(13 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Themadhatter2304 wrote:

So is there a question in there somewhere or are you just making statements? Lol

I just came off a 9 hour grave shift because of daylight savings so my paragraph and sentence structure is highly influenced by my tiredness. >.>

What is Bricks? Pardon my ignorance, I just call em by the Alara shards.

I love Opal Palaces ability to change colorless mana into colored mana. The added +1/+1 for your General is just a smallbbonus. I personally don't play any generals where the counter benefits it highly else my opinion might be higher. Just as good as Command Tower though IMO.

Just a simple thread discussing the new pre-cons.

I got to play both the Naya and Esper one. The Esper one is my personal one so, naturally, I did enjoy playing it the most. My friend hAs the Naya and Jund ones, which is where I was able to play Naya. Such fun games and almost always evenly matched (I say almost because Esper creamed Naya).
But my feelings on Oloro himself are mixed. I see him being added to the "Hated" Commander list because of what he is capable of. I also don't want to build a run of the mill Oloro deck.
I guess we are what I am saying is yes, I am just as excited about the decks as anyone, but don't want to keep seeing the same cookie cutter decks these commanders are capable of. Especially Oloro, seems like his decks will all be fairly the same with my current knowledge of cards.


(0 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Before you read any further my tradelist is inexpensive. I have very few cards worth over $1. With that being said, I am looking for Theros Hero cards for a friend. I am interested in any and all of them. He wants a playset of all of them. I don't know what to value them at, since I cannot find them online anywhere yet. We can discuss that if you want to trade. Thanks!

UnstableFlux wrote:

If you're looking to trade that textless promo hit me up!

Nope. But look through my completed trades and you will find a guy that had 3 for trade. All he wants is (or was) Theros cards.

I would trade my soul for a 7th foil Wrath. I do have a textless promo but I know they aren't the same price.

Heh. I don't have a single card worth Angus.


(9 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Themaddhatter2304 wrote:

Well you can only have one in edh sad(((((

The exact reason I want to run a Squadron Hawk, for the lulz, and to make people go WTF?


(9 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Fliers are always good in limited I have decided. I got smashed by those evolve guys (Cloudfin Raptor?) at the Gatecrash prerelease. I do have 3 WELKIN Tern's though.....and it would save me .15 on the deck......


(9 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Themaddhatter2304 wrote:

You have to run the best bird of all...WELKIN TERN!!!!

*Storm Crow

Basically yea its more a funsies deck than a deck to win. I can't actually afford any of the new commander decks (yes I want to cry) so I don't think I will be getting the new Bant commander. Seems all the birds I want are really cheap too. I do need some colorless mana ramp (Sol Ring, Thran Dynamo, etc.) to help Kangee get those feathers on him. Other than that, FLIERS FOR THE WIN! Maybe I will run a Squadron Hawk for the lulz.


(9 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Wow those are bad.


(150 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

First of all, I love Deckbox. I have been able to get rid of so much stuff I will never use for stuff I want and will use. Keep up the amazing work! I love this site!

Not sure if it has been said or not, but I would love to see tokens added. I know as of now you only have the cards listed on the gatherer on here, but maybe one day implement tokens? There are a ton of tokens I want as well as a ton of tokens I have for trade. I would also love to see different pictures/prices of promo cards one day.

On another note, I do miss the days of collecting and trading Pokemon cards. I know so far we have W40k, WoW, and MtG cards. Do you ever think Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh (which I personally dislike) will be added? I am actually looking for Pokemon cards and finding people with them is becoming harder and harder. I'm sure if Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh were added people would use those features. And I know it's probably a lot of work to add whole games into this site.

EDIT: I am also wondering if there is am app. for Android yet. If so where can I find it? I can't locate one anywhere.

Thanks Deckbox Team!

Being a college student and mostly poor, I would hate playing for Ante. BUT I love the idea of any card ever printed being legal. I have a whole bunch of Unset cards with Zedruu written all over them. Psychic Network anyone?

Speaking of a commander variant, I'm sure others have thought of it as well, but Planeswalkers as commanders. Of course anyone who has Jace will use him. I would likely use Gideon Jura or Elspeth, Knight Errant

Last Bump

I'm making a really simple Kangee deck to play with a co-worker of mine. He lacks good cards and money and has basically older cards (6th edition and older). I've wanted to make a Kangee deck before but lacked the enthusiasm to do so. I want to keep it all fliers and mostly bird tribal, for the lulz.

Here is what I am working with:

I would love any instants, sorceries, or enchantments that let me get bird tokens. I will use elementals and angels if I can find any really good ones that fit the theme. No spirits please, I dislike spirit tribal.


(I am also in the market for the Promo Bird Token from Dragons Maze, or bird tokens from Zendikar. I have lots of tokens to replace them or just some random other cards from my tradelist. Just ask.)

I looked. I got nothing.


I recently got my hands on a bunch of unhinged foils. They are as listed:
Johnny, Combo Player
Ach Hans Run
Face to Face
Circle of Protection: Art
Fat Ass
Smart Ass
Bursting Beebles
Farwell To Arms
Goblin Secret Agent
Standing Army
Goblin S.W.A.T. Team
Our Market Research...Longest Name Elemental
Head to Head

Will trade at TCG mid. All are NM condition.

Sorry, I don't have any of that stuff or I would gladly trade. Been looking for a Strix for a while now. Course my trqdeliat is rather bare at the moment.


(4 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I have all 86 Planechase planes, including all 6 promo planes (which does include Tazeem). They are all sleeved in oversized black ultra pro sleeves and come in a deckbox made for Planechase. I only have one Planar die though.

So money will be getting tight soon and I might need to sell for rent. I paid.....a lot for these. I know I may not get anywhere near what I paid but I know what they are worth and I want at good chunk of that.

This is not a 100% final decision if I am selling or not, I just want to see if anyone would even be interested. If so maybe we can work something out in the near future.


Hi there! I have started up a new community for people that play Commander/EDH. Feel free to join if you play that format and would love to trade with others that also play that format.



(0 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

Welcome to the community! I made this community so we that play Commander could find others that play Commander and trade with them.  We that play Commander are a different breed and are looking for a very different group of cards than the other Magic the Gathering formats. Commander lets us take bad cards and make them playable in a varying assortment of ways.

Feel free to use the forums to offer up trades, get help on a deck, or just general card discussion. You are not limited to just trading on this forum.

Rules for this community are the same as the rules for Deckbox. If you break the rules you will be removed from the community. We will not tolerate harassment here, if you are harassing someone you will be removed from the community.

Thank you and have fun!

Thanks for all the suggestions guys. I want to make this deck come to life in the near future.
Next time though I guess I won't post deck questions here. Apparently it was frowned upon since this is a "trading sub group".

I wasn't aware I was asking for trades. Nowhere in my post dies it say I want to trade these cards. This was just a thread to get ideas for a deck.


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

InterwebCeleb wrote:

Yes. The fetch is an activated ability (any ability with a cost (denoted by a colon) is an activated ability. Cost can be mana, tapping, life, saccing, etc) so it triggers the bracers causing 2 fetches for the price of one.

My Sliver deck just got better then.