Topic: W: Copperline gorge, Blackcleave Cliffs, Verdant Catacombs

Hey all.

I'm looking for 3 copperline gorge, 2 Blackcleave cliffs, and 2 Verdant catacombs. I'm willing to trade out of inventory for the Verdants. Would be interested in foreign versions of these cards as well! Open up a trade or leave a post here!

Re: W: Copperline gorge, Blackcleave Cliffs, Verdant Catacombs

Pretty sure I have 3 gorges and 2 cliffs, 1 foil of each... Would you be willing to trade out of inventory for them cause I didn't really see anything I need or want on your trade list.

Re: W: Copperline gorge, Blackcleave Cliffs, Verdant Catacombs

Open a trade and we can discuss it. It's a possibility.