(16 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

See anything in my list for your foil Bribery? Thanks.

Let me know if you'd like to trade for any of my foil wants:

Foil Temples (other than Abandon)
Fated Retribution
Courser of Kruphix
Lots more in my wishlist...

Thanks for looking!

I have a bunch of random stuff in my tradelist.  Always looking for cool foils.  Start up a trade if you see something interesting!


(12 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

bighappyblocker wrote:

#shrug just see all these random number prices everywhere and I find it mildly disturbing that its not even.

If you're selling a lot of cards and take $2 off each for an even price, then you're out a lot of money.  Selling cards is all about making sure you get every dollar you can.  $2 is 4.76% of $42 - that is a non-trivial amount and will add up really quickly as lost money over the course of multiple sales.


Duel: : a fight between two people that includes the use of weapons (such as guns or swords) and that usually happens while other people watch

: a situation in which two people or groups argue or compete with each other

Dual: : having two different parts, uses, etc.

: having two of something


Also have foil Stoneforge, foil MPR Wasteland, Timetwister, Forcefield, Gauntlet of Might, many other high end foils not listed.

Let me know what you are looking to trade your beta duals for - we can probably work something out.

My tradelist is mostly EDH stuff, started discussion.


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

All my EDH decks would have foil Mirage lands if they were available. They would be so beautiful hmm


(11 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Saw your post on Facebook.  Looks like SCG wants to buy this card for $2000

https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid … amp;type=1

Picture of the back:
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid … amp;type=1


(11 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

asrttyoxo wrote:

Do all Beta cards have that double border thing going on?  You can definitely see something at each of the "inner" corners.

Yes, they do.  That looks like a real beta sea, based on the dot pattern and the shape of the corners.


(11 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

That is a nice EX sea you have (images of the back of the card pending).  Are you looking to trade it?  If so, what sort of things are you looking for? FBB duals? High end legacy foils?  Please let me know.

Trading duels for dual lands?


(11 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have a NM foil Rishadan Port, sealed in bag NM foil MPR Wasteland, and a NM foil Stoneforge (not listed in my Deckbox) I could trade for the Time Walk.  Are pics of the Time Walk available?


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Good call. Look what happened in Atlanta a few weeks ago. People were stranded in their cars for 18 hours!  Because of a couple inches of snow and tons of ice.

Started a trade discussion.

Want stuff off my wishlist.  Start up a trade if you're interested, thanks!


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Shoot me a trade if you have a foil Purphoros, we can prob make something work out!


I have a foil Grand Arbiter.  Would you be interested in including it in a trade for your foil Purphoros?  Thanks!

Hello everyone.  I have a lot of cards I'm not using.  Drop me a trade if I have something you are interested in and I'll check your tradelist.  Most of the cards on my wishlist are foils, but I'm looking for other cards that aren't in my wishlist as well.  Thanks!

Kammikaze wrote:

Any interest in a foil 8th edition Bribery?

I'm interested in 8th.  Let me know in a trade discussion what you're looking for if I don't have anything you like in my tradelist.  Thanks and sorry to hijack the thread.

Started trade discussion

Skylizard wrote:

Do you have a list of the foils you're looking for? I have far too many to list

Yeah, most of the cards on my wishlist are foils. Thanks for getting back to me.

I only see a foil Kataki in your tradelist.  Always looking for deals on EDH foils.


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

MTGtradingthread has 4x listed in that price range somewhere in another post on this board.