Topic: W: Modern R/W/U H: My Tradelist

I need pretty much everything other than Snaps/Geists. I have a surplus of them, and a few of each are also for trade. Let me know.

Re: W: Modern R/W/U H: My Tradelist

I don't have anything in your wishlist, but I'd love to get my hands on a playset of Geists (or as many as possible) and some Snapcasters. Let me know if I have anything you want.

Re: W: Modern R/W/U H: My Tradelist

meatforsale wrote:

I don't have anything in your wishlist, but I'd love to get my hands on a playset of Geists (or as many as possible) and some Snapcasters. Let me know if I have anything you want.

I am sorry -- I do not see anything that I need. sad