CrawlAngel wrote:

60ron for Gameday?

I made a mistake computing the text. Game Day participation fee is 30 Ron for 1 event, 25 if you play both smile

Hi guys!

I've been looking to add Liliana of the Veil to my collection for a while now. I've been testing with the card a lot and got more and more enthousiast for this 2+ for 1 sweetheart! So who can help me out?

A whole bunch of pretty sweet staples and foils!
Please check my tradelist and hit me up with a trade proposal or message if you are interested!

Hello all!

In this topic you find all info you need to know about the new set Oath of the Gatewatch and the connected Release and Pre-release events!
Spoilers Here 

> Pre-Release Events

- First time to play with the new cards;
- You get a pack with 6 boosters + goodies, those are yours;
- We each build a deck of 40 cards (of which about 17 lands) and battle each other in a tournament structure;
- Boosters as prizes! 2 per participant in the prize pool, divided over the top 50%.

We will have 4 Pre-Release events!
1. Saturday 16 January at 12:00
2. Saturday 16 January at 17:00
3. Sunday 17 January at 12:00 - 2 Headed Giant edition!
4. Sunday 17 January at 16:00

Participation fee:
1 event: 120 RON (Normal price)
2 events: 220 RON
3 events: 300 RON
4 events: 380 RON

> Release Events

- From Friday 22 January Oath of the Gatewatch is officially for sale and legal to be played in constructed formats.
- On the Release, we will play a Draft.
- More info about drafting Magic HERE
- Boosters as prizes! 1 per participant in the prize pool, divided over the top 50%.

We will have 2 Release events!
1. Friday 22 January: 18:30
2. Saturday 23 January: 12:00
* Registrations close 5 minutes before starting time!
* Doors open 30 minutes before starting time.
Participation fee: 60 RON, or 100 RON for two events!

> Game Day Events

Once everybody got used to the new cards and owns a couple, its time to put them to practice. To celebrate there will be two Game Day events where you can play Standard with the new cards in your deck! Also for participating you receive awesome promo cards and there will be an extra large prize pool!
- Boosters as prizes! 2 per participant in the prize pool, divided over the top 50%.
- The Winner of each Game Day event gets to show off his or her skills forever with a special Playmat!

We will have 2 Game Day events!
1. Saturday 13 February: 15:00
2. Sunday 14 February: 12:00 - Candle light edition!
Participation fee: 30 RON, or 50 RON for two events!

Basic Rules
* Registrations close 5 minutes before starting time!
* Doors open 30 minutes before starting time.
* Discount 'packages' can only be acquired by paying the full fee at the registration of the first Pre-release or Release event you wish to participate at.
* Note that you will get double points Le&Le Games store credit for participating at events! Since an 2 event package discount is already quite beneficial, for these no store credit points are given. More Info here!
* Prize awarding goes according the Le&Le Games Event Policy

- Sunday events moved to Saturday (effective December 2015)
- Budget Standard events: Value limit $100,-


(5 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)

It's all said and done!
The top 8 of each of the 3 Leagues is known. Here are the 14 (I won't say lucky, because you worked hard for it) players who managed to get a top 8 ranking. You are invited for the End of the year League Finals! Congratz!

1. Andrei C.
2. Herman
3. Trombitas Jr.
4. Levi
5. Dragos
6. Toni
7. Tudor B.
8. Trombitas Sr.
9. Razvan
10. Cami
11. Calin
12. Pipo
13. Florin
14. Nelutu

Document retired 26-01-2020

I'll play all 4 pre's.

There is no possibility to choose a color. All packs will be the same, 6 boosters and random foil promo.

Due to a double booking at the venue, the first pre-release had to be moved back to MIDNIGHT on Friday.


(2 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)

We could have made the rule of 58 cards deck wink but youre right, i intended to write 22 creatures


(2 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)

BFZ is going to be here soon and we will be busy with the release and the new concept of Standard in October. In December we will have the end of the year Leagues event. But what's special of November?

So let's have some FUN!

On a  Saturday in November we will have a Fun event like you you're used to. Full of surprises and entertainment!

You can VOTE here which Saturday you are prefer. Unfortunately Deckbox doesn't give multiple options. So if ANY DATE doesn't cut it, please reply to this topic!

Date: 28 November
Starting time: 15:00
Fee: GRATIS! We'll ask you for a donation to create a prize pool.
Format: Eternal Pauper

How do you win?
Well that's going to be a surprise. We keep it secret until round 1 of the event is about to start.

