
(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Interested in Hellrider, Clifftop, and Sacred Foundry, let me know if you see anything

Interested in 2x Cabal Therapy and 1x Firemane Avenger, let me know if you see anything

Interested in the foil Searing Spears and maybe Ash Zealot

UnstableFlux wrote:

Bumpin' for lovin'

Cracked a box of GTC, got some goodies!

Edit: I'm adding my uncommons from the box now, so keep checking back!

Bumpin' for lovin'

Bump and updated!

Original Post / Original Poster depending on the context

Interested in Sol Ring, Clifftops, and Life of the Loam. Let me know if you see anything

UnstableFlux wrote:


Only need what is in the OP now!

shade36 wrote:
UnstableFlux wrote:
shade36 wrote:

godless shrine for demonic tutor?

Sorry only looking for what I listed in the post. Thanks for looking though!

I can through in 2 hell riders if you through in 2 blood crypts

Just traded it, but I'll be buying a box or two friday and updating this friday night, so check back then!

Sorry just traded it sad


Garuda wrote:

Listing them in your wishlist would be greatly beneficial for me as I know I have some of the cards you're looking for.

Just finished, I realized I forgot :]

Saw a cheap, fun, and reasonably competitive legacy deck and said why not. I've been wanting to get back into legacy for many years now, but as a broke college grad was priced out of the format. Mostly just want this to troll the crap out of my friends from time to time o:)


-1x Cabal Therapy
-3x Summoner's Pact
-4x Chrome Mox
H: Tradeslist

Thanks for looking!


shade36 wrote:

godless shrine for demonic tutor?

Sorry only looking for what I listed in the post. Thanks for looking though!



(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I see. While I've never played modern but that makes sense. I just need 1 for an edh deck!


(5 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Sorry it's not exactly a trade post. Do you guys think Jace will drop in price since he didn't get unbanned in modern? If so what price range? I'm hopeful he will drop to $70ish once the speculators start to sell/trade him away. Thanks!

Any cards with a $0.00 next to them are the price I'm willing to buy/sell the card at

Notable Haves:
-3x Dragonskull Summit (M13)
-1x Olivia Voldaren - $8
-1x Flooded Grove - $14
-1x Vexing Devil - $7
-1x Supreme Verdict - $3
-3x Dreadbore - $2/each
-1x Sulfur Falls - $6
-Tradeslist - All of my Tradeslist is up for sale, tell me what you're looking at and I'll get you a price


-1x Clifftop Retreat
-1x Undercity Informer

Non-standard wants:

High Priority:
-1x Cabal Therapy - $3
-2x Summoner's Pact
-1x Chrome Mox

Medium Priority:
-1x Harmonic Sliver
-3x Wall of Roots
-1x Omniscience
-1x Deceiver Exarch
-1x Eternal Witness
-1x Kitchen Finks
-1x Glen Elendra Archmage
-1x Phantasmal Image
-1x Wall of Omens
-1x Razorverge Thicket
-1x Zealous Conscripts

Not looking to trade for anything else on my wishlist atm, only what's listed here smile


(19 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

UnstableFlux wrote:

Bumpin' for lovin'


(19 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

UnstableFlux wrote:

Bumpin' for lovin'


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Interested in your Life from the Loam, let me know if you see anything