(21 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'll do 2x Revelations for $32 shipped if you're interested. Let me know.

Value it at $20 per what it's going for on Ebay.

Pretty simple. Let me know if you're interested in the swap. Thanks.

Started a trade.

For these I'm obviously not looking to get a Clique or something. If you're interested, shoot down a reply and I'll look at your list. Basically want to get rid of them for standard good stuff. Value them around $13/each.


(12 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Looking at his trade history, I'm confused as to why the person who opened the bad trader report and another person didn't leave any feedback for the trade. The only thing I can come up with is that ieatburritos cancelled the trade, which seems ridiculous to me. Shouldn't the ability to cancel a trade be removed once addresses are exchanged, at least without confirmation from both parties?

This will be the easiest trade in history to get done I predict.

Only interested in trading standard for them. I have 2 SP dissension Blood Crypts for them if anyone wants to swap.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



2x Engineered Explosives

3x Kitchen Finks

1x Reflecting Pool

3x Remand


2x Liliana of the Veil


Everything in tradelist is up for trade for these items except the Cryptic Commands, Taiga and Marsh Flats. Thanks for looking.

Edit: A few of the cards (Sphinx's Revelation, Falkenrath Aristocrat and Baneslayers I can't trade until Saturday the 16th) as they are lent out to a friend.

If this trade doesn't work out for you and you're interested in trading 2 of your scalding tarns, let me know. I recently bought a SP taiga on ebay and would be interested in trading it for 2x Tarns once it arrives. I'll post pictures if you're interested.

VideSupra wrote:
anubomb wrote:

Let me know if you're interested in trading from inventory. I have 2 extra Player's Reward Cryptics.

What do you value them at and what are you interested in from inventory?

They're at $30 on TCGmid, so I value it at that. I'm interested in your Scalding Tarns. There's a $5 difference in value, so you're welcome to make up the difference if interested. Let me know.

Let me know if you're interested in trading from inventory. I have 2 extra Player's Reward Cryptics.

Start a trade if interested. Thanks.


3 of the Commands are from Lorwyn and slightly played. I'll post pictures if anyone's interested. The other 3 are player rewards and NM.

I'd be interested in 3x Marsh Flats for 3x Arid Mesa. I'll start a trade.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Nothing to see here...

I have a dissension Blood Crypt and interested in your Sphinx's Revelation. Let me know if you find the difference.

Only the Alara version. Value at $20 for buying.

Quote me a price on the Bonfire, Jace and 1 Temple Garden if you would please. Thank you.

Gonna go out on a limb and say you got the playset of Scrublands from top 8'ing the NELC. Congrats Hank!

Asuran wrote:
Deathtopia wrote:

I really really need a set of Goyfs.  I have some Legacy stuff, some Modern stuff, and a whole lot of Standard stuff.  I know that people don't usually trade them but I am willing to give plenty of value if you are willing to part with them.  Please start up a trade!!

Just wait till June. 2013 when modern masters comes out, you know they are reprinting goyfs and the price should drop!

Six months is a looong time, especially when the upcoming PTQ season is modern.

Among other things. Offer up a trade if interested. I have other things on wishlist too if you see something you like.

Take a look and offer a trade if interested. Thanks.