Black sun and 4 resto angels for a bonfire???

You need to add it to your trade list.

I have one I'll trade to you. I'll set up a trade

wishlist updated

That's the deck in looking to finish. Also looking for 2 devils play to maybe replace geistflame or the pillars in side deck. Also looking for Sliver queen if anyone has one.

trade sent

I have a foil avacyn if you are interested. Commander or just a really cool angel?

I don't care who I trade with. I really need a foil tamiyo!

More than interested. I neeeed it! Anything on my list you want for it?????


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Sounds fun, I'd do it

What do you value the playmat at?


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Really want foil entreat... Anything from my list we can make a deal on??


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

As the title says. Find something on my trade list and let's make a deal!

Note: bonfires are iffy because I may have some pending trades with them.
I have more cheaper rares from avacyn and such that aren't on the list. Let me know if your looking for something. Foil avacyn I value at 35, may barter on it.

I would trade because I have a lot of those but you live in the uk, sorry hmm

Yes it is

Ok. Foil cavern is only going for 37 anyway. So it wouldn't be worth it to me personally to trade 2 bonfires for it. Good luck though! Let me know if you wanna make a deal on something smile

I see you need avacyn. any interest in a foil avacyn?


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

any interest in foil avacyn? if you do I have vexing devil, mindbreak trap and arcslogger I can throw in


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

People have it totaled at 45 but that seems to high.

I think 35 is a better trade price for it. I'd like this card to go to a good home, so if anybody wants to trade for it, please let me know smile thanks in advance!

are you using Avacyn as an example or do you need one?

Trade sent

Alrighty no big smile

Did this trade go through? Cause I'm interested if it didnt


(21 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Foil avacyn big_smile  hey a guy can try lol

Sry I don't have anything you need hmm