A tiny fixable bug:

When you view somebody's profile and you're looking at the list of tradeable cards, the tooltip for both star icons read "Total in your wishlist".  In this case, the first should read "Total in your wishlist" and the second one should read "Total in ~'s wishlist".  smile

FINALLY.  I finally figured out the bug that was driving me 1000% nuts, with the Edit (inventory) popup.

If you go to change the edition of a card, and you manage to click in the whitespace either above or below the list of editions, in closes the entire popup (both levels).  This happens not infrequently.  The bottom edition should extend to the bottom of that pulldown, and the top edition should probably extend to the top of the pulldown.  Or, at the very least, that whitespace should not close the popup window.

I can take a screenshot if you need, but go around and play with the edition pulldown and click on its edges.  You should see what I mean.


Nighthawk wrote:

One thing for people sending mail worldwide:  It looks like the address is saved as one long text string, and removes all of the line breaks.  That's fine for the US where we know what addresses look like.  However, if I am sending stuff to Europe or the middle east or somewhere, an address can be multiple lines and I have no idea how to write it out.  Please track the newline characters again!

I'm having this problem, too.  The address I confirm has all the carriage returns, but the address that gets posted to the screen has them all stripped out.  Definitely a regression there.

A brief bug, but one that was in release 1 as well: Séance has no price at all.

I'm having issues with Opera Mobile where I have to login again and again and again.  It seems to keep losing my session.  :\

Okay, I've figured it out:

http://deckbox.org/sets/79689?c=li& … =2&s=l

When sorted by Date Added, Counterbalance shows up at the top of cards added at "22-Dec-2012 11:34", but also at the bottom.  It's a 2/2 split.  They should probably, at the very least, be right next to each other.  smile

Another feature request / bug:

When I go to inventory, I might have the same card (say, Flooded Strand) show up in three different spots, wildly separated from each other -- even on different pages.  That might be because I have 4 marked as NM Onslaught English, 2 marked as Onslaught NM, and one just marked as Onslaught.  But because they can be separated from each other because they were added at different times, it can make my inventory both very long, and very hard to navigate at a glance.  It would be great if I could have an option to "Only show duplicated cards" so I could tidy up my inventory and fix this problem.

The best solution I've found thus far is to sort by price, but that still leaves me to page through my inventory... which can be quite long.  smile

Similarly, an option to "Collapse duplicates" would also be handy, at least for my own inventory and tradelist.

Sorry, the bugs keep coming in!  tongue

When I go to edit a card's quantity, it doesn't autoselect the entire field, which quickly gets annoying.  For example, if I go to a card and want to change its quantity from 1 to 2, I have to:

Click to the right of the number
Hit the delete key
Type in 2

In the old one, you would just click in the field, it would "select all", and you could just type 2.

It's a minor bug, but it's one of those UI annoyances that adds up over time.  smile

I had posted this feedback on another thread, but I'm not sure how much if it was seen.  So, just in case, I'll post it here as well:

Bugs I am seeing:

- Feedback is being sorted by oldest first.  Newest first is probably what most people would expect.  smile

- I'm frequently having the edit quantity popup automatically close itself, despite not having hit Apply.  I'm not sure what is triggering it, but it is crazy frustrating.

- On trading opportunities, I had this listed:

Kyle Roen     United States - Altus     24     41

That is, I can get 24 and give 41.

But when I went to his profile, I could only give 2, not 41, because he only wanted foils.  The second number seems to be frequently inaccurate, though, regardless of whether they only want foils or what not.

Feedback / Requests:
- It's still quite hard to find people to trade with, if I'm looking for a specific card.  For example, if I'm looking for a Abrupt Decay, there are be 360 users over 52 pages (!!!), of which 90% of them have 0 feedback and don't mail trade.  Sorting by proximity to you is really only useful if you only do local trades.  It would be nice if I could simply select which countries I'll trade with (Australia, Canada, USA), have the list ignore countries not on the list, and then sort the list by feedback count or recent activity.  Paging through 52 pages (*sad exclamation point*) of users to find the handful that actually trade is a really painful slog.  A toggle to choose between Proximity, Feedback, and Activeness would be probably the most useful upgrade possible.