We'll be Playing the awesome ORIGINAL dual decks matches! big_smile

Hello all!

The spoiler season is wide open and everyone is getting hungry for those new cards. In this topic you find all info you need to know about Battle for Zendikat, the Pre-release events and you can reserve your pre-release packs.

What's a Pre-Release?
When a new set of MTG cards is released, a week before they can be bought in the stores players get the chance to try them out! On a pre-release you players receive a pre-release pack with Magic: the Gathering cards inside. There are 5 different packs available in the 5 different MTG colors. With the cards found in the booster packs inside the pre-release pack, each player builds a new deck. This deck has to contain at least 40 cards and may contain any number of basic lands. With this deck you will play tournament structured games. At the end there will be a number of boosters available as prizes for participants. The cards found in your pre-release pack and prizes are yours.

Release Battle for Zendikar
From Friday 2 October Battle for Zendikar is officially for sale and legal to be played in constructed formats. On the Release, we will play a Draft. More info about drafting Magic HERE
Friday 2 October: 19:00
Saturday 3 October: 15:00
Participation fee: 60 RON, or get your discount by registering for a pre-release on the forum!

Game Day
Once everybody got used to the new cards and owns a couple, its time to put them to practice. To celebrate there will be two Game Day events where you can play Standard with the new Battle for Zendikar cards in your deck! Also for participating you receive awesome promo cards and there will be an extra large prize pool!
Saturday 24 October: 15:00
Sunday 25 October: 12:00

Spoilers Here 

The Early Bird offer is available, so make sure you get the best deal!
If registered on the forum, until September 20th, you receive a discount on the Release events! Also if you participate at two or more events you can choose to use a discount package as listed below.

Participation discount packages:
1 event: 120 RON (Normal price)
2 events: 220 RON
3 events: 300 RON
4 events: 380 RON
* AND! When you preregister on the forum you get an additional 10 RON discount on each of the Release events on 2 and 3 October

Note that you will get double points Le&Le Games store credit for participating at events! Since an 2 event package discount is already quite beneficial, for these no store credit points are given. More Info here!
* Payments can be made on the day of the first pre-release you wish to participate at.

We will be having 4 Pre-Release events for Battle for Zendikar!
1. Friday night at 23:59
2. Saturday at 16:00
3. Sunday at 11:00, rise and shine!
4. Sunday at 16:00, After the first event finishes
* Registrations close 5 minutes before starting time! Doors open 10:30.

Pre-release packs!
A special BFZ deckbox containing:
6 Battle for Zendikar booster packs
1 randomized, date-stamped, premium promo card
1 Spindown Life Counter
1 deckbuilding advice insert

Subscribe now!

A limited number of pre-release packs are available, so make sure you reserve yours!
- Reply on this post with your name, DCI number and participation days to reserve them properly. This way ONLY you will receive the discount at the Release events.


(15 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)

And the Le&Le Games Summer champion is: Trombitas Sanyi!!!
7 players were battling for the top 4. After 3 rounds of swiss, playing 100$ budget Standard, Vlad showed himself to be a real Thopter master.

Vlad (3-0) UR Ensoul
Sanyi (2-1) UB Control
Toni (2-1) Temur Midrange
Dragos (1-1-Bye) GW Mastery

After opening 1 booster each and picking their sample-deck color the semifinals began.
Panescu Vlad (White) 1-2 Bucur Dragos (Red)
Sanyi Trombitsa (Green) 2-1 Toni Tonii (Black)

Dragos 1-2 Sanyi
Elvish Mystic on turn one seems to be the golden recipe. Using it for mana, chump blocks and target for your Titanic Growth... accompanied with some Bears and other 4/4 dudes, just too overwhelming for the aggressor Red who eventually was just 1 point of damage short after using a bunch of burn spells to kill the 8/8 Rare.

No one went home empty handed.


(5 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)

Standings updated (until 9-aug)


(15 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)

CrawlAngel wrote:

That's Highlander,without the dragon.

There we go smile


(15 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)

I stand corrected.
A vague memory told me that the Elder Dragon format plays without General/Commander and 100 card libraries.


(15 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)

At the event of 2 August we will be playing Commander. EDH is not played in TgMures. In no case a 1 v.s. 1 game will be played at this event. Depending on the number of participants the tournament organizer assigns by random players to a 3 or 4 person table.
Below the players per table, who advances to the final round table and how prizes are divided among participants.

