(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

jgmill87 wrote:

I have all the tron lands and quite a few other things from your wishlist, but you don't really have anything in your tradelist that I'm too interested in. Is anything in your inventory for trade?

You can try but most of the stuff in my inventory is in my Esper Control deck. I have a garruk relentless up for trade not in my inventory also have a bunch of commons and Uncommons if you are interested in anything. Let me know and start a trade


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

like the title says


(21 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I keep having the same issues as most of you have, but there have been times where my cards took at least two weeks to reach someone and at the same time I still haven't recieved the cards from his part(it's been 3 weeks still nothing) I've had to contact support and ask what I should do I usually give a set day when I send so it gives them a time frame of when to expect the cards this helps me set a day to send multiple trades in 1 day but I've had the problem of sending something and not getting a response back even though I see the persons last time on. The least some one could do is tell you what's going on and a reasoning for not sending but no communication really ticks me off.


Bumpity bump-bump.


Looking for 3 Detention Spheres for anything in my tradelist.


TehPokedex wrote:

Is your trade list up to date? I have a Gideon is be willin to trade off, but I'm mainly looking for gatecrash stuff

Yeah it's mostly up to date I don't have any gatecrash stuff sorry.

jestorx wrote:

I have a pair of Sorin's for trade if you are interested!

I am start up a trade I'm also interested in a Gideon!

mbknight wrote:

i have 2 or 3 vampire tokens you are looking for, and several spirit tokens.  how many you need?

As many as I can get is good haha

I need:

x Sorin Emblems
x Vamipre Lifelink Tokens
x White Spirt Tokens

got the Sorin and The Gideon I needed also got The Tamiyo Emblem and a few Sorin Emblems also
I also got 4 Spirits
and 1 Vampire still in need of more.


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)


Interested in all Unhinged lands and Zendikar Lands by John Avon

I'm willing to work anything out!


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

bump and edited.

I have the ash zealots if you need them check out my profile and send a trade!

I have the Phantasms, Trepanation Blade, and Sleep


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I'm interested in getting into modern and I'd like to make this deck http://deckbox.org/sets/284014

Here's what I need

-Auriok Champion x4
-Tidehollow Sculler x3
-Hero of Bladehold x3

-Path to Exile x4
-Raise The Alarm x4
-Zealous Persecution x4
-Inquisition of Kozilek x3
-Thoughtseize x1
-Lingering Souls x4
-Spectral Procession x4
-Honor of the Pure x2
-Intangible Virtue x2

-Caves of Koilos x2
-Fetid Heath x2
-Godless Shrine x2
-Isolated Chapel x2
-Marsh Flats x2
-Windbrisk Heights x4

-Ethersworn Canonist x2
-Stony Silence x2
-Aven Mindcensor x2
-Mirran Crusader x2

I have some stuff on your wishlist Interested in The Godless Shrine


(7 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have a bunch of these cards hit me up with a trade we can work something out


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Interested in the Terminus and The Entreat.


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

interested in obzedat but I don't have anything on your wishlist.

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