51 2013-09-25 00:51:35
Re: H: Lifebane, Archangel, Fiendslayer, etc. W: Domri, shocks (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
52 2013-09-24 18:40:46
Re: {W} 4x Fifth Dawn Magma Jet {H} 4x Theros Magma Jet (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Haha, I feel you on that Fifth Dawn thing. I started playing in Onslaught but didn't truly get into the game until the Darksteel block. My first booster pack ever was 5th dawn and I pulled a Bringer of the Green Dawn :')
53 2013-09-24 03:23:06
Re: [H] Domri, Remand, Entomb, EDH [W]: Thoughtseize, Thassa, Ashiok (2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Are you willing to trade your Domri's for anything else? I don't have any Theros but I am trying to put together a playset of Domri's.
54 2013-09-23 21:34:58
Topic: H: Lifebane, Archangel, Fiendslayer, etc. W: Domri, shocks (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Hey all, I have a bunch of standard cards. Most notably I have:
Lifebane Zombie x4
Fiendslayer Paladin x4
Archangel of thune x1
Garruk, Caller of Beasts x1
Primeval Bounty x1
Shadowborn Demon x1
Other semi-valuable standard cards
I want:
Domri x4
Stomping Ground x1
Sacred Foundry x4
Temple Garden x4.
Original version of shocks preferred but not necessarily required. Shoot me a trade!
56 2013-09-22 02:39:50
Topic: W: Domri H: Inventory (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Titles says it all pretty much. Would be willing to trade out of inventory (please don't bring up fetches) for Domri's Potentially.
57 2013-09-04 19:47:15
Topic: W: Domri H: Inventory (0 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Hey all, I'm looking to pick up a playset of Domri (not necessarily all in one trade).
I'm also looking for:
Stomping Ground x 3 (prefer original rav version but new version is alright as well)
Overgrown Tomb x 3 (same as stomping ground)
Blood Crypt x 3 (same as stomping ground)
Verdant Catacombs x 1
Fulminator Mage x 1
Listed in no particular order. Just open up a trade or leave a reply here. Open to all offers.
58 2013-09-04 05:53:20
Topic: W: Inside H: inventory (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Hey all,
I'm looking for some cards I think I will enjoy playing.
I need the following:
Domri Rade x4
Stomping ground x3 (prefer original rav but will take new)
Verdant catacombs x1
Fulminator Mage x1
Blood crypt x3
Overgrown tomb x3
The cards are listed in no particular order of desire. Leave a post here or open up a trade! Thanks
59 2013-08-30 04:17:33
Topic: W: Some various Cards H: Tradelist (1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Hey all, I'm looking for a few cards to finish up a deck.
Priority numero uno is picking up a Verdant Catacombs and a Fulminator Mage.
I also need a Beast Within and 4 Ricochet traps.
Any other cards on my wishlist would be considered too but those receive priority.
60 2013-08-25 06:38:26
Re: FTV and Legacy Pox pieces for sale/trade (46 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Open up a trade and we can talk
61 2013-08-25 03:23:47
Re: FTV and Legacy Pox pieces for sale/trade (46 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
I'd be interested in the Ink-Eyes.
62 2013-08-18 19:00:19
Topic: W: Original Shocks H: Stuff (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Hey all. I'm interested in a Original Overgrown Tomb and an Original Blood Crypt. I have a RTR Blood Crypt to trade + value if that interests you. I'm also interested in any other original shocks, just less of a priority.
63 2013-08-17 03:33:08
Re: W: Copperline gorge, Blackcleave Cliffs, Verdant Catacombs (2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Open a trade and we can discuss it. It's a possibility.
64 2013-08-16 17:47:00
Topic: W: Copperline gorge, Blackcleave Cliffs, Verdant Catacombs (2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Hey all.
I'm looking for 3 copperline gorge, 2 Blackcleave cliffs, and 2 Verdant catacombs. I'm willing to trade out of inventory for the Verdants. Would be interested in foreign versions of these cards as well! Open up a trade or leave a post here!
66 2013-08-14 09:25:40
Re: W: Original Shocks (4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Commander, Open a trade and send me some pictures. If the Shrine is in good condition then we can continue from there.
BlackMage, As for the Marsh Flat, I'm wanting to swap that for a Verdant Catacombs. But if there is other stuff you are interested in then yes, I'd be willing to trade for your Fountain.
67 2013-08-14 04:28:54
Re: H: NM Force of Will W: Verdant catacombs (2 replies, posted in Legacy Traders)
Open up a trade and we can discuss it!
68 2013-08-14 03:27:27
Topic: W: Original Shocks (0 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Hey all,
As the title says I'm looking for any original shock lands. NM or SP at worst. Depending on the trade I might be willing to trade out of inventory so it never hurts to ask.
I've been getting a lot of offers for my Force of Will but I will not trade it unless the trade involves 1-2 Verdant catacombs (most likely 2). Just a heads up.
Other than that just open up a trade with me and let's see if we can work something out!
69 2013-08-14 03:02:10
Topic: W: Original Shocks (4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Hey all,
As the title says I'm looking for any original shock lands. NM or SP at worst. Depending on the trade I might be willing to trade out of inventory so it never hurts to ask.
I've been getting a lot of offers for my Force of Will but I will not trade it unless the trade involves 1-2 Verdant catacombs (most likely 2). Just a heads up.
Other than that just open up a trade with me and let's see if we can work something out!
70 2013-08-14 00:13:46
Topic: H: NM Force of Will W: Verdant catacombs (2 replies, posted in Legacy Traders)
Hey all, as the title says. I'm interested in getting at least 2 catacombs for it. More if I have extra stuff you want! Open up a trade and let's see if we can work something out. I would also be interested in a sealed box of MM and thirdly I would be Interested in other fetch lands.
Thanks for your interest!
71 2013-08-12 21:08:41
Topic: Looking for Verdant Catacombs! (0 replies, posted in Trading Post)
I'm looking for a playset of Verdant Catacombs. They don't have to be all in one trade. Just having a hard time finding them for trade.
72 2013-08-10 22:43:35
Topic: H: NM FoW W: Tradelists! (3 replies, posted in Legacy Traders)
I'm not quite sure what I want for this card. Open up trades and maybe we can work something out!
73 2013-08-10 01:46:48
Topic: H: Marsh Flats W: Verdant Catabombs (0 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Title says it all! Open up a trade and let's see if we can work something out.
74 2013-08-10 01:02:07
Topic: H: Marsh Flats W: Verdant Catabombs (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Title says it all! Open up a trade and let's see if we can work something out!
75 2013-08-07 19:41:47
Topic: W: Verdant Catacombs/Fulminator Mage H: Tradelist/inventory! (0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)
Hey all! I'm looking for a couple of cards to help finish up my living end deck. I am in need of:
4 x Verdant Catacombs
1 x Fulminator Mage
I am ALSO looking for an unopened box of Modern Master to do a going away draft with my friends before we all head off for college. Tell me if you have one and we'll see if we can work something out!