Ipna wrote:

Send me a trade later. Im at work but I think I have a lot of the non duals you are looking for

Trade sent!


Pics of the trop?


Decided to make a new trading thread after my other one was up to 3 pages. Willing to entertain cash offers on anything listed as well.

Scalding Tarn x2 - mostly looking for duals for these
Noble Hierarch x2
Splinter Twin LP x4
Food Chain LP x3
Past In Flames x3
Pyromancer Ascension x4

Tradelist - http://deckbox.org/sets/402759?s=j&o=d

Priority Wants:
Tundra x1
Scrubland x1
Vindicate x1
Umezawa's Jitte x1
Chaos Warp x1
Maze of Ith x1
Survival of the Fittest x1
Smokestack x1

The rest of my cube wants - http://deckbox.org/sets/402760?s=j&o=d


seanxfitz wrote:
seanxfitz wrote:
seanxfitz wrote:
seanxfitz wrote:
seanxfitz wrote:

Bump city


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Are the groves NM?

seanxfitz wrote:
seanxfitz wrote:

Bump city

seanxfitz wrote:

Bump city

Bump city




aznman375 wrote:

I saw your post, but unfortunately I already have a krenko list of my own sad

My friends and I kinda share a card pool, so all of "my" decks are really our decks, and I'd rather not run two krenkos in our "meta"

Whoops! Should've read your first post a little closer haha. Thanks anyway, good luck!

I have a Krenko EDH deck that I'm trying to get rid of. Fairly cheap and very fun especially in 1v1, has really intense combo-like turns and some combos built in as well. Just need to add 35 mountains of your own. The list (sans mountains) is on my Profile under Krenko EDH.

btdesalvo wrote:

would be interested in the the nobles i have a chord let me know if you see anything else.. i have a lot i havn't added to my list

PM inbound.


To the top

Pics/Scans of the hierarchs?

Threads sold!



