Opened a discussion. big_smile

Thanks for the responses folks.  Happy to know that people are seeing this. big_smile

I just don't want anyone to get screwed over during the holiday season. smile



Hey there folks!

As we are nearing the end of the year, we are presented with a couple of our (for most of us) favorite holidays!  Christmas and New Year's Eve bring a lot of fun times, but they also bring something else... mail delays!

If you aren't aware of this already, over the next six to eight weeks, please be advised that there can, and will be delays in mail delivery, as there is a large rush of gifts being mailed, parcel and letter alike!  This may also bring a higher than normal chance that mail could be lost in the process.

If you plan to continue business as usual, it would be in both parties best interest to ensure tracking is used on any trade made until the new year.

Just thought to let everyone know.  Have a good day everyone!  Happy trading!

I have a fair bit of what's on your wishlist, but not necessarily in this thread.  Opened a discussion. smile





Afternoon bump! big_smile


Looking to get 3 Mutavault, among other things!

Hit up my profile/tradelist to see is anything catches your eye, and shoot me a trade offer if you're interested in working out a deal!




(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm in the beta for Hearthstone.  Overall, the game is pretty simple to learn.  The mechanics are similar to Magic, and those that aren't are easy to accommodate to.  The card pool is pretty small, but large enough to have at least some variety among different decks.  So far, there are at least three "tribes" in way of creatures; Murlocs, Pirates, and Beasts.  I hesitate to include Beasts, as they are majorly Hunter specific, but the other two are class neutral.  Class balance is still a little bit off, and every now and then you'll see a trend of one class pulling ahead in terms of dominance and overall performance. 

Grinding for cards is at times tedious, as there aren't enough ways to earn enough gold to buy a pack a day, unless you grind games heavily and have a high win ratio.  Heading in to arena can prove to be a great, or horrible experience, as card pools seem to lean towards one extreme or another at the moment(from my experience).  You either get a very good card pool for your class, or you get a terrible pool for your class that another class would fare much better with.  However, regardless of how you place, you will be rewarded, and for that I find it encouraging, and don't see any reason to use the gold for anything but rolling around in the arena.  It feels a bit like doing a booster draft each time I pay up for it, which is helpful either way I look at it.

Overall, I'm impressed with the game.  For a small production team, they've created a pretty solid piece of software that is pretty enjoyable.  the only thing I'm wishing is that they would give in and incorporate chat rooms and/or a private message system that can be used out of game to communicate with people you have just played with.  I have had some amazing games on Hearthstone, and it bothers me that all I can do is toss out a "well played" emote.

I'm looking forward to seeing how they handle content post release, and seeing if they can keep up with the demand for refinement and improvement.  Producing new "sets" of cards will be one of the harder things for the Hearthstone team to do.  I'm also hoping that they decide to release a mobile game, as that would attract a massive crowd.  I know that if it were available for a mobile device, I would be sure to play it whenever I had downtime, as it's easily the most entertaining option out there for a possible mobile game.

GalisDraeKon wrote:

I thought people from Canada were supposed to be friendly...

I know I am! I can't speak for most other Canadians, though. cool


(4 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I don't know about you, but my Selesnya aggro came in second at my last FNM.  Devotion is its own worst enemy, really.  Mirror matches tend to weed them out early on, and I've been able to overcome Mono Black Devotion before with my deck.  It's not easy, mind you, but it's not terribly difficult, either.

Mike_Machine wrote:

Worst of all, in the recent thread where he started fighting with Kei_Asaki (James), I must say that Kei_Asaki is probably one of the nicest, friendliest traders on deckbox. I have traded with him multiple times, and even one time where I asked him if he would be willing to make a consideration after we had a committed trade and he was accommodating and friendly.

Careful now, I plan to slow down/take a break when it hits December.  I don't want TOO many new offers during that month (postal rush during Christmas, resulting in horrid delays and a much higher chance than normal of mail going missing... does not make me happy. sad). tongue

I am honestly torn on the ban decision concerning the main problem user mentioned in this thread.  When I first encountered him, he was incredibly abrasive and, well... terribly unpleasant.  However, after his suspension, I ended up engaging him in a trade and chatting with him a bit. I have a feeling that he's been a bit misunderstood.  He is aggressive, and a bit short tempered, but overall I don't think he was a bad guy.  That's just been my experience, though.  As Sebi had said, there were many occasions that there were issues being raised with him.  It is unfortunate, as he seemed like a decent guy once I got to know him a bit, but I guess he didn't take suggestions and advice to heart and just kept on as he was. hmm

Overall, I do believe that it's a good move to increase the standards of behavior on this site.  Better trades, better communications, and repeat business always come from pleasant interactions. smile

I've got one (oddly enough, snagged up on impulse from another trader) for trade.  Toss me an offer and we'll see if we can work something out. smile

marcotf10 wrote:

I disagree, I have Nykthos, sarkhan and maze and mb a temple of silence.

The Nykthos is tempting, but I didn't see the Sarkhan since it wasn't on your tradelist (found it in your inventory, though).  I would be interested in working something out for those two if you see anything that interests you.

And up.  Still looking for these two lonely cards. sad


marcotf10 wrote:

I do have a lot of that stuff but I can't find anything that suits me in your tradelist. Can you check my wants and see if you might have any of it?

I took a look, but I didn't see anything that I might have that you're after.  Unfortunately, you don't have what I'm immediately looking for, either. sad


Ping for exposure!
