this really seems like a slower version of boggles.
What is the meta like where you're playing this?
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Deckbox Forum » Posts by elpablo
this really seems like a slower version of boggles.
What is the meta like where you're playing this?
I second the motion to be able to add cards from the "wish list" to the shopping assistant.
you should go to the store, hang out look around... otherwise how will you know. In general people want to help new players. Some stores even have loaner decks you can use (usually RDW). Khans is good until Next Summer... it's not bad to have some.
our goal of making standard legal decks with them.
You didn't say that, and it makes a big difference. There are other questions that come up.
Are you planning on going to FNM?
What's your budget?
Are you aware of rotation happening soon?
Do you know what sets are legal in standard?
What's your local FNM/LGS like? Competitive? Casual?
If you want to get into standard, i really suggest finding a deck online from a competent source.
mtg top 8 -
mtg gold fish -
I recommend this because it helps new players a lot. Deck building is a skill and has to be honed as such. Some of the best deck builders have been playing for years. As a new player you don't want to worry about building a deck and learning how to play format at the same time. It's also demoralizing when something you "created" fails miserably. While this can be a learning experience, its more valuable to learn the mechanics of play first then brew decks when you understand a format and individual card value better.
If this is overwhelming or out of bounds, i suggest sticking to limited formats until you can build up your collection, or perhaps more casual formats like EDH.
Kitchen table is really casual and it doesn't matter what you play as long as the power levels are even and everyone has a good time.
Just stating this in case... Sealed is one of the 2 limited formats draft being the other.
In sealed you receive 6 unopened boosters and you attempt to make a 40 card deck from that "pool". You can try to build a deck with what you open from a fatpack, it's likely to be better than a given sealed pool as long as you stick to 40 cards and just jam things that are similarly colored.
I just went through my history and thought it might be nice if there was an easy report on my personal trading meta data. Things like...
Average value per trade.
Value at time of trade
current value of cards traded
Am I +/- value
Split by format
The people that don't read profiles probably don't read these forums...
really until rotation there's not a good reason not to play UW and do heroic. There's synergy with soldiers (most of them are already soldiers) and the deck has proven to be somewhat resilient. It can be done on a pretty reasonable budget as well.
I"m just wondering... without the BTR forum it's hard to know how rampant scamming is. Whats the meta data? What percentage of trades at any given time could be considered fraudulent?
We need to make sure it's visible when it happens, but I wonder if we're making it a bigger issue than it really is.
Back on topic, i think some combination of both restrictions is good. 3 Trades seems fine, not sure what a limit should be. Ratings? time on deckbox? It is important however that the the 3 open trades need to be from start to finish and both parties received cards in good order.
I think the flag should be visible near the user name while looking for "trading opportunities", goes for selling cards as well. And visible when proposing a trade.
I was worried we'd lose visibility on these issues as well. I frequently read the BTR forums to educate myself on what's going on with other trades and how to avoid problems.
I, also agree that new traders should have to start a little slower. Making them send first doesn't mean they aren't abusing others.
High priority wants atm.
Pact of Negation x 2
Dragon Lord Dromoka x1
Full wish list -
Tradelist -
I just want to say, whatever deck you decide is probably fine as long as it's executed well. Splashing to much puts strain on the manabase and is bad for agro, like the BW warriors you were trying earlier. Agro decks want to curve out and for that you need a large creature base with some spot removal to take care of things that get in the way. Midrange decks play about half removal half threats, but the threats have more impact on the board and demand answers. Like dragons.
As for this current iteration.
Still don't get the thought process behind dragon whisperer.
I think ugin might be a bad idea. He doesn't really do what you want here. This mardu dragons deck is a midrange deck and wants to keep a threat on board. Also getting to 8 mana can be problematic before you run out of gas. Sorin can be fine, in the right matchup, he does help against opposing dragons and the +1 helps your guys trade with rhinos and other bigger guys. The split on sarkhan/stormbreath is up to you, a meta call really. (if any, personally i think stormbreath is better atm and could be modern playble in the right meta, but sarkhan is cheap $$ and will be a likely replacement after rotation, that's just speculation though)
On rotation:
Building for standard after rotation is always a bad idea. There will be cards released out of the new set that will help define the format at that time. The best thing you can do to be ready for rotation is trade out of cards you're not playing, pick a deck and stick with it, and just try to pick up as many "powerful" cards that aren't rotating. IE: Fetches, planeswalkers, mythic creatures with powerful effects... etc. Though you'll never know if you picked up the right stuff until rotation.
Going forward:
That being said, you'll have to figure out what's important and what's not in your deck. I usually start with a netdeck and modify my cards based on my local meta. Some people thumb their noses at net decks, but if i was building a hot rod or a computer, or a bookshelf for that matter, I would do some research online first and usually you come up with a "template" to start from. Magic is no different, I'm no master craftsman and I'm not master deckbuilder either. I have a job and kids and don't have time to perfect a craft, which evaluating cards and deckbuilding is.
