So ive started building mono black cant decide if i ahould got b/r. (For thr temples) it opens rakdos return dreadbore etc
Or 2nd option since.nightveils arent in my deck seems less appealing
The b/u
Land base currently is
21 swamp
4 mutavaults
1 nykthos
Rest is...
4 pack rat,3 lifebane,4demons,4 gray merchant, 2 herald of torment, 1 liliana of the dark realms
4 hero's downfall,4 thoughtseize, 2 devour, 2 ultimate price, whip, 3 underworld conn.
1 elixir of immortallity
1 devour
2 erebos
1 ultimate price
2 bile blight
2 drown in sorrow
3 duress
3 dark betrayal
On my phone at work so trying to remeber build off top of my head think sanguine bond should be inhere.somwhere
The double gray merchant dam the lifelink creatures dealing double seems goodd to me it is a 5 drop but devotion is good in black just about everything permanent ihas 1bb or a combo like that
Otger possible cards or 1ofs i like
Lord of the void
Sech(w/e the black primodial) from gatecrash