Fueled wrote:

A question though: where are the market sellers for a given card? That list was also useful when browsing cards, to compare prices (and as seller, seeing where my price was positioned against other sellers).

I'm in the process of removing the marketplace features. For more details see this post from a few months ago: https://deckbox.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=32011

Sightburner wrote:

Firstly, the 'add to deck' feature defaults to 'from collection'. Is this necessary?

It defaults to 'from inventory' when the deck is marked as built and is unchecked by default in deck ideas (as a deck being "built" signifies those cards are in your inventory already most of the time). I'm not sure what the best solution is... I could try to make it "sticky" so it just defaults to whatever you clicked last.

Is it possible to add the card preview image on the collection add?

Yep, I can add something for that. In the printing dropdown on card pages (the selector at the top of the page on a card page: https://deckbox.org/mtg/Mountain?fromqs=true) there is a "picture" icon, that when hovered shows the card. I could add this to all the autocompleted selectors I suppose.

slobert wrote:

Do you still plan on implementing the "In Built Decks" filter you mentioned in the tag support announcement?

I implemented a version of it but it's not yet released.

The version I have is strict about the inventory-deck matching, and would not show things in that specific deck that are not matched to the inventory, although the card (with other printings/conditions/etc) is available in the inventory.

I'm not quite sure yet if that is not confusing still. I thought ideally there would be some extra warning on the filter in ambiguous cases stating something like you have X more cards in the deck that are not exactly matched to your inventory, or something like that...

Reverted the In Built Decks change to a single page. It's back to being a (wider) dialog, and a section on the card page (but on the wide right side in place of the market sellers, instead of under the card image.

The "Add to inventory/Wishlist" options in the deck rows context menu now properly use the defaults for that set, if any.

Will add the deck listing on the card page tomorrow.

darkpinballmchn wrote:

The new system of matching card details is also very frustrating. Traditionally, if I found a decklist online that I liked, I would import that into a new deck and Deckbox would auto-assign whatever printings of those cards I had so it was very easy to see at a glance how many cards in a decklist I have in my inventory.

Which deck did this happen for? I will take a closer look.

Maybe I am doing something wrong, but it seems like the checkbox for "From Inventory" is broken. I can uncheck it, but it still will not allow me to manually set editions. When I refresh the page (after unchecking the box), the box shows up as checked again.

It adds the card with no details, and you can select them from the context menu to the left of the card name, by selecting Matching -> Not In Collection -> Custom.

I noticed that clicking the Matching > Owned > Add New Printing To Inventory doesn't reflect any defaults like the usual way to add cards to the inventory, i.e. language and quality need to be selected manually over and over again.

Thanks, fixing this tomorrow.

This release implements a new system for handling card details in decks, and the deck-inventory relationship.

The previous system was quite buggy and confusing, and mostly just tried to "guess" which deck entries in built decks correspond to entries in the inventory. When a user sets custom details that sometimes "helps" the system guess but in general it was fiddly and inconsistent.

Now one can specifically "match" or "link" cards in decks to specific entries in the inventory or wishlist. They remain connected, so that changing the inventory card's details (setting a different language for example) will reflect in the deck listing.

Adding cards to decks from inventory (via the 'from inventory' quickadd input) will auto-link them.

If one has a card in a deck that is not yet added to the inventory, this can also be done now via the "Matching" menu on the card entry in the deck, by selecting "Inventory" -> "Add this card to the inventory".

An initial automatic matching was done on release (for built decks), and is performed on some actions (like importing a cardlist into a built deck, changing a deck from "idea" to "built"), and it is also present in the "Tools" menu.

The matching also works for deck ideas, but it not handled by default, since their purpose is not really to represent actual decks of cards you own.

Other changes

Filters in inventories have been restructured so as not to just have a huge single dropdown with all of them, and are separated by category. A new filter has been added to show cards in the collection that are "ambiguous", called "Problematic Deck Matching" that shows cards that you have in built decks that are not matched to inventory entries (or wishlist entries).

The "in my decks" dialog and section on the card page also have the deck context menu, so one can match them to the collection from there too.

The Auto Trade feature was adjusted to work with this new system.

The Add Missing cards to Wishlist tool dialog in decks was rewritten to be an own page, and made to work with the new system.

The card context menu in the collection and decks now has a "Remove" option, to avoid having to write 0 in the counts, and an "Edit this row" action so that one can edit the details for a single row, without the large panel that shows all entries in the collection.

