ill buy the lili from you if you still have it

I have some nice legacy cards up for trade to try and put together some kind of modern jund/junk deck.  Cards for this here are the priority but id be willing to trade for most things on my list. Thanks!

i have an entire scapeshift deck id be willing to part with.

Just check out my wishlist and tradelist.  The things for legacy 4 color loam or the highest priority. The best stuff i have for trade includes: modern fetches, snapcasters, cryptic commands, filter lands, geist of st traft, and more.


[mtg][/mtg]Check out my tradelist for everything i have to trade. I have a full modern scapeshift deck for trade.  Not everything in it, is on my tradelist.  This is what i run for the most part and im willing to part with the majority of the deck. .  I have a few zendi fetches i could probably part with, as well as some shocklands if necessary.
Im looking to build towards my first legacy deck.
Thinks I need include:

3 dark confidants
4 knight of the reliquary
1 badlands *ACQUIRED*
1 bayou
2 grove of burnwillows
1 plateau
1 savannah
1 taiga
4 wastlands
2 wooded foothills
1 karakas
3 chalice of the voids
4 mox diamonds
4 burning wish *ACQUIRED*

actually my goblins i need are out of date. i pretty much need everything for legacy goblins except aether vials.
I think I have in there the things i need now.

check out my wishlist and tradelist.  I have an entire modern scapeshift deck with sideboard for trade, plus some other stuffs.   Here is the decklist i use for the most part

i have some things you want. you have some things i want. take a look.

i have extra verdants, and am in need of tarns.  Take a look to see if anything works for you.

After opening a box of zendikar I have 1 extra of the following: misty rainforest, marsh flats, and verdant catacombs.  I would like to trade these towards the other fetches i dont have a set of yet, which are scalding tarns and arid mesas.


(25 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

i would straight up buy one of your textless cryptic commands from you.

still for sale/trade

im leaning towards the rg tron side. and he named most of the money cards

Oh how i love owning these cards, but i need the cash, so im downgrading these.  They are all in sp/nm condition.  I think i want to play r/g and/or u/b tron instead so i would be willing to trade for the obvious cards in those decks.  Id probably just rather sell them outright though.  I have quite a bit of trade background here so dont be afraid smile  Taking all offers.



Modern Jund staples and Standard Jund stuff

* Dark Confidant
* kitchen finks
* manlands
* maelstrom pulse
* thoughtseize
* Deathrite Shaman
* bonfire
* mizzium mortars

notable haves:
* 4x snapcasters
* all of those damn swords. (fire and ice, light and shadow, etc.)

i got a couple restos, include a foil. need lili

yes im definitely down with trading for foils.  Just shoot me a trade/message to make things easier.



Haves.  Wanting to sell at competitive prices or trade.


4 scalding tarns, 1 damaged but playable

4 misty rainforest

2 breeding pool

1  cryptic command

2 vedalken shackles

1 vendilion clique

1 spell snare

4 FOIL delver of secrets

2 FOIL serum visions

1 spell pierce

2 remand

1 phyrexian altar

1 Hinterland harbor

5 beta islands

Would possibly trade for the right cards

4 snapcasters



Cards i dont have to fill out  this deck. including:

abrupt decay

blood crypt

Overgrown Tomb

Bonfire of the damned



Rakdos's return



Woodland cemetary

Liliana of the veil

Also looking for:

Dark Confidant

Maelstrom pulse


Kitchen finks

Arid Mesa

Verdant Catacombs.

Take a look at my lists and let me know.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

i have 4 lackeys for trade


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

everyone wants these right now. i was forced to buy foils from starcity games because regular ones are out of stock everywhere.


(13 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

this is hilarious


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

i might want to pick one up. i have an overgrown tomb if you're interested

i dont disagree with you. The fetches will most likely only go up, and the cards I had listed will probably only go down.  But i dont think it is fair to trade purely on speculated future value.  I was expecting to trade down in current value though with these because of all the facts you stated.

tarns at $40? i lol'd. Even starcitygames, which is usually on the higher end of prices, has arid at $10 and tarn at $15, and they have plenty in stock.