I had also proposed -- maybe a couple years ago -- simply having a minimum feedback requirement in one's settings.  At the time, it had been a quite liked idea, but it seems to have been passed over.  Basically, "0" would be the default, but if you set it to, say, 5, then only people with 5 would show up in the "having X in tradelist" list.

- It would be nice if my Friends page could show me the amount of available trading opportunities I have, just like I get when I view the root of the site.

- Speaking of which, it would also be great if the "Trading opportunities" panel wasn't just hidden on the main page.  When I first started using the site, it took me over a month to find out that it even existed.  I have friends who are constantly surprised by it.  It would be so much more awesome if Trading Opportunities was simply its own page, along with "Trades", "Inventory", "Tradelist", etc.

- It would also be great if I could use TCGPlayer Low in the trade itself, where everybody could see.  The average is frequently terrible, especially for cards that are dropping in value, such as when they recently rotate.  Right now, if I set my preferences to TCGPlayer low, in an individual trade, it shows me the low price and my trading partner their preference, which is usually the average price.  Further, the totals get all screwed up.  Almost all my local trades are done by TCG low, because it's far more representative of what we would actually pay.

- Having some way to list cash on either side of a trade would also be handy.

Otherwise, thanks so much for all your hard work on the updates.  The improvements are all wonderful!

I think I have like six Strands and only three Deltas, so I'd be happy to trade if you wanted to look through my tradelist.

I responded with a trade for them right away yesterday, but I haven't heard back from you at all.  Everything cool?

I'd take you up on two Bobs for $70 if they're NM, but I'd understand if you didn't want to split up the set.  Maybe if I can get another person who wants to go in halfsies?

Do people do that?  I have 80 successful trades at this point, and I've never had anybody claim that they haven't received my cards.  And I don't usually bother with DC until it hits $40 or so.


(22 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Maybe it's just me, but it feels kind of rude that you started a thread a week ago to sell your cards, but there still hasn't been any movement on it at all.  Why bother to start the thread if you're not ready to sell your cards yet?  sad


(22 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Seems swell, then.

Then I'm still interested in:

1 Enlightened Tutor (Mirage)
1 Gilded Lotus
1 Polluted Delta
2 Sensei's Divining Top


(22 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I just picked up the Forces, but I'd still be interested in the other seven cards, if they're still available.  Maybe a couple cheapo Gilded Lotuses, as well.  smile


(22 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Any update, Dolus?  I'm bidding on some eBay auctions for both FoW and Enlightened Tutor, and they start ending in about 10 hours.  If you could let me know before then, so I could cancel my snipes, that would be great.  smile

Oh!  Hey!  I thought of one other feature I had thought about, that I feel like would be really awesome to have.

Add a card called "Cash" or "Money".  It represents one dollar/euro/etc.  That way, I could have:

1 Liliana of the Veil
8 Cash

1 Geist of Saint Traft

I already do plenty of cash transactions through the site, but it would be nice to have a cleaner way of doing it.


(22 replies, posted in Trading Post)

If you have a significant amount of positive feedback (>50) on eBay as a seller of Magic cards, that might work okay.  Otherwise, you'll just have to trust me!  I have to be in the top 5% of traders, I'd imagine, on the site for feedback.  smile


(22 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I'd buy:

4x Enlightened Tutor (if they're Mirage)
4x Force of Will
1x Polluted Delta
2x Sensei's Divining Top

Off of you, all at once, if you want to open a trade with me and offer a price.  That said, I will require you to ship first, because you have 0 feedback on the site.  I've done a ton of trades with them shipping first (>$100) and I've done cash purchases in the same way, and you can see that I have the feedback for it.  ~80 feedback, none of it negative.  I'd understand, though, if you didn't feel comfortable shipping first, in which case I'd probably pass.

Nope, the browser just sits in the tank until it eventually errors out with:


Gateway Timeout


Not sure if that's a reverse proxy on your system or a transparent proxy on the T-Mobile network, however.  Trying to go to https://deckbox.org/ redirects me to http://deckbox.org/ and then causes the same error.

