Topic: Question about Jace, TMS

Sorry it's not exactly a trade post. Do you guys think Jace will drop in price since he didn't get unbanned in modern? If so what price range? I'm hopeful he will drop to $70ish once the speculators start to sell/trade him away. Thanks!

Last edited by UnstableFlux (2013-01-28 13:57:22)

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Re: Question about Jace, TMS

Honestly I dont see it dropping alot anytime in the near future. Perhaps he might come down alittle to something like 90-85. Even tho hes only played (heavily) in Legacy, its one of a few cards that put it self on the Reserved List due to is power level and will more than likely never see a reprint baring a Judge Promo, so he does hold alot of value for collectors and legacy player alike. Not to mention, he could very well come off the Ban list in a future unbanning.

Re: Question about Jace, TMS

You'll see a lot more available, as all the people who picked them up pre-banlist announcement try to get rid of them again, but odds are they'll sell for the same price they bought at to at least try and break even. I can't see him ever coming off the banlist, especially with BBE on the list now. I can't picture them dropping below $80, even if they do release a Judge promo.

That said, I'd pick them up at $80, since they won't drop and it's hard enough to find people willing to part with them as-is.

Re: Question about Jace, TMS

I don't think people actually speculated on TMS being unbanned in modern. Anyone who's played even a little modern would realize that unbanning TMS would be awful for the format. I believe his $100 price tag is completely uninfluenced by speculators.

Re: Question about Jace, TMS

I see. While I've never played modern but that makes sense. I just need 1 for an edh deck!

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Free yourself from yourself

Re: Question about Jace, TMS

They ebay for 80-85, so picking them up at $80 would clearly be sweet. I'd happily trade for one at $100!