Some general tips for magic though that apply to any format. I don't know you're experience level with magic, but you seem to be going back and forth with these builds a lot.
1. Pick a deck and learn it. You'll do yourself a service by not switching decks all the time. Find something you like, of course, but then stick with it. If you know how to play your deck and know your outs in a given situation, then you'll be much better off. I chose temur at the start of Khans and never looked back. It's changed with each set and it's not highly favored at any particular time, but I place in my top 4/8 at FNMs with it more often than not. Turn 3 knucks, turn 4 stormbreath is pretty good
2. Know your format. KNow what decks are popular and how to beat them. PLan for the majority of your matches with your mainbaord and sideboard would be the 15 cards you need in matchups that are bad for you, or that you can't fit into your maindeck. Have a sidebaord plan. Know your oppoents potential outs.
3. Take advice, but come to your own conclusions. You know your play style best and what you feel comfortable with. As long as the principles of your deck are sound, manabse and color distribution, a cohesive plan, and a decent curve you can take it pretty much anywhere and do well.
First off, the only reason i mention the dragons is they're going to be around for a while and standard in general changes a lot, but i feel pretty confident that with the power level of the dragons in the current block that they'll be good for a while. Investing in them isn't bad imo.
About this deck specifically... just my .02 on this style of deck atm.
The mardu dragons deck plays sticky threats, backs them up with solid removal and trys to gain value off the synergy with dragons.
Creatures and Walkers:
Sarkhan is too tough on the manabase and not really worth the splash.
Bolt wing makes for too many 5 drops. I'd cut him for some more solid removal. Dragon whisperer is way too mana intensive to get any value out of him. Another 2 drop like seeker of the way might be better. It seems a lot of decks also use soulfire grandmaster which is nice, since if you land them and cast a draconic roar you're gaining 6 .
Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury does an okay impression of stormbreath and could be a sub, so could the red sarkhan.
If your not playing 4xcrackling doom in these colors your doing it wrong
Sarkahn's triumph is a huge tempo loss in the early game, you don't want to be tutoring in this format IMO. I also think thougthseize is a must and I know it's a little pricey so you could just do , duress. It's not as good, but game 1 you'll likely get some value out of it, )Or you could do a split with despise and side board the other 2 for game 2. Some read the bones or other similar draw spell wouldn't be too bad either.
mana: if you're going to be playing 2 colors and a splash of anything the 3 color lands are a must right now. 4x no less. but don't go over 8-10 tap lands or you risk drawing too many. obviously temples are better while their in the format to fix your topdecks. Also, haven of the spirit dragon helps fix as well at least for the creatures. 24/25 lands is fine for a deck like this though.
crux of fate is really good because it allows you to play your threats and keep your opponents down and hopefully 2/1 them. 2 or 3 in the side would be ideal. Anger of the gods or something similar is desirable too RDW will run you over.
imo, for your latest iteration. I think some cards need reevaluating.
Hateblade just doesn't do enough. and you'll never be able to activate his ability and still curve out .
harsh sustenance, your creature count is low, this will never yield more than 2-3 life with your current setup.
Secure the waste, realistically, x will be 2-3? tops? Another solid threat in it's place is probably better.
Twin bolt is cute, but 2 mana for 2 damage is inefficient when you compare lighting strike, magma spray, stoke the flames etc...
To add to this, taking in consideration of your other post, and the fact that rotation is around the corner (3 months)
I think BW is okay right now while there are cards to support it. Lands, strong removal in hero's downfall etc. But going forward I would keep my options open. The dragon color pairs are more traditional and seem to be stronger atm, and as the commands won't be rotating for a long time, you might pick some of those up.
origins is basically a core set so you won't see much multicolored/fixing there. Maybe a land cycle if we're lucky. And then zendikar is next and it was almost exclusevely mono colored. If that holds true, 2 color decks will be the norm and rare 3rd color splashes.
fair enough. You should populate your inventory and tradelist at some points.
To expand on that.
Sounds like you want to be competitive with the deck at least some what. Mardu agro isn't particularly great atm. If you play it well then your win % will be decent because sometimes aggro just gets there...
IMO, The synergy with dragons right now is too good to pass up for an aggro deck. Thunderbreak regent punishes your opponent for playing removal, and draconic roar is 6 damage for 2 mana which is extremely efficient. For mardu; 4x thuderbreak and 4x stormbreath is about the only way I'd play it, and if you're just going warriors then I think you can cut the red to help your manabase, and use better removal.
Otherwise atarka red just does what you're trying to do here a lot better.
As for crackling doom, it's one of the best removal cards in the format and def the best in your colors hero's downfall notwithstanding. It gets around opposing thunderbreaks, and esper dragons. I think you're also playing way too many non creature spells for a straight aggro deck. Iroas is hot trash and curving out at 4 for butcher then sacing your board to enable him isn't really what you want to be doing (yes, i realize the synergy with blood soaked, it's still not great, it's a huge tempo loss for you to enable him that way).