I notably cannot connect to deckbox on the T-Mobile network, which is just weird.  If I'm on wifi, my phone connects just fine.  :\

Through wifi on phone (IP:
traceroute to deckbox.org (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets
1 (  3.236 ms  0.061 ms  1.954 ms
2  mpls-dsl-gw57.mpls.qwest.net (  25.789 ms  67.266 ms  113.200 ms
3  mpls-agw1.inet.qwest.net (  33.298 ms  30.581 ms  30.276 ms
4  chp-brdr-03.inet.qwest.net (  33.908 ms  35.556 ms  38.822 ms
5 (  44.468 ms  34.610 ms  82.955 ms
6  vlan52.ebr2.Chicago2.Level3.net (  67.572 ms  36.350 ms  43.767 ms
7  ae-6-6.ebr2.Washington12.Level3.net (  55.303 ms  72.944 ms  85.579 ms
8  ae-5-5.ebr2.Washington1.Level3.net (  56.981 ms  55.730 ms  53.625 ms
9  ae-42-42.ebr2.Paris1.Level3.net (  133.832 ms  ae-43-43.ebr2.Paris1.Level3.net (  135.267 ms  ae-41-41.ebr2.Paris1.Level3.net (  143.293 ms
10  ae-47-47.ebr1.Frankfurt1.Level3.net (  154.708 ms  ae-46-46.ebr1.Frankfurt1.Level3.net (  153.731 ms  ae-48-48.ebr1.Frankfurt1.Level3.net (  183.580 ms
11  ae-71-71.csw2.Frankfurt1.Level3.net (  150.069 ms  ae-61-61.csw1.Frankfurt1.Level3.net (  151.320 ms  ae-81-81.csw3.Frankfurt1.Level3.net (  146.223 ms
12  ae-1-60.edge7.Frankfurt1.Level3.net (  160.812 ms  ae-4-90.edge7.Frankfurt1.Level3.net (  166.549 ms  ae-2-70.edge7.Frankfurt1.Level3.net (  154.341 ms
13  AS33891-NET.edge7.Frankfurt1.Level3.net (  159.652 ms  154.739 ms  140.638 ms
14  hos-bb1.juniper2.rz16.hetzner.de (  140.698 ms  hos-bb1.juniper1.rz16.hetzner.de (  156.661 ms  hos-bb1.juniper2.rz16.hetzner.de (  158.461 ms
15  hos-tr4.ex3k7.rz16.hetzner.de (  147.169 ms  hos-tr2.ex3k7.rz16.hetzner.de (  146.467 ms  hos-tr3.ex3k7.rz16.hetzner.de (  162.552 ms
16  deckbox.org (  148.909 ms  149.794 ms  169.480 ms

Through T-Mobile USA on phone (IP:
shell@android:/ # traceroute deckbox.org                                       
traceroute to deckbox.org (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets
1 (  39.402 ms  119.121 ms  40.165 ms
2 (  49.016 ms  50.634 ms  40.379 ms
3 (  129.498 ms  49.535 ms  40.165 ms
4 (  49.046 ms  49.534 ms  49.504 ms
5 (  49.717 ms  52.618 ms  55.730 ms
6 (  50.084 ms  49.321 ms  49.840 ms
7 (  49.595 ms  49.535 ms  49.565 ms
8 (  39.798 ms  48.497 ms  70.593 ms
9  xe-9-0-0.edge4.Chicago2.Level3.net (  48.833 ms  49.748 ms  40.378 ms
10 (  49.382 ms (  49.871 ms  49.779 ms
11  ae-6-6.ebr2.Washington12.Level3.net (  69.983 ms  59.820 ms  69.800 ms
12  ae-5-5.ebr2.Washington1.Level3.net (  59.728 ms  58.629 ms  69.952 ms
13  ae-41-41.ebr2.Paris1.Level3.net (  139.631 ms  ae-44-44.ebr2.Paris1.Level3.net (  140.058 ms  ae-43-43.ebr2.Paris1.Level3.net (  140.027 ms
14  ae-47-47.ebr1.Frankfurt1.Level3.net (  160.049 ms  ae-46-46.ebr1.Frankfurt1.Level3.net (  148.817 ms  ae-48-48.ebr1.Frankfurt1.Level3.net (  150.038 ms
15  ae-61-61.csw1.Frankfurt1.Level3.net (  160.080 ms  ae-91-91.csw4.Frankfurt1.Level3.net (  148.848 ms  ae-61-61.csw1.Frankfurt1.Level3.net (  148.787 ms
16  ae-3-80.edge7.Frankfurt1.Level3.net (  146.619 ms  ae-2-70.edge7.Frankfurt1.Level3.net (  150.038 ms  ae-4-90.edge7.Frankfurt1.Level3.net (  140.058 ms
17  AS33891-NET.edge7.Frankfurt1.Level3.net (  139.997 ms  148.909 ms  139.661 ms
18  hos-bb1.juniper2.rz16.hetzner.de (  149.550 ms  148.787 ms  hos-bb1.juniper1.rz16.hetzner.de (  150.007 ms
19  hos-tr4.ex3k7.rz16.hetzner.de (  156.906 ms  hos-tr1.ex3k7.rz16.hetzner.de (  149.031 ms  hos-tr4.ex3k7.rz16.hetzner.de (  150.465 ms
20  deckbox.org (  150.802 ms  148.695 ms  149.946 ms

