Prefer USA unless you have a lot of what I need.

Noteable Haves:
3x Stormbreath Dragon
1x Chandra, Pyromaster
2x Boros Reckoner
3x Sacred Foundry
3x Soldier of the Pantheon *1 is foil*
1x Jace, Memory Adept
1x Sylvan Caryatid
2x Desecration Demon
1x Ash Zealot *Foil*
4x Advent of the Wurm
4x Boon Satyr
2x Heliod, God of the Sun
1x Lododon Smiter
2x Temple Garden
4x Voice of Resurgence
1x Thune
1x Obzedat
2x Overgrown Tomb
1x Tamiyo
2x Lifebane
1x Foil Korean Lifebane
3x Desecration Demon
2x Trostani
1x Foil M14 Liliana

3x Boros Charm
4x Sacred Foundry
4x Soldier of the Pantheon


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Willing to trade for it at $30 value.

USA only please.

Helios52 wrote:

Newlawstudent is def one I would suggest.

Thanks, I'll check them out.

I watch a lot of youtube videos and other then Jack the Mind Sculptor I have been having trouble finding cool magic channels to watch. I am not into the replays of magic online stuff as much as just interesting ideas or theorycrafting. If you know any entertaining channels please let me know about them!

bump, updated



Added trades section and updated the need and want lists. Really need that last Reckoner so I will trade $5 over for it if anyone can offer one up.

Mistbeaver wrote:

Have most of your wants but that USA only kills it.

Tracking to and from Canada is just too expensive.

Unless you are offering a lot of what I need, or foils of what I need, I most likely won't be trading the Stormbreath Dragon, but feel free to offer.

USA Only Tracking Required!

1x Foil Korean Lifebane Zombie
2x Normal Lifebane Zombie's
1x Archangel of Thune
1x Foil Liliana of dark realms
1x Obzedat, Ghost Council
1x Blood Barron of Vizkopa
1x Stomping Ground
1x Temple Garden
4x Godless Shrine
2x Overgrown Tomb
1x Stormbreath Dragon
1x Fleecemane Lion
4x Promo Rakdos Cackler
1x Boros Reckoner
1x M14 Chandra
1x Mindsparker
2x Mizzium Mortar
1x Purphoros, God of the Forge for 2x Boros Reckoner
2x Blood Baron of Vizkopa for 1x Chandra, Pyromaster

I placed 7/68 and got 8 Bonus packs. big_smile

Unless you are offering a lot of what I need, or foils of what I need, I most likely won't be trading the Stormbreath Dragon, but feel free to offer.

USA Only Tracking Required!

1x Foil Korean Lifebane Zombie
2x Normal Lifebane Zombie's
1x Archangel of Thune
1x Foil Liliana of dark realms
2x Obzedat, Ghost Council
1x Stomping Ground
2x Godless Shrine
2x Overgrown Tomb
1x M14 Chandra
2x Mizzium Mortar

1x Purphoros, God of the Forge for 2x Boros Reckoner
2x Blood Baron of Vizkopa for 1x Chandra, Pyromaster
2x Godless Shrine for 4x Promo Rakdos Cackler
1x Fleecemane Lion, 1x Temple Garden for 1x Mindsparker, 1x Boros Reckoner

As the title says I am trading temple gardens for shrines, Gardens are $2 more per so I will just balance it out a little with something on your list and hopefully we both get the shocks we prefer.

I will also trade other things on my tradelist for the Godless Shrines, but I want all 4 in one trade, so it would need to workout like that.


Tradelist | Wishlist


(