no desire for the inkmoths, but willing to trade the 3 phoenix + 4 shrines for a cavern from your tradelist

already trading for a tamiyo, so just looking for sorin

Want to trade for sorin & tamiyo emblems. Make trade offers - I value them around $1/$1.50 ea respectively. Thanks smile

Obviously we can work them into a larger trade. Just mark what you want from my tradelist and i'll browse yours, I haven't really updated my wants recently.


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

i'm game for whatever, but primarily fnm for now


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

If anyone has fnm promo cards that they aren't using/dont' need, feel free to offer me trades. I'm interested in trying to complete a full set and have very little atm.

Willing to trade or cash

Thanks smile