A public list of names and addresses would be awesome!  Will the burden of proof always lie upon the sender?  The reason why I ask is that I'd hate to have to spend $2 for each trade just so I can have a tracking number.  And most people would hate signature confirmation, since most of us are rarely home when the mail is delivered.  smile

It seems that if somebody has a high enough feedback, they should probably have the benefit of the doubt that they shipped something that they said that they did.

HikingStick wrote:

It may just be me, but on the trade interface, I liked seeing each side of the trade in a separate column, as is the case with the current site.  It made it easier to view both sides of a trade.  Also, with wide-screen displays being much more common these days, I have far more horizontal screen space than I do vertical.  Am I the only one who likes the current two-column model?

I also really miss the two column mode.  I am very quick at arithmetic, but, alas, it is now extremely difficult to quickly eyeball if I'm going to be able to make a trade that is roughly equal.  Side-by-side was far better for that.  For me, the new interface is far worse for actually being able to conduct trades, especially when we both have more than just a couple cards that the other person needs.  I look at marumari<->codysattva (can get 73, can receive 62) and it's almost entirely impossible to do now.  Even just 15<->15 is hard to decipher.  sad

Bugs I am seeing:
- When I look at an individual card, it always says "Found 0 users", for all pulldown menus.

- When I look at an individual card, I also only get page 1 of 1, even though there are far more users with the cards.

- When I look at an individual card, it shows myself as having cards in my Wishlist.  I'm not sure that is necessary.  Further, for Hallowed Fountain, I show up as needing 1, and then needing 2, in the wishlist pulldown.  I don't need to show up there, when I'm listed above as well.

Questions / Feedback / Requests:
- Will the new version of the site fix the problem of making it very hard to find people to trade with, if you're looking for a specific card?  In the current version, if I'm looking for a card, there might be 191 users over 28 pages (so many pages!), of which 90% of them have 0 feedback or haven't logged into the site in over a year.  Sorting by distance (which is I think the current setup) is the least useful option.  It would be nice if I could simply select which countries I'll trade with (Australia, Canada, USA), have the list ignore countries not on the list, and then sort the list by either immediately local, then feedback count, or simply feedback count alone.  If that's not feasible, simply changing the order to be by feedback count would be a gigantic improvement for somebody like myself, who does a lot of mail trades.

- It would be nice if my Friends page could show me the amount of available trading opportunities I have, just like I get when I view the root of the site.

- Speaking of which, it would also be great if the "Trading opportunities" panel wasn't just hidden on the main page.  When I first started using the site, it took me over a month to find out that it even existed.  I have friends who are constantly surprised by it.  It would be so much more awesome if Trading Opportunities was simply its own page, along with "Trades", "Inventory", "Tradelist", etc.

- It would also be great if I could use TCGPlayer Low in the trade itself, where everybody could see.  The average is frequently terrible, especially for cards that are dropping in value, such as when they recently rotate.  Right now, if I set my preferences to TCGPlayer low, in an individual trade, it shows me the low price and my trading partner their preference, which is usually the average price.  Further, the totals get all screwed up.  Almost all my local trades are done by TCG low, because it's far more representative of what we would actually pay.

- Since so many people only want to trade Legacy<->Legacy or Standard<->Standard, it would be nice to have an option, when viewing a trader, to "Only show standard legal cards" and to "Hide all standard legal cards".

Whew!  I'll have more feedback later, but now I must get back to work!  smile


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hmm.  What is the condition of your Academy Rector?