Topic: Bant Goodstuff for FNM Needs Critique

I present to you my baby:

I have been meaning to start playing this deck at FNM for a while now, and I get the chance today. I like it because it plays all of my favorite cards, including Geist, Bonfire, and Biomancer. Based on playtesting, my main concerns are reanimator and anything that forces me to discard (thus, Witchbane Orb).

Cards I have considered adding either main or sideboard: Loxodon Smiter, Cloudshift


Re: Bant Goodstuff for FNM Needs Critique

I tried splashing blue in jund for biomancer.  When he hit the board turn 3 and a huntmaster turn 4, it was rather beautiful, but my mana base was too unstable and i ran into temp problems.  Biomancer doesn't immediately affect the board/game state.  I wanted him to be a card but IDK if he is yet.

If it works for you GLHF though smile

Re: Bant Goodstuff for FNM Needs Critique

part of the problem I am seeing is Cavern of Souls is going to be not used to its full capacity. you have 6 Elves, 6 human/monks, and 4 or less of each other creature type. Even with 3, Cavern's cap is not close to reached. This could be a big problem in mid/late game.

Running 4 colors is very risky unless you can keep a balance. Only color that gets the help is white.

I do run 5 color decks, but it is keeping that balance that is important. And this deck is going to have problems. I would suggest cutting down to 3. It will help you strengthen up the deck in the first place, and help with being more stable.