Let's see some more offers--still waiting to get rid of these duals! smile

namartia wrote:

Are you interested in foils the other cards as well or just the ones selected.

Have foil steam vents (rtr) and foil mizzium mortars.

I'm interested in any foil versions of the shocks I have listed, but not the mortars.

Trade started for my Kitchen Finks.

New to deckbox, but not to online trading. All of my cards for trade appear in my tradelist. My list is constantly updated, so be sure to check frequently! Let me know if there's anything you're interested in trading for. I'm always happy to look at lists.

I am particularly interested in trading for these cards:

xX Steam Vents
xX Hallowed Fountain
xX Overgrown Tomb
4x Scalding Tarn
4x Misty Rainforest
4x Verdant Catacombs
4x Arid Mesa

xX Supreme Verdict
xX Mizzium Mortars
xX Detention Sphere
xX Abrupt Decay (Foils as well!)
4x Deathrite Shaman (Foils as well!)
4x Liliana of the Veil

I do have Duals available (Plateau and Badlands currently), but I will expect more value if I'm trading these towards Standard cards.

I also am always interested in buying collections. If you're looking to get out of paper MTG (or Magic in general, heaven forbid tongue) and want to save the time and hassle of selling your cards one by one on Ebay, send me your list! I'd be happy to appraise your lot and give you a cash offer for it.

Thanks for looking.

I could do $300 via Paypal gift for the lot minus the Bloodbraid Elf and the Selesnya Charm. I have cash in hand; LMK.