(195 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Aparent o sa fie reprintat si Foresee...

Si lup de 3 mana 3/1 cu trollshroud, si wall de 1 mana 0/3 cu reach, ambele la verde... puah, ce de carti apar azi tongue


(195 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Yup, looks really nice... instant speed mini-tidings, megrim 2.0, Kiln Fiend cu flying, kodama's reach... o mai bagat si filler de limited, dar se prezinta bine setul...


(195 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Scry in core set ii interesant, nu pot zice ca suna rau... Anyway, se poate doar sa fi facut asta din cauza a ce-o fi in scars, si sa fi adoptat ceva politica sa bage cate un keyword in fiecare core set sau ceva...


(195 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Holy shit, blue primeste Man-o'-War inapoi o.O Cine asteapta sa iasa cascade sa ridice mana big_smile

AEther Master 1uu - common
Human Wizard
When - ETB, return target creature to its owners hand.


(195 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Neat card:

Captivating Vampire 1BB (Rare)
Creature - Vampire
Other Vampires you control get +1/+1.
Tap five untaped vampires you control : You gain control of target creature. It becomes vampire in addition to other types.

Abilitatea ii cam useless, dar totusi, lord de 3 mana...


(16 replies, posted in General Discussion)

They actually keep it in because they want a complex card in the core set, and this one is intuitive and flavorful enough to make new players want to scratch their heads to work it out. They said something about their strategy regarding wordy or complex cards when m10 came out: until m10 they used to keep core sets at a beginner level in therms of complexity, but they found out it was a mistake because new players start playing the game with the most recent set anyway. So they started introducing more beginner friendly cards in expansions and also increased the complexity of the core sets... as such, a card like fireball teaches a new player an important lesson, while still being flavorful enough for the seasoned one... I personally agree, and think fireballand warp world are perfect core set cards.


(283 replies, posted in Noutăți)

Flobo wrote:

da big_smile e chiar misto, si sunt tentat sa zic ca artwork-ul ar fi mers foarte bine si pe Lightning Bolt. Astept sa vad si Anathemacer-ul

Poate chiar o vrut la un moment dat a fi art de bolt, si s-o razgandit... anyway, nimic special tongue


(41 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Mnush, nu m-am uitat numai peste asta cu artefacte, si asta-i de extended... anyway, considerand ca-i un format casual, probabil ai dreptate... ceea ce complica si mai mult treburile... saracul archenemy nu stiu daca are vreo sansa, scheme cards and all tongue


(41 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Well normal ar fi sa joace tot extended, dar ma intreb daca deck-urile alea pre-asamblate pot face fata la la mai multe deck-uri normale doar prin forta scheme cards-urilor...


(195 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Cum zice Viki, singura modalitate ii daca stii pe cineva din state (facut o data, bataie mare de cap) sau... eBay. Mai prinzi din cand in cand tipi care vand si in afara, dar intotdeauna sa intrebi inainte.


(195 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Deci intr-adevar, fucking amazing art, decbox-uri care arata minunat (pacat ca probabil tot n-o sa incapa un deck sleeved in ele), nimic de reprosat... Hmmm, vampiri negru/verde... vampire elves, at last? tongue


(195 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Wow, art amazing... de-a dreptul superb... arata a magic intors complet la radacinile fantasy. Foarte, foarte evocative imaginile pentru flavor-ul fiecarei culori.


(51 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Rarres wrote:

Deci da. Deci la Open the Vaults aggro ala nu m-am asteptat. N-am miscat nimic in front in meciul ala. De fapt, m-am cam facut de kko cu ocazia acestor calificari. Thanks, mana flood, for teaching me a very valuable lesson: if you have 3 lands in hand, 2 of them being fetchies, youre STILL going to draw another five. From the top. More than once. Oh, and I now have a favourite casting succesion (NOT!!!): wall of denial, draw card, wall of denial, draw card, kor firewalker. Thats a lot of fun.

Adauga gideon si perimeter captain in turele urmatoare tongue.


(41 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Si eu big_smile Pacat ca nu prea pare sa aiba sinergie cu planechase, ca tare as juca cel mai complicat meci de magic ever (EDH planechase archenemy two-headed giant tongue - si da, archenemy-ul ar fi si el doi jucatori lol)


(51 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Ce vremuri domle... dupa atatea turnee in care jund-ul era omniprezent in top 3, d-apoi in top 8, mi se pare chiar bizar sa-l vad absent din orice top. Mai ales ca a scos procentaje bune si contra tapout/echipa de supereroi...


(51 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Pai da exact, ce fel de metagame ii ala fara sa ia lumea blightning din bloodbraid? Ma uit la unele din decklist-uri si nu stiu ce sa cred tocmai prin prisma faptului ca-s obisnuit cu jund si mi se par ca n-ar face fata la asa ceva... ce sa zic.


(51 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Irelevant... unde-i jund-ul? tongue


(32 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Nu stiu ce-i acel damage pe stack despre care tot vorbesti, viki tongue Extended plus o sa aduca acelasi impediment ca si extended-ul normal: card pool intimidant pentru jucatorii noi. Nu prea il vad mai popular decat standard din cauza asta...


(51 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Well sincer cum de o scapat cruel control-ul ala fara vreun spreading seas peste manabase-ul ala nu stiu roll


(11 replies, posted in Announcements)

I don't know, it just felt weird that I could add myself as a participant to an event from the us without the organizer having the opportunity to remove me from the list. But yes, what you're saying does make sense.


(11 replies, posted in Announcements)

Litle tiny bug (I think?)... I could confirm my participation for an event by a community that I don't belong to. Is that the way it should be, or does the community administrator have the option to allow or deny people from outside the community the right to announce participation?


(51 replies, posted in GameFlux)

American gladiators nu vad de ce n-ar aparea, considerand ca decklist-ul seamana ingrozitor cu restul de UWx control, deci switch-ul n-ar fi foarte greu... oricum, ma astept la o prezenta serioasa de UW tapout control, esper control, jund si rdw/AiR. Mai ales rdw/AiR... is relativ ieftine si dureroase.

Eu zic sa venim toti cu aliati tongue


(56 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Dupa cum am spus mai sus, daca vreti un d&d ca la carte (3.5, nu 4.0 ca in link-ul lui sergiu totusi), am eu un dvd cu pdf-uri cu aproape toate cartile aparute pentru asa ceva... cineva ar putea sa listeze player's handbook-ul, ceva character sheet-uri si ce mai considerati ca-i necesar si ati putea juca chiar ok (zaruri cu 20 de fete banuiesc ca aveti destule tongue).


(6 replies, posted in GameFlux)

Nici nu ii destinat jucatorilor noi, la fel cum nici formatele pe care vrea sa le inlocuiasca (Vintage/Legacy) nu is. Mie mi se pare o idee geniala, mi-ar fi placut poate un pic mai mult daca ar fi inceput de unde incepe si extended-ul actual (ar fi fost si o manevra buna ca sa atraga jucatorii de extended). In rest, despre legacy/vintage, cui ii pasa de ele, sa moara tongue. Oricum, pe la noi sa vad ca se joaca extended mai intai, ca de formate de-astea oricum n-are lumea carti...


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)
