Trade sent your way.

Trade discussion started.

Looking to complete my 40 shocks. Additionally I need the following cards at the highest priority:

4x Hero's Downfall
3x Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver

Lower Priority:
4x Stormbreath Dragon
1x Elspeth, Sun's Champion
4x Thoughtseize (Theros Only)

Depending on the priority of the cards I'm after, I AM willing to trade out of inventory and even throw cash into the trade if necessary. I prefer to trade shocks for other shocks or towards my higher value items only. As always, please start up a trade even if you think it might not work out, I'm happy to at least give it a shot!

Edit: Update list

Conversation started


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morning bump


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Theros Wishlist

Looking to pick these cards up. Please open a trade if you end up with any of these cards, excited to get them!


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joecat wrote:

This is a mediocre standard card, but a monster in edh. I see this getting some play in orzhov decks not much past that.

I'm guessing you meant this for the Elspeth discussion, as there's no possible way anything in those two sentences pertains to this thread smile

Thanks for the bump all the same! tongue


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I'd offer 75 for both. let me know if you're interested.

flamingokevin wrote:

I would offer 60 each

I would take this offer and run as hard and fast as you possibly can.

Discussion started.

nsongster wrote:
blackdog_9 wrote:

I'm positive that you went a bought 12 copies of the game for each platform so you could get your hands on 12 Scavenging Oozes, Slivers and Ogres, right?

You're a selfish jerkoff and your greed is a detriment to this game and this community.

Don't trade with this guy.


scamming promos is a drain on the entire community from stores to players

Boom. Roasted.

bgp5009 wrote:

Is it just me or is ops behaviour making it seem more and more like they're mapped?

How is being upset at people spamming my trade thread shady behavior? Everyone and their mother knows about pack mapping. Why is it so important for people to come in here and spam my thread with useless info that people already understand as a risk? I don't go into every single trade thread here and post a message stating that OP's cards could be counterfeit, but that would be just as useful as these people saying these packs could be mapped. There's absolutely nothing in my "behavior" that should suggest these are mapped. Being upset at spam is a completely reasonable reaction. Now stop adding to the spam please.

asmodeanreborn wrote:
jagerads wrote:
lazarofn wrote:

Unfortunately with box mapping being a thing, it is going to be hard to convince people to trade for these at face value

Totally would make sense for me to have mapped a dozen packs over 6 sets. Thank you for your concern.

I don't think he was accusing you - he was probably just saying that if you have loose packs without stating where they came from, there's always a significant risk they were mapped before you even got them.

I highly doubt there's a source I could get these from that would at all ease people's minds about whether or not they were mapped. What's the point of suggesting any of this if the answer doesn't matter? Additionally, I never said I'm using the retail price as the value. I said I was using them as a rough estimate and am willing to negotiate. I don't really appreciate the spam in the thread.