I have Snaps in English or Chinese. Your preference. However, I'm not seeing a lot of value in your tradelist for them. Feel free to make an offer.

Would you be interested in trading it for a Misty Rainforest?


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

meatforsale wrote:

I don't have anything in your wishlist, but I'd love to get my hands on a playset of Geists (or as many as possible) and some Snapcasters. Let me know if I have anything you want. http://deckbox.org/sets/322971

I am sorry -- I do not see anything that I need. sad

DTrain5742 wrote:
truechill wrote:

Are you willing to let go of your Scalding Tarn?

Sorry, it's in a deck, so unless you have an amazing offer to make, it's going to be a no.

I was just hoping to swap a Misty Rainforest for it. No problem.

Are you willing to let go of your Scalding Tarn?


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I need pretty much everything other than Snaps/Geists. I have a surplus of them, and a few of each are also for trade. Let me know.


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

What exactly are you looking for? By chance would you trade 2 of your Tarns for 2 Misty Rainforest?

Interested in your Jace. I have Mesas, Mistys, and Foil Shocks. Take a look at my trade list please! smile


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

You're hoping to get 2 Geists for a Lili? lol

Sent you a PM!


(36 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Are any of your Revised duals for trade?


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

My Tradelist is pretty much everything useful in Standard. I also have a Modern Affinity deck. Let me know if we can make something happen. I am willing to trade up, but not a whole lot. If there's something specific you're looking for let me know, and if it's reasonable I may be able to get it. Thanks for reading!

I am interested in your Guildpact Stomping Grounds. Let me know if I have anything you're interested in!

outofstep wrote:
truechill wrote:


I might want a Firestorm from ya.

If we do a trade, you get a bonus card for quoting Earth Crisis cool

Haha for real I do want one just so I can do that when my friends flip through my binder. Let me know if there's anything I have that you would like.


I might want a Firestorm from ya.

Title says it all. Feel free to propose trades!