Ideally is 9 players: 3-3-3 > 3 - (prizes: FREE ENTRY [FE] > 2 boosters > 1 booster > 3x 1 booster for second places of first round)
10 players: 3-3-4 > 3 - (FE > 2bst > 2bst > 3x 1 bst second places first round)
11 players: 3-4-4 > 3 - (FE + 1bst > 2bst > 2bst > 3x 1 bst second places first round)
12 players: 3-3-3-3 > 4 - (FE > 2bst > 2bst > 1bst > 4x 1 bst second places first round)
13 players: 3-3-3-4 > 4 - (FE > 2bst > 2bst > 2bst > 4x 1 bst second places first round)
14 players: 3-3-4-4 > 4 - (FE +1bst > 2bst > 2bst > 2bst > 4x 1 bst second places first round)
15 players: 3-4-4-4 > 4 - (FE +1bst > 3bst > 2bst > 2bst > 4x 1 bst second places first round)
16 players: 4-4-4-4 > 4 - (FE +1bst > 3bst > 3bst > 2bst > 4x 1 bst second places first round)

Under 9 players:
8 players: 4-4 > 4 (top2 of each table) - (FE > 2bst > 2bst > 1bst)
7 players: 3-4 > 3 (top 2 of the table of 4 + winner table of 3) - (FE > 2bst > 2bst)
6 players: 3-3 > 3 (winners + highest life total second place at the moment the 3rd player 'dies') - (FE > 2bst > 1bst)
5 players: one table. (FE > 1bst > 1bst)
4 players: one table. (FE > 1bst)
3 players: one table. (FE)
2 players: no table and a disappointing experience.

So ya better come all and have a great time!

Thanks all for participating! It was a great weekend.
Many planeswalkers were opened.
What was the best or strongest color combination? I vote red-white!

Hello all!

The spoiler season is wide open and everyone is getting hungry for those new cards. In this topic you find all info you need to know about Magic Origins, the Pre-release events and you can reserve your pre-release packs.

What's a Pre-Release?
When a new set of MTG cards is released, a week before they can be bought in the stores players get the chance to try them out! On a pre-release you players receive a pre-release pack with Magic: the Gathering cards inside. There are 5 different packs available in the 5 different MTG colors. With the cards found in the booster packs inside the pre-release pack, each player builds a new deck. This deck has to contain at least 40 cards and may contain any number of basic lands. With this deck you will play tournament structured games. At the end there will be a number of boosters available as prizes for participants. The cards found in your pre-release pack and prizes are yours.

Release Magic Origins
From Friday 17 July Magic Origins is officially for sale and legal to be played in constructed formats. On the Release, we will play a Draft. More info about drafting Magic HERE
Friday 17 July: 19:00 Deckbox event

Game Day
Once everybody got used to the new cards and owns a couple, its time to put them to practice. To celebrate there will be two Game Day events where you can play Standard with the new Magic Origins cards in your deck! Also for participating you receive awesome promo cards and there will be an extra large prize pool!
Saturday 8 August: 15:00
Sunday 9 August: 12:00

Spoilers Here 

The Early Bird discounts are available, so make sure you get the best deal!
If paid in full, until July 5th, you receive a discount of 20 RON on pre-release registrations.

Until July 5th: 100 RON
After July 5th: 120 RON

Note that you will get double points Le&Le Games storecredit for participating at events! Since an Early Bird discount is already quite beneficial, for these no store credit points are given. More Info here!

We will be having 4 Pre-Release events for Magic Origins!
1. Saturday at 0:00, starting after the FNM on Friday. Deckbox event
2. Saturday at 15:00, get some sleep and back to action! Deckbox event
3. Sunday at 11:00, rise and shine! Deckbox event
4. Sunday at 16:00, 2 Headed Giant! After the first event finishes Deckbox event

Choose your Color!
You can choose between 5 Planeswalker Colors:
Jace - Blue
Liliana - Black
Gideon - White
Nissa - Green
Chandra - Red


In total are only 16 of each color available!

1. Saturday 0:00
Black: Herman - Andrei
White: Levi
Red: Cami

2. Saturday 15:00
Black: Alex
White: Herman - Cami - Andrei

3. Sunday 11:00
Blue: Alex - Andrei
Black: Toni
Green: Herman - Cami

4. Sunday 16:00
Red: Andrei - Herman

A Pre-Release pack contains:
6 Magic Origins booster packs (15 cards)
1 seeded booster pack (7 cards of which one stamped premium promo)
1 Story booklet
1 Spindown Life Counter

Hi Sebi & team,

At our local community we have Budget events. For the deck value the players have to present me the list on Deckbox.
Since a week players in our community are informing me of a bug appearing with various cards when added to the deck list's Sideboard.
For example one Valorous Stance, adds about 5 dollar to the total value. The second one adds another 3,5 dollar. While in the list it's displayed as 1,67.

