bump! Still looking to trade the Ooze!


Hey, I've got an extra Crag and Fortress and am looking to swap them out for other checklands that I don't have playsets of.

The priority is Sunpetal Grove, but I'd also trade them for Drowned Catacombs, maybe Dragonskull Summits.
Thanks for looking!

Hey there, just picked a random M14 pack and lucked out on a Scavenging Ooze. I was hoping to trade it for some of my Cube needs, on my wishlist. I'd prefer not to trade it for a bunch of little things, and if I don't have anything on my wishlist that you will trade for it, hit me up with your tradelist anyways and we'll see if we can work something out!

Thanks! Have a good one.


(9 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Unfortunately, I checked out both of your tradelists and couldn't find things I am looking to trade for hmm

And I'm already trading for a Reveillark, so I don't need one anymore dorko, sorry sad

Bump! Still looking for tradelists!

Hey, just put some time and completely updated my trade binder and put it online. If I have things you're interested in, throw me your name and tradelist and we'll see if we can put a trade together!

Bonus points if you have anything on my wishlist, but I don't keep it very up-to-date. I'm much more likely to find something that I like if I search your list myself.

Thanks! Have a great day.

Hey, I've got a Solar Flare deck that I'm currently trying to turn into a Heartless Birthing Pod deck. I've got 2 Hallowed Fountain that I'd like to turn into Godless Shrine, and 4x Drowned Catacomb / 4x Glacial Fortress that I'd like to turn into 4x Sunpetal Grove.

Let me know if you're interested by sending me a trade, thanks!

Gatecrash edition, looking for Gatecrash edition. Hit me up, thanks!

Trades sent! Still looking for more!

I've got a few interests on my wishlist, but for the most part I'd just like to see your tradelists. It may take a little while for me to get my cards in the mail though as I am working away from home for the next month, but I will do it in as timely of a fashion as possible. Thank you for looking!


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Also: I have the Duel Deck versions of Sorin, LOI, Elspeth, Knight-Errant, and Venser the Sojourner and am looking to trade for the original artworks. I'd be fine throwing in a few dollars / cards to cover the value difference.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

- Chalice of the Void (foil)
- Summoner's Pact
- Paradise Mantle
- Flickerwisp
- Spell Snare
- Demigod of Revenge

There were a few others, but that's pretty much the sum of the valuable stuff.

I'll give ya $12 for it, if you can't find someone to buy it. Omens are on the decline.


bump! still looking for trades!

To the Top with ye! Trade sent.


Trades sent to both of you, take a look and we'll communicate about what we can set up!



(9 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'd be interested in the Simic one!

What'r you looking for? Cards or Cash?

Potential trades sent, I updated my tradelist (again) as I recently bought one of my friend's collections because he was leaving magic.

Bump! Still looking for trades!

Hey, if anyone has a foil Turn // Burn from DGM, I'd really like to pick one up. I'd value it between $4-5, so take a look at my tradelist and see if we can work something out.

Paul_K, request sent.

Medic, I took a look, I'm sorry, you didn't have anything up that I'm looking for at the moment. Thanks for asking though.

Keep 'em coming!

Hey, just put some time and completely updated my trade binder and put it online. If I have things you're interested in, throw me your name and tradelist and we'll see if we can put a trade together!

Bonus points if you have anything on my wishlist, but I don't keep it very up-to-date. I'm much more likely to find something that I like if I search your list myself.

Thanks! Have a great day.