(8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Sebi addressed the $0 thing earlier, at least. If a card is listed at $0, you can't add it to a cart - it treats it the same way as N/A. Still, I'd like a "safety valve". Perhaps have the chat functionality but make the transcript public? Have some record viewable so that sellers who are playing the spec market and cancel stuff during a price spike can get called out on it.


(8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yeah, I agree but I'm not sure how to handle that. Maybe track cancelled sales arrangements the way we do with trades?


(8 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

If possible, could we implement a multi-step sale process, similar to trading? Buyer sends an order, we review the order and then accept it. Right now the order just goes straight to fulfillment. I would like an extra step where I receive the order, and then confirm/accept the order along with the chat functionality from the trade interface (sometimes buyers are looking for things that can't be listed on inventory, as well). That way, the seller has the ability to confirm card condition, etc.

edit: and a way to clear all prices that we've set, returning the tradelist contents to N/A?


(11 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Kammikaze wrote:


There is an option to disable your seller account. Under Edit Profile there is a checkbox for "Vacation Mode." This will disable anyone from sending trades or buying cards from you. Obviously this also affects your trades while checked, but if you notice some of your prices are wrong you can check it long enough to set them correctly.

That's the issue, though, is that it affects in-progress trades, too. sad Hopefully, down the line, there will be a bit of separation between the selling and trading sides.


(11 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

atomicashes wrote:

Thank you for letting me know. That seems like something that should never happen. Looks like if I click N/A by mistake and don't enter anything it defaults to 0 instead of staying N/A.

That's what mine looks like as well. Fixing that. Thanks for the heads-up!

They need a "disable seller account button" for the time being.


(11 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I have an open order placed by user rfioren that neither of us can view. We get dumped to an error page. I am assuming that error gets logged on your end, but I figured I'd post here in case others are having issues with the new system.


For those who trade often I highly recommend buying bulk mailers through Amazon. STOP BUYING THEM AT THE POST OFFICE. You're spending a buck or more just on the envelope!

Personally, I am using rigid CD mailers. I have been using these which cost me about 0.15 each. You can get kraft bubble mailers for about the same price.

I have sent a little over a hundred packages over the past year (here, other forums, and eBay) and have yet to have anything arrive damaged. Because they are rigid/square, they're non-machineable (just like bubble mailers), so if you're going straight up first-class postage stamps, you will probably need an extra 0.20 stamp. In the long-run this will save you a ton of money on trades. I prefer the rigid ones over the bubble mailers because it's easier to handle 10-20 of them - they aren't as bulky and are faster to throw labels on.

If you're printing postage (like through eBay or Paypal click-n-ship, it takes two seconds to tape the label to the mailer and there's no need to hit a post office.

I am looking for some near-mint empty fat pack boxes for the following sets:

New Phyrexia
Mirrodin Besieged
Scars of Mirrodin
Rise of the Eldrazi

More than willing to trade cards for them (within reason, of course). My tradelist.


(10 replies, posted in Announcements)

Excellent! Thanks a lot!


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Yeah, the import/export feature needs a few things - text delimiters and unicode support among them.

Would it be possible to implement the Deck Count column in inventory CSV exports? I apologize if this dead horse has already been beaten.


(4 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

A bunch of rows were improperly formatted, and some of the column headers weren't properly delineated. I made some corrections - don't worry, I didn't remove any cards. See if you can import this one.


(150 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Could we have "Deck Count" column added to inventory export options?


(150 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Zooligan wrote:

I believe there was talk a while ago of a feature being added where one could search for specific trades (e.g.; I've got Ral Zarek, I want Voice of Resurgence).  Is this anywhere near to becoming a reality?

This would be the single most useful feature, for me, coupled with the ability to filter people based on trade parameters such as trade region (local/country/world), latest activity, and sort by the number of cards I can give.

I can confirm the issue w/ Searing Spear. I thought I was losing my mind smile

edit: Other cards that break it are Experiment One, Mizzium Mortars, Zhur-Taa Druid.