(8 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Spreading Seas does look better than Stratus Walk and Sea's Claim however, it would just be another card I would have to proxy since I don't have a job currently and need to save so much of my money for meds and school and everything else, but the suggestions are nice and something for me to keep in mind. I would probably keep Wavecrash Triton in and figure out something else to trigger his Heroic ability so I can tap creatures down when I need to, however, now that I think about it, Merrow Reejerey does seem to be a better fit for that kind of thing.


(8 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Fair enough. And I wish I had the money for my legacy deck. >.>" but I still haven't even figured out how to make it all work together and stay at 60 cards.


I started it by trying to make it an Angel legacy deck, but then I was taken in by the idea of Elves and somehow I started trying to combine the two... That link is for my Legacy decklist and what I've done so far... I'm trying to stay away from it before I get so engrossed in working with it that I spend hours and miss my finals.


(8 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

I really like your take on it and I can see how dropping some of the Heroic stuff I have (mostly for draw power, but that's a little bit redundant) and my only thing is I don't exactly have a budget for most of that. But I would, at some point, like to have a few Lord of Atlantis and Merrow Reejery as well as the Coralhelm Commander and I would take out the Triton Tactics and probably the Cancels as well as the Spellbook and Nyxborn Triton To fit those in. Plus, it probably wouldn't hurt to have Aether Vial and Sea's Claim to help make the deck win. I mean, Merfolk is really hard to go over 3-4 drop mana curve unless you throw in like Frostwind Invoker and Gravelgill Axeshark, although not entirely sure why a person would do that, nor the 6 drop Merfolk that came out sometime during the RTR block.


(8 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

http://deckbox.org/sets/630463 <-- the link to the decklist.

I have a mono blue merfolk deck, and I'm wondering what should go in and what should come out. I looked through the list of mono blue merfolk on gatherer.wizards.com which was really helpful, but my problem with deckbuilding is that I get to the point where I like the deck as it is and I don't know what to take out because of the combinations I see. Spellbook is in there but not necessary because that's just a fuck it I can have as many cards in my hand as I want, plus I'm not even sure if its legal in Modern.

Any help is welcome, just as long as its not being given in a mean way.


(14 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Okay, so I need one of each of the guildgates and a Maze's End, other than that I need Cathars' Crusade, Test of Endurance, Mayael's Aria, Descendants' Path, Darksteel Reactor, Manalith, Ashnod's Altar, Fellwar Stone, Culling Dais, Day of Judgement, Fabricate, Perilous Research, Aegis Angel, Treasure Mage, Avian Changeling, Serra Avenger, Angelic Page, Angelic Curator, and Viscera Seer.


(14 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TRZ wrote:

I've fiddled for abit now. I dont think this is ideal but I personally like this alittle more. I focused more on gaining life, making some tokens and then getting a wierd win con.


you have more artifacts and ways to get key artifacts. Ways to sac out Child to Wipe the board when you're in a pinch and I got rid of some of the cards that need more mana to do things since you dont ramp very hard. I removed singularity and Heroes podium, its a neat combo but a bunch of your stuff benefits from generating tokens and tokens dont like Singularity. I think it could be a pretty wicked theme for another deck though!

I tried to stick to stuff that was in the $1-2 or less range since it sounds like you have a reasonable budget and these are the sort of pieces that are easy to pick up in the long run.

You can see a few pieces in the sideboard that I thought about but eventually decided to cut when push came to shove (also I put your commander in there so I didnt accidentally cut it!)  Obviously it still needs fine tuning but I think its a nice solid start that will synergize alittle better than what you had going on before.

Hmm... I like a lot of what you did. At this point in time, it would mean figuring out what you took out (which shouldn't be too hard) and making proxies for the things i don't have. I really appreciate the help, and while I understand that Jenara, Asura of War could possibly be a better commander, it would mean taking out red and black, which, while not entirely necessary, means I wouldn't be able to use Child of Alara's ability if necessary. I literally built this deck on a whim, and I'm surprised people are saying it looks pretty good, even some at the nearby card shop.


(14 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Part of the reason I'm not using Maelstrom Archangel as my commander is the fact that she's not legendary, although I would like her in my deck. Anyways, Leyline of Singularity combined with Heroes' Podium is sort of what I'm going for, seeing as I don't have a Coat of Arms. That and the fact that Jenara, Asura of War is about 10$ from the nearest card shop. And several of the cards you suggested like Cryptic Gateway, Clone Shell, Summoner's Egg, Reshape, Aegis Angel, Quicksilver Amulet and possibly, though not entirely, Darksteel Plate I agree that they would all make nice additions. Because my EDH currently don't have many wincons if things can't get out fast or my mana basis (aka Chromatic Lantern, Sol Ring and Pristine Talisman don't come out soon.

And specifics are always nice, because it helps me see what others see. Plus, I don't mind if people look at my other decks (including my outrageously stupid Legacy deck I'm sort of coming up with, but can't quite figure out what I want it to do yet, even though I have none of the cards for it except one. Its just an idea thing.)

Plus, none of my decks are capable of being able to sac a creature like for instance Culling Dais Ashnod's Alter and Viscera Seer because that mechanic is simply not found room for.


(14 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

TRZ wrote:

Im going to go out on a limb and say that your deck there is more about Angels than the commander is that right?

Yes, and I mentioned that in the second sentence. Its more of a stupid deck than anything, seeing as I don't think, even with as long as some EDH games can take, that it will ever win unless the opponent makes a mistake somewhere or something.


(14 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Hey, I'm new to the EDH format but I do have a really silly EDH. The commander is Child of Alara and its based, more or less, around angels.

http://deckbox.org/sets/628450 <-- the deck. Any and all opinions as well as things to take out or put in are welcome, but please don't hate. Like I said, I have more experience with playing in Standard than EDH, and I'm also not the greatest of deckbuilders.