anubomb wrote:
bolerodefeu wrote:
Peripheryy wrote:

Someone did this to me a couple days ago. Not much you can do besides be pissed off. It isn't worth it to leave negative feedback unless they did something more serious, in my opinion. My reputation is still tainted after some guy took a month and a half to mail me $15 worth of cards lol.

Same story here. Guy took 6 weeks to deliver my cards. I didn't even give him a -1, just a 0 as he apparently had RL stuff come up. He responded by giving me a 0 even though my cards were there 4 days after I agreed to trade.

Not a fan of this system.

You really need to insist on the other party sending first when trading with people who have low feedback. I had a similar situation happen where the cards took way too long to ship dealing with a new trader. Since then whenever I trade with new guys, I ask them to send first. They're usually fine with it and the ones I've traded with have been exceptionally quick and great to trade with, and your rating serves as security that you'll send after you get them.

It's actually in the rules, which you can point out to lower feedback traders who don't want to send first. From the Trade Rules: "If there is no consensus on who sends the cards first, the person with the lower feedback score must. (For equal feeback scores, both send at the same time)" If anyone isn't aware, the trade rules are found here:

EDIT: Also, for people looking for a way to report bad traders, from the Contact and About section: "For technical support or trade mediation you can reach us at"

scurveymobile wrote:
reignofkindo wrote:
GalacticFisher wrote:

If it makes you feel better I'm the one Op was trading with and I had a canceled trade from the same guy you did. Except I'm trying to make it right, and still being harassed. Justice.

And I see you actually gave him negative feedback that says "Canceled a finalized trade without even a word" How is cancelling a finalized trade saying "Sorry, I got a better offer" any better than that? You claim you didn't know it was against the rules to cancel after trading addresses, but you gave someone a negative a week before for doing the same thing? Wut.

No, I believe that was the negative feedback I gave to JACKlolz that you read, not from op's person

I am OP. That was feedback that GalacticFisher left for JACKlolz. I think all these quotes are getting confusing.

GalacticFisher wrote:
scurveymobile wrote:

Since it seems to be unanimous that everyone wants names, the guy in my stories username is JAKElolz.

Is there anyway to start a sticky thread on members who disobeyed the rules or is that going a bit overboard?

If it makes you feel better I'm the one Op was trading with and I had a canceled trade from the same guy you did. Except I'm trying to make it right, and still being harassed. Justice.

And I see you actually gave him negative feedback that says "Canceled a finalized trade without even a word" How is cancelling a finalized trade saying "Sorry, I got a better offer" any better than that? You claim you didn't know it was against the rules to cancel after trading addresses, but you gave someone a negative a week before for doing the same thing? Wut.

Well, it says in the rules that anyone who does this can be banned. I'm just asking whether people think that's the course of action I should follow? On MOTL, he would be forced to go through with the trade or would be banned. MOTL don't mess around.

If you are going to read this thread, make sure to read it all, so you understand that when GalacticFisher realized he had broken the rules, he bent over backwards to make it right and went far above and beyond his responsibility to do so.

Dakkon4444 wrote:

This may seem weird, but the best way to look at it is that you multiply it by 2.25. Russian cards are in fact slightly rarer than Korean and def. more so than japanese. It may seem like a high price, but think of it this way: (from a collectors stand point) how far away is your local russian game store, and how easy is it to get there?

Ive used that number in all my trades with russian cards and have had no issues. If anyone else out there has had other experiences let (us) know. It would be nice to have a consensus from the forum.


There is no formula that will work, it's case by case. For instance, an Eng Foil Huntmaster goes for about 25 on Ebay. That would make a russian Foil Huntmaster $56.25 by your numbers. The last russian Foil huntmaster on ebay sold for $100.

2 Lotleth Troll
1 Phantasmal Image

Jace, Architect of Thought (Don't know that I'm looking for enough to trade this, but if you have the above, and a nice tradelist, maybe I can find other things.)
Abrupt Decay
Angel of Serenity
2x Olivia Voldaren
Blood Crypt
Epic Experiment

Proposed a trade!


(21 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

What would you value a Black Lotus spindown at?


(14 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


Whoever you pick, just know that Blue and Green are easily the best EDH colors. Red is by far the worst. Black and White are in between.


(14 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

bump it up


(14 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

james_gingerich wrote:

Cool.  Out of curiosity, what's up with black borders?  Why I ask is because lately I've seen players attempting to use black border cards (dragons specifically) at modern events even though they aren't legal in modern.

I just collect Dragons and don't have any Legends printings of the Elder Dragons; only Chronicles (And TSP for Bolas). I just specified Black Bordered so people would know I didn't mean Chronicles.


(14 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Only interested in Black-bordered dragons from Legends.


(14 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Chromium, Nicol Bolas, Vaevictus Asmadi, Arcades Sabboth, Palladia-Mors; those guys. From Legends. With black borders. Anyone have any?


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Starcity has Sorin emblems at 99 cents..


(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

TCGPlayer prices for Unhinged lands (all rounded down):

Plains: 4
Mountain: 4
Forest: 4.50
Swamp: 5
Island: 6

Just so you know since the prices are rather annoying to find.

As the topic says, I could really use one. I'll trade in your favor if it's for my standard stuff, or if it's in nice condition (NM).



(41 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Longshot maybe, but see anything for your Bribery?

Sent a trade request.

Also, seconding that you should be able to ship tons of cards in sleeves and toploaders with Delivery Confirmation in a bubble mailer for less than $3. You do need to get a bubble mailer and potentially put some extra paper or something in it, because you must have a thickness of 1/4 of an inch at the envelopes thickest point to get DC. Just remember that you want Delivery Confirmation, not Signature Confirmation (Guessing you were quoted a price for Sig Confirmation, as that amount is about right for that service.)


(11 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Looking for 4x Slumbering Dragon.

scurveymobile wrote:

Just figured I would tell ya that I am pretty sure that Recurring Nightmare is band in EDH

Was just going to say the same thing. It is.


yurf wrote:

Was actually just unbanned in 1v1 (french) EDH, so i can swap it out when i play multiplayer.

Hmm, I play 1vs1 often enough that maybe I need to get one now.. Continuously swapping Sol Ring in and out for the same reason, anyway.


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Have all the dragons I need in my wishlist now. Still looking for any foreign dragon.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hey, did you ever get your tradelist updated? I potentially have tons of stuff for you, depending on what you still have.

Have a Koth (duel deck) that I'm looking to trade for a Venser, the Sojourner (any version). Looks like Venser is worth about .35 more or so, so I can throw something in to make it more even if you need me to.

LMK, thanks!