*My apologies if this is a double post. I didn't have time to read deep into the other topics.

Props for all the great work!

Made a little test
With one in the main board, the bug appears.
Without one in the main board, it's oke.


(15 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)


Le&Le Games - Summer Series
For those who are in town during the summer, special events will take place every sunday. There will be 8 events of which 7 Qualifiers and 1 Summer Series Finals on August 30th. The Finals are on Invitational basis.

Doors open: 17:00
Subscriptions: 17:00 - 17:30
Event start: 17:30

Participation Fees
All Qualifier Events: 15 RON
Summer Series Finals: 45 RON

Prizes at Qualifiers
1st place at a Qualifier gives you FREE PARTICIPATION at the Finals!
* A Second 1st place awards you 1 BYE at the Finals
Total of participation fees, minus 45 RON, at Qualifier events to Prize pool (Boosters)
Each Qualifier participant will get an invite to the Summer Series Finals.
Foil of the month for the first place and 4 random players

Prizes at Finals
Trophies for TOP 3
More TBA!

Dates and Formats
5-Jul - Standard 50$ Budget - WINNER: Dragos Bucur
12-Jul - NO EVENT due to Pre-Release
19-Jul - Cube Draft - WINNER: Tudor Bucur
26-Jul - Pauper - WINNER: Vlad Panescu
2-Aug - Commander - WINNER: Tamas Gergo (Juzer)
9-Aug - Modern 50$ Budget - WINNER: Andrei Cornea
16-Aug - Block Constructed KTK 50$ Budget - WINNER: Toni
23-Aug - Legacy - WINNER: Trombitas Jr.
30-Aug - Summer Series Finals - Standard 100$ Budget & Sample deck Top 4

More information:
Budget events: Deck value according to Deckbox decklist. Have your decklist accessible during subscription.
DCI Number: It's always good to have your DCI number available.
Commander: By random selection tables of 3 or 4 players will be formed. The winner of the table progresses to the Final round table where the prizes are awarded.
KTK Block constructed: Cards printed in the following sets are legal: Khans of Tarkir, Fate Reforged, Dragons of Tarkir.
MTG Targu Mures - Facebook page
Legacy Decklists
Info about MTG Formats
Cube Card list
Pauper: info and Banlist + Hymn to Tourach is Banned! Note that Pauper originally is a Magic Online format, we will be playing with normal cards.
MTG Sample Decks - Decklists

Invitations for the Summer Series Finals:
Dragos; Florin; Levi; Dida; Herman; Razvan; Andrei; Cami; Tudor B.; Alex; Toni; Vlad P.; Tamas G.; Trombitas Jr.; Gelly


Ojutai it is for Juzer!

An event will take aproximately 5 hours, depending on the number of participants. The first event today might take 6 though.

fistyke wrote:
TripleXMan wrote:
TripleXMan wrote:

1. Dromoka
2. Ojutai
3. Kolaghan
4. Silumgar

I'd like to take the fift as well... is it possible to organize 5 prereleases? smile))))

Teoretic da pentru advanced stores, dar cand smile?

Indeed, in theory everything is possible! With remaining packs we could do a rebound pre on a FNM Sealed event or a casual MTG event. (Looking at Lehel) If we manage to keep like 8 packs reserved for this and find players who are down for this. For example on the next week's sunday.


(6 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)

lostcause wrote:

Too lazy to Google: $XX is with, or without the sideboard?

sideboard included

My appologies dear pre-releasers! I failed to anounce the correct Clans for the DTK prerelease. I've updated the topic and the clan info. For those who voted on the old clans, please choose again. *Modify your post

Dromoka: A fiercely defiant clan that embodies endurance. The Dromoka clan favors white and green mana.
Ojutai: White, Blue. The patient and wise clan that embodies cunning.
Silumgar: Blue, Black. A conceited and prideful clan that embodies ruthlessness.
Kolaghan: Black Red. The swift and unpredictable clan that embodies speed.
Atarka: Red, Greem. A ferociously strong clan that embodies savagery.


(6 replies, posted in MTG Targu Mures)

We didn't forget about Block Constructed wink It's just not requested by players. Everything is possible, so if mentioning this now would bring people on ideas let us know and we make it happen!