Want to trade a Liliana of the Veil and a Thundermaw Hellkite for a Tamiyo + Emblem and a Snapcaster.

I haven't actually accused him of anything other than lying,  which he even admitted to (said he shipped out on the 5ht, then said he shipped out on the 16th.)  My friend works for the postal service and confirmed that from Snowblind's post office, the package would be driven directly to mine, the day they received it.

Edit:  I will, however, change the name of the post from "Warning: User possibly stealing"

We agreed to simultaneous shipping.  He originally said he was shipping on August 5th.  Then on August 19th he said he actually shipped on the 16th.  Have not received the cards yet.  Shipping should take 2-3 days because he lives less than an hour away.  I should have avoided this trader as the first trade I did with this user took extremely long, but not this long.

Below is the chat log... pretty much speaks for itself.

Snowblind1234    yeah man that'll work, i will have to recieve the cash before i ship the cards    04 Aug

Snowblind1234    $6*    04 Aug

Nahhnope    I'll drop it in the mail tomorrow. Could we ship at the same time? I've got quite a bit of feedback and you and I just finished up another trade.    04 Aug

Snowblind1234    oh yeah no shit, osry my minds kinda everywhere atm. yes ill sent them all out tomorrow    04 Aug

Nahhnope    Awesome, I appreciate it.    05 Aug

Snowblind1234    not a problem    05 Aug

Nahhnope    Shit, forgot my name on that address    05 Aug

Nahhnope    it's ***** ******    05 Aug

Snowblind1234    no worries, i keep trade logs    05 Aug

Nahhnope    can you verify your address, I don't keep track    05 Aug

Nahhnope    Hey man, can't ship until I've got an address    07 Aug

Snowblind1234    oh, sorry man, been losing track of time yeah    07 Aug

Nahhnope    Hey, have you sent the cards?    16 Aug

Nahhnope    Hello?    18 Aug

Nahhnope    Ignoring is not cool, it says the last time you've been online is today. I sent the money a week and a half ago and have heard nothing from you and according to this you haen't sent the cards.    19 Aug

Snowblind1234    wasnt ignoring you    19 Aug

Snowblind1234    but yes i have 3 days ago    19 Aug

Snowblind1234    sorry bout that    19 Aug

Nahhnope    3 days ago is not cool, we agreed to simultaneous shipping and I shipped a week before that.    20 Aug

Snowblind1234    ive been working on moving, sorry i couldnt do it sooner    20 Aug

Nahhnope    I sent the money two weeks ago, I'm positive it should have arrived within 3 days. Have you received it and not marked it?    22 Aug

Nahhnope    Still haven't received the cards. Can you please send my money back?    22 Aug

Nahhnope    Okay, first you said you were shipping on August 5th. You then said you shipped them out on August 16th. It is now August 24th. Please stop lying about when the cards are being sent out. I'm reporting this as mail fraud to the postal service and the authorities in a week unless I have received my money back.    00:47

Nahhnope    If you had truly sent them out on August 26th I would have received them within 2 days as we live 45 minutes away from each other.    00:48


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I want to buy your Snapcaster.  Can we make it happen?

I'm interested in purchasing your Snapcaster Mage and possibly your Tamiyo.  What are you looking for for them?  PM me.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Are you taking cash offers for singles?


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Looking for Griselbrand.  Check out my trade list to see if we can make a deal.


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Soooo, can we continue with our trade then?


(13 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


I have Dark Impostor and a foil Conjurer's Closet. Still looking?