On blood soaked, I doubt your casting turn one blood soaked champion turn 1 very often with 7 black sources 4 of which come into play tapped. Aggro decks live and die by their curve, if you can't curve out from turn 1 then you're probably not winning against a midrange deck. Rhino/courser/caryatid stone walls over half you're deck and you have about 0 removal for it.
It seems like you don't have a good sense of what you want to be doing with the deck, or it's heavily and specifically tailored to a very weird meta.
The concept isn't bad, but the deck needs refinement, particularly in the manabase.
Decks to look at.
Boros (r/w)
Rakdos (b/r)
Needs more dragons... also crackling doom.
I want to start by saying I use TCG pricing for the most part. It's up to date faster than deckbox and it's widely respected.
I have a foil Collected Company and a foil inkmoth nexus. I would like to trade these for a non-foil version plus value. These are not currently listed for trade however, so you will need to mention them in the trade.
W: Full List
Thunderbreak Regent x3
DragonLord Ojutai x1
H: Full LIst
Blood Moon
Academy Rector
Archangel of Thune
/agree with ty.
It's been done no reason to re-invent the wheel.
The discard cards you have are overkill btw. The only one worth considering maindeck is thoughtseize and even then i think 4 is too much.
Notable Wants (Standard Only) - Full List:
In priority Order.
Dragonlord Ojutai
Collected Company
Thunderbreak Regent
Deathmist Raptor
Narset Transcendent
Dragonlord Atarka
Notable Haves (All) - Full List:
Blood Moon
Academy Rector
Archangel of Thune
Scourge of Valkas (Foil)
Helm of Obedience
Elspeth, Sun's Champion
Temple of Malady
Perilous Vault
Restoration Angel
Xenagos, the Reveler
thanks for Looking
I don't want to speak for the deckbox team, but there are a number of reasons why i think this doesn't happen.
1. It's not that frequent. When you compare the number of card to card trades that happen vs the. alternate trades. i think they are much fewer.
2. You can already sell cards. While this isn't directly tics on mtgo, cash can be spent on there just as easily.
3. It's not really the reason deckbox exists, and it's not covered by their Terms of Service/rules.
It's true that hitting double white or double black, or double green on turn 3, can be hard, even when running a full set of dual lands, which your not here.
@ ty
T1 Elvish Mystic doesn't help you get to a T2 Brimaz or even T2 Anafenza. In fact, T1 Mystic means neither of those are possible and, in reality, you'll be casting Anafenza behind the curve and would need to hit your white/caryatids perfectly to even cast Brimaz on curve. The issue here isn't a matter of mana quantity so much as getting it in the right colors.
I stand by my suggestion of ramp cards. caryatids are better, but mystics will do if you don't have the caryatids. The abzan midrange deck benefits greatly from ramping into larger threats, and everything OP says is that he like's the removal, likes the sorin, likes the colors, but like I suggested a couple times, the soldiers don't work, and the tribal strategy forced in these colors. It really just needs to be a standard abzan midrange deck if he wants a removal/board control centric core. This is him needing to decide what direction to take the deck not of the strategy being flawed in and of iteslf.
And btw, Turn 1 mystic can produce turn 2 anafenza if you drop the mystic with a llanowar waste, but this strategy is better if you're running courser of kruphix over brimaz. I've seen a handful of abzan decks run courser/brimaz/anafenza without too much trouble given the proper manabase though. Just like in temur, sometimes, i'll hit a turn 2 savage knucks/courser/goblin rabblemaster... it doesn't happen all the time, but when it does it's beautiful.
@ OP again, Like I said, the strongest soldier decks around are the heroic ones, anything else is just forcing a theme to work in places where those aren't the best options. To put it another way, whites a fairly week color atm out side of a handful of cards, and the insistence of staying in these colors with this strategy, just isn't going to work like it could in other colors.
IMO, either stick with soldiers get into heroic and do that right, or get rid of the soldiers and head into a midrange abzan deck (honestly the way you talk, and the cards you have, talking about removal) you seem like you want the midrange abzan more, but you're stuck on making soldiers work.
I'm just curious why you're choosing deckbox to manage and online account?
I know v4 isn't great, but you cards and inventory aren't that hard to navigate.
the kiki-combo is good in this deck, resto, zealous conscripts, etc...
Tutors of course like survival of the fittest etc..
Gyre Sage is really good in this since you can reallocate marath's counters then recast her bigger and bigger. Spike feeder is good too with the archangel and marath.
You can make tokens with this deck but the real strength is the commander it's a recastable threat that gets bigger and bigger. Casting and synergyzing with her is wombo combo.
Deckbox Forum » Posts by elpablo