GL, drafting is a great way to get into the game.  You still get to "play" magic and it doesn't have the associated costs of diving into standard headfirst.

If you're playing at FNM or something even semi competitive then you definitely want to refine your deck some more.  Include 4 ofs like the others said. 

Go to websites like the ones below to research how other people are playing the W/B decks and compare yours.  There's nothing wrong with "net decking" a list until you get comfortable with the cards and the format.  I would recommend it actually.  The people that play these decks already do the testing for you.  The decks work you just have to learn to play them correctly. Some of the cards will be expensive but don't get over whelmed by the value.  Buy and trade for them as you can, or find cheaper substitutes until you can get everything you need.

    General lists

      B/W list - 2nd place in Cincinnati … ckID=53092

        General Strategy

        Look up videos of matches played on youtube or streams on twitch.

        thanks for input.

        the thing about miming slime is it's not a creature on its own, while it can be substantial under the right circumstances it's a dead card if they wipe your board and aggro decks these days have to be mindful of that.

        Thanks for pointing that out turk. We had actually already modified it to remove the kessig in testing. I forgot to modify the online version.

        we had considered master biomancer, and you might be right.  It could give it the reach it needs since the low cost creatures aren't there yet to give it the consistency it needs early game.  The reson we chose corpsejack is he immediately affects what's on the board, turn 4/5 he's going to evolve anything on the board and double the counters placed.  Duskmantle seemed good in the more controlly/midrange matches. When they got low he was able to finish them by making them top deck a thrag or AoS.

        We tried bioshift a little and it semed like we didn't need it when the deck worked and pointless if it chocked.

        I tried splashing blue in jund for biomancer.  When he hit the board turn 3 and a huntmaster turn 4, it was rather beautiful, but my mana base was too unstable and i ran into temp problems.  Biomancer doesn't immediately affect the board/game state.  I wanted him to be a card but IDK if he is yet.

        If it works for you GLHF though smile

        If you're looking for a tier 2 fun deck to take to something I think this is it.  It went 3-2 twice at FNM just didn't quite have the reach to do better.  Our meta is fairly tough.  It may fair better in a meta without several top tier decks present.

        The deck is a work in progress.  Depending on what's released within the next set it could be a fairly successful aggro deck.  When it goes off it's capable of dealing almost as much damage as naya humans, but it's not quite as aggressive (the math works out to a turn 4 kill). Check it yourself smile

        The problem with the deck right now is consistency. In play testing with my friend we ran into problems of just not hitting one of our one drops and you need to hit progressively higher power/toughness creatures to trigger evolve.  Corpsejack is the bomb that finishes the game, but a better 3 drop is needed, instead of krasis, and it has to at least be 3 power or 3 toughness, ideally you want 3 power because it can still trigger evolve on the cloudfin and gyre sage turn 4. 

        Side board we ran was garruk, ground seal, death rite, etc etc... salt and pepper to meta flavor.

        Make sure you join more groups to expose yourself to a wider variety of trade possibilities.


        (2 replies, posted in DFW Mages)

        I play at evogames in south fortworth.  They have a facebook as well.  I know there are a couple shops in the plano area.  Roll2play is one.

        Paul Sherrill, west fortworth.

        I've been playing off and on since revised.  though my current collection consists only of Standard cards.  I'm a father of 4 so, I play when I can.  I've been drafting at Evo games. I would like to play competatively at FNM or the local weekend warrior tournaments.  The challenge of the competition is attractive, but the price is a bit overwhelming.  I have a version of Standard Jund together that is worth around 500 and it could still use another $200 bucks to be truly competative.

        A friend and I have been brewing around with a bug aggro that seems fairly stable even after rotation.  I think it may have some value.

        The decks you're playing are okay starter decks for having fun.  I would try to find what works and just acquire more copies.  running 4 of a card makes it many times more likely to show up when you need it.  Try to stick to 60 cards.  A little more than a third of your deck should be land.  22-26 depending.

        As a new player when you trade get an app (Iphone and Android have decent apps) or a price list.  Everyone trades based on value of individual cards.  Don't let your self get taken advantage of.  If you have a 20 dollar card don't trade down too much. Trade for another $20 card or 2 $10 cards.  Don't trade for 20x$1 cards.  That's very much not in your favor.

        There are tons of resources out there to look at. 

        • has articles on a lot of topics.  Standard, modern, casual, fun.
          SCG (star city games) also features articles about decks strategies and play.
          Look on Twitch and Youtube for videos and streams about playing and deck building strategies.

        Does my version of this popular deck measure up, even with the substitutes I have to make?

        added decklist in post

        I just started playing again in RTR.  I've played on and off the last 15 years.  I'm not a complete newb, but the meta eludes me a little. Looking for help with my JUND-fu, below.

        I'm all traded out and purchasing cards aren't an option right now.  So, what you see is what you get.  I'm looking for critiques.  I have some other cards that could certainly go in.  Please look at my profile and make suggestions (I want to hang onto the Simic cards, I feel there's a deck there at some point).

        Rakdos's Return is one card I'm considering swapping (for say sever the bloodline).  I would say though I'm a little confused on how to play Return in the deck.  Is it a finisher?  Do i play it as soon as possible to whittle down their options/advantage?

        3 Blood Crypt
        3 Dragonskull Summit
        3 Evolving Wilds
        3 Forest
        2 Kessig Wolf Run
        3 Overgrown Tomb
        2 Rootbound Crag
        3 Stomping Ground
        2 Woodland Cemetery

        4 Deathrite Shaman
        4 Thragtusk
        3 Huntmaster of the Fells
        3 Olivia Voldaren

        3 Pillar of Flame
        3 Abrupt Decay
        2 Dreadbore
        2 Tribute to Hunger
        2 Mizzium Mortars
        1 Bonfire of the Damned
        2 Sever the Bloodline
        4 Farseek
        2 Garruk, Primal Hunter
        1 Staff of Nin


        3 Duress
        1 Grafdigger's Cage
        2 Devour Flesh
        2 Rakdos's Return
        2 Slaughter Games
        2 Vraska the Unseen
        3 sideboard?

        trade sent for the master of hunting.

        would also accept offers for another huntmaster

        Also, see my other haves/wants.  TY.

        Exactly what topic says.