Hey there,

First off, I have a sealed set of From the Vault : Realms that I was lucky enough to snag at my local comic book store for a good price on the release date. I would consider trading it, since I only have a strong interest in about half the lands. I've seen them going for a whole whack load on ebay, etc. so I would value it unopened at about $85 - $90 in trade. If anyone is interested check out my list and maybe we can make something work.

Second, If I decide to keep it I'd like to add it to my inventory but deckbox does not currently have "From the Vault : Realms" listed as a set. Any idea when it may become available or suggestions on what to do in the meantime?




(2 replies, posted in Canadian Traders)

Glad to see the community is growing!!

I'll do what i can!
Go Canada Go!

I'm looking to trade for the full set of Archenemy schemes.

I'm willing to trade for them one at a time, or as a full lot.

Check out my tradelist and let's make a deal!


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hey there,

Looking to trade for Tamiyo.

I have a lot of stuff in my trade list, most notably a Bonfire of the Damned.

Let me know if you are interested!