expeditions, invocations, foil full art lands, and reserved list