I'm interested in 1x Arcanis the Omnipotent, 1x Stromkirk Noble, and 1x Spellbound Dragon. Do you see anything on my tradeslist?


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

You'd honestly probably have better luck breaking them up. Try selling the foil on ebay and the regular one here for $25-ish. I just sold my playset on ebay a few days ago for $135.


(28 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


Bump! Added some more RTR cards to my tradeslist!

UnstableFlux wrote:

bumpin' for lovin'

UnstableFlux wrote:

bumpin' for lovin'


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Well it is pretty much updated. There might be a rare or two listed that I no longer have but other than that it's all set. I'll be adding all my blue, green, red, multicolored, and land uncommons throughout the day


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Not entirely as I did some live trading over the weekend, but let me know what you're looking for and I'll let you know if I have it :-)

Edit: I'll be able to get more o r less updated later today


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Edit: Done buying cards!

Still looking to trade for:

-1x Bribery
-3x Hellrider
-1x Cascade Bluffs
-1x Stromkirk Noble
-1x Mystical Tutor (Low Priority)
-1x Spellbound Dragon
-1x Arcanis the Omnipotent

Thanks for looking!

bumpin' for lovin'


(28 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

UnstableFlux wrote:

Bump! Still looking to get my high priority wants!


His FoW is back up for grabs! I needed one asap and found a local shop that was selling one for $50 so I got that one instead.


(28 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bump! Still looking to get my high priority wants!

I'm looking to get 1x Maze of Ith via a mix of cash and cards. Let me know what edition it is and what condition it is in and I'll let you know what I value it at!

Updated! Still need 3x Hellrider


(28 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Bumpin' for lovin'

Updated! Still need a few more things!

How about $50?

mpinsky wrote:

I can sell 1 FOW yes, how does 55$ sound?

What is the condition? Lightly played FoW are selling for $50 on ebay via buy-it now, even less via bidding


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

mpinsky wrote:

I have some slightly played force of wills. What would you over.

Depends on the condition, do you have pictures? Right now 1x Fow lightly played condition is going for $50 on ebay

Any chance you'd be willing to sell 1x FoW?

Helios52 wrote:

What do you value your foil Dreadbore at?


-1x Stromkirk Noble
-3x Hellrider
-2x Rakdos Cackler

Also check out my other post looking for the last few things I need for my U/R EDH deck


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


Dakkon4444 wrote:

hey guys. Im really curious as to why Linvala is such a good card. I dont play modern, so maybe thats why i dont see it right away

There are currently a lot of decks that run creatures with activated abilities, so a lot of the control decks like her for her ability. She is also a 3/4 flying for 2WW which is nice on its own.