Topic: W: Sphinx, Fountain, Tamiyo; H: Inventory
Gearing up for the upcoming release and I think I finally worked out my new deck. Stuff I need to get:
2x Hallowed Fountain (1 is enough, but I'd need to pull the one from my cube if I don't get 2)
3x Sphinx's Revelation
2x Tamiyo
I will also need 4x Watery Grave if anyone has any from the original Ravnica block, but those are lower priority since they'll be more widely available in a few weeks.
I know this stuff's pricey, so you're welcome to make offers for stuff in my inventory and I'll have to weigh if I'm willing to pull that out of a deck or cube. Doens't hurt to ask, and I may be disassembling a couple decks for this to work. Definitely willing to part with the Foil Abrupt Decay.