Topic: FNM Promo Cards

If anyone has fnm promo cards that they aren't using/dont' need, feel free to offer me trades. I'm interested in trying to complete a full set and have very little atm.

Willing to trade or cash

Thanks smile

Re: FNM Promo Cards

Are you strictly insterested in FNM promos, or other promos as well (not really pre/release, but WPN and player rewards, textless sort of stuff)?

Re: FNM Promo Cards

i'm game for whatever, but primarily fnm for now

Re: FNM Promo Cards

I have a promo gravecrawler ($10), promo mirran crusader ($10, not 100% sure about trading it, depends on the offer), bloodcrazed neonate ($5), and vampire nocturnus ($15). Would you be interested in any of those? I would do cash or trade.

Re: FNM Promo Cards

i sent you an email last night about your geist i beleive.

Re: FNM Promo Cards

I currently have 2x FNM Despise and 2x FNM Tectonic Edge. I may or may not get a third tectonic edge this friday. What do you value each of these at?