As always, feedback is appreciated - please let me know if you see any bugs or inconsistencies, what part of the UI makes sense, what does not work properly for your usecase.

The forum attachment feature is currently broken, it's on my todo list to migrate away from this old unsupported forum software smile


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Responded via email. Looking at restoring today.

There was a thread for this, where meldon44 did a lot of hard work of collecting precon information for importing via .csv but they were not updated since the beginning of the year:


I'd love to provide some system where deckbox has some of them pre-saved, and for missing ones users can propose them, just didn't find the time.

I'm very close to deploying a new release these following days, with a large rework of the deck details and deck-collection interaction, should fix current problems with the details system.


Sorry about the confusion. We don't sadly support adding premade decks yet. The feature you refer to is used by collectors who collect entire sets (1 of each) or similar.

* imported the promo pack and prerelease promos for Lost Caverns of Ixalan
* imported 5 2024 Wizards Play Network promos https://deckbox.org/editions/806-wizard … twork-2024
* imported 2023 Store Championship promos 18,19,20
* imported ~40 missing Wilds of Eldraine double-faced tokens
* imported 80 Lost Caverns of Ixalan double-faced tokens
* imported 20 LCI Commander double-faced tokens
* imported ~18 LCI-Jurassic World double-faced tokens
* imported Phyrexian Horror // Phyrexian Goblin to ONE
* imported a few missing Secret Lair promos
* imported the 63 serialized Brothers' War Retro Artifacts

dude1818 wrote:

Thanks sebi. The WHO copy // alien (2/2) token is still missing, and I think the WHO token called beast // fish should actually be fish // beast if the names go in collector number order

This is listed as Alien // Copy. The order of the names is sometimes in collector number order but many times it is impossible since the Alien token might get a different collector number in another edition, and I opted to enforce the restriction that if we have "Alien // Copy" already we should not add another card as "Copy // Alien" as that would be too confusing.

Hey. Sadly the deck imports are not properly setting the card details so everything is imported with just the default printing.

It's on my todo list, looking to work a bunch on the importers after the next release.

The importer will look at printingId, if present will ignore the others. If absent, the note field will be considered as you mentioned.

This was the plan all along but I did the first parts (exporting the data so people can use it if they have scripts / spreadsheets), but did not do the import part, and I kept postponing because of very large feature release. So it's been dragging on for months now smile

Yep, it's on my todo list to fix after current release. Thanks for the repro example.

BlueCurler wrote:

this is the first time I see a single tool not even able to import is own file!

If this bug is causing you so much outrage I envy you, you must be using exquisite bug-free software day to day. No such luck for me.

* imported the Special Guests cards https://deckbox.org/editions/802-special-guests
* imported missing The List promos
* imported ~220 Doctor Who double sided tokens. Not sure if these are all of them.
* imported The Lost Caverns of Ixalan Art Series

Forum Rules for communities:

  • The community administrators are Moderators for your community's subforum. Nevertheless, if you notice abuse, vulgarity or inappropriate content, please report it to admin@deckbox.org

  • Using English is NOT mandatory. Any language can be used in your community's forums, but please use english in the global forums (Announcements, Magic the Gathering, etc)

Imports today:
* The Lost Caverns of Ixalan
* Jurassic World Collection
* missing new Secret Lair promos
* Lord of the Rings holiday cards
* Mental Misstep media insert
* double-sided tokens from Wilds of Eldraine prerelease pack
* Griffin // Zombie from DMR
* Food // Nightmare and Rat // Food in WOE
* Doctor Who tokens

Other fixes:
* various mobile view issues
* Gruul Signet from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Commander is now correctly marked Common

Fixed now, thanks for reporting.

LewtHoar wrote:

Thanks, Sebi.

As far as I can tell, if you trade them out or manage to sell them, they'll all still treated the same way and removed from your inventory, correct?  It's just QOL more than anything?


This is not trivial to fix right now, and depends on the stuff I am currently working on, which is the inventory-built deck linking of cards.

It's high priority after the current stuff is released later this week.

Forum Rules for communities:

  • The community administrators are Moderators for your community's subforum. Nevertheless, if you notice abuse, vulgarity or inappropriate content, please report it to admin@deckbox.org

  • Using English is NOT mandatory. Any language can be used in your community's forums, but please use english in the global forums (Announcements, Magic the Gathering, etc)

Hmm but is it different than the regular one in some distinctive way?


(8 replies, posted in Announcements)

Also added Tail Swipe, Transcendent Message, Moonshaker Cavalry Store Champ promos.