Needing any Stomping Grounds? I need 4 thragtusks? Maybe we could make a deal?

Offer sent.

I have two lili's I can trade. I'll send you a trade this evening.

I started a discussion I think. Hopefully anyways.

Is your wishlist up to date?

Are you still looking for the stuff in your wishlist too? I have a grove and other stuff if so.

Ever have any problems trading to the U.S.? I have never traded to Canada before but have several things on your wish list

Sent you a trade request! Take a look!

Promo ok? Or just a regular version?

Offer sent.

Ok. Let me get home at lunch and double check to see if I still have two. I know I have one.

Could you do my 2 foothills for your two tarns?

I have a ton of stuff you need for legacy. Anything in inventory for trade smile

So you are able to trade out of inventory then?


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Let me take a look I have all of that stuff smile

Need swamp fetchlands of any flavor.

Have 4 Angels 1 Boros Reckoner just looking at lists and hoping to get some other sweet cards! Lets trade!

What do you value the emblems at? I have the Tamiyo and Sorin ones.

Ahh. I hope that's not the case sad


So I'm looking to trade my nm Volcanic Islands and most of my inventory for Legacy Reanimator. I need Underground seas and the ub fetches from Onslaught. I know I won't get the whole deck but I'd like to get a jump on it. Thanks for looking.


(2 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Welcome to the site sir!

Alright I got a trade started.

Got 2 champions and 1 clifftop retreat I'm looking to trade off. Looking for cheap reanimator stuff or cheap modern stuff. I guess just shoot me a message or an offer and I'll take a look smile

Also a Boros Reckoner! Get them while they are hot!

Got 2 champions and 1 clifftop retreat I'm looking to trade off. Looking for cheap reanimator stuff or cheap modern stuff. I guess just shoot me a message or an offer and I'll take a look smile

Also a Boros Reckoner! Get them while they are hot!