The jund stuff is from my inventory but if you have enough of my wants i'd be willing to trade big_smile

Here's the jund list:

And here's what i need for my bant list:

3x Sphinx's Revelation

1x Jace, Architect of Thought

1x Tamiyo

4x Glacial Fortress

4x Hinterland Harbor

My list

also not sure of the value so if you want to trade let me know what you think is a fair price. big_smile

Idc if it's sealed or not. Let me know and we can work something out.

My list:

Tizzy wrote:

I know someone with a fun Sedris, the Traitor King EDH deck they're looking to trade.

Do you have a link to it?

iamsolipsism wrote:

Your deck + $400 for my Azusa? big_smile

zohmygod that's an expensive EDH deck. I'm good at the moment tongue

UnstableFlux wrote:

FYI Primeval Titan is EDH banned =/

Nice, I had actually taken that out but forgot to update. Same with kiki-jiki. :-x

Here's most of the deck:

There are a couple small things not listed, working on updating it now.

Any interest in foil abrupt decay?

My list:

Wishlist/stuff I need:

Notably: 8 snapcaster mages (yeahhh), 2 abrupt decay (1 foil), blood crypt, lotleth troll,  and more

reignofkindo wrote:

GalacticFisher has sent me a message offering me the Aristocrat we agreed to, free of charge. Pretty sure that makes him a God among Men. He made everything right and then some, he just wasn't aware of the rules since some people never bothered following them with him. I'd ask that no one avoid trading with him, as he couldn't possibly have made this more right. I do think that JAKElolz does need some sort of Mod intervention though, as he has done this to at least two people now. But anyway, cheers to GalacticFisher!

Good man.

Which shocks do you have? I only saw a hallowed fountain.

Someone did this to me a couple days ago. Not much you can do besides be pissed off. It isn't worth it to leave negative feedback unless they did something more serious, in my opinion. My reputation is still tainted after some guy took a month and a half to mail me $15 worth of cards lol.


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I call dibs on all 3 dice, if they're for trade.

Check my list ;-)

Check out my list and let me know if you see anything. I'm looking for 2 mizzium mortars if you have them.

check out my list wink

iamsolipsism wrote:

Trade sent

When you say increase value, you really mean ripping people off don't you?

I offered him a little over $5 value for his olivias (which were $5 just a few days ago) and he told me he wouldn't do it unless it was at least $10. :-/

Would you do the foil abrupt decay for a bonfire?

Proposed a trade!

Note: Trading anything from my inventory.

Playset of snaps, geists, 3 bonfires, 3 cavern of souls (1 foil), lots of shocks, Emrakul, standard reanimator stuff, other good things.

Valuing the jace at $60~

Interested in blood crypts and abrupt decays. Check my list.

Have 4 snaps, 3 bonfires. Also other stuff on my list. Let me know if you're interested and i'll take a look at your list. I'll try to find something!

What do you value the izzet dice at?


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Looking for:

3 faerie impostors
4 izzet charms
4 lyev skyknights

I have tons of RTR commons/uncommons (out of about 26 boosters), and other stuff.

Must have a decent amount of trades completed. :-)