Topic: Trying to complete my standard Humans deck for next week.

I have quite a bit in my trade folder, including too many zealous conscipts, a playset of wolfir silverhearts, and an alter vorinclex.
I have Isolated Chapel, Vault of the Archangel, and Sulfer Falls for trade as well.
The standard deck I am trying to complete is here
The least important cards are the Huntmaster's as I have some I can borrow, but I am looking for the rest as soon as possible.

Re: Trying to complete my standard Humans deck for next week.

Just 1 chapel yikes?

Re: Trying to complete my standard Humans deck for next week.

Ah no sorry, 4 Chapels, 4 Sulfur Falls and 2 Vault of the Archangel. I also have a bunch of other standard cards in my trade folder too.

Re: Trying to complete my standard Humans deck for next week.

I would trade because I have a lot of those but you live in the uk, sorry hmm