Bump, a few things updated


Geist of Saint Traft added to tradelist (but not available until I actually receive it from a trade)

Notable Card for trade:
Sphinx's Revelation x3
Jace AoT
Deathrite Shaman x2
Hallowed Fountain x2
Steam Vents
Abrupt Decay x2

Geist of Saint Traft is also coming in the mail soon.

I'm looking for 3 Liliana of the Veil's..

Notable Card for trade:
Sphinx's Revelation x3
Jace AoT
Deathrite Shaman x2
Hallowed Fountain x2
Steam Vents
Abrupt Decay x2

Tradelist is available as well.
I also have a Geist of Saint Traft that should arrive by early next week.

I have 3 Sphinx's and 2 Hallowed Fountains for trade.  Sending you a trade request soon.

Now looking to trade for Liliana of the Veil

updated again.

Updated tradelist on deckbox profile

Looking to trade for Snapcaster Mages/Restoration Angels/Watery Graves

Have the following cards available
Sphinx's Revelation x4
Angel of Serenity x2
Hallowed Fountain x2
Steam Vents
Trostani, Selesneya's Voice

More in tradelist

Created a trade proposal to chat with you there.

Interested in buying several.

trade request sent


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

atomicashes wrote:

I'm having trouble deciding which card to put in my deck. Lots of people play farseek but I feel like caravan vigil is the better card.

Farseek http://deckbox.org/mtg/Farseek
Caravan Vigil http://deckbox.org/mtg/Caravan%20Vigil

A few things

1.  Farseek can get Shocklands into play since shocklands count as Swamp/Forest/Mountain/Island/Plain etc.

2.  Farseek has a guaranteed acceleration (putting the mana into play).  Caravan Vigil is very dependent on your deck.

trade request sent

I made you an offer for cards you have in your inventory but not trade list.  Let me know if you are interested!

Looking to trade these cards and hopefully get a playset of restoration angels.

I'm willing to listen to other offers as well, working on a control blue/white deck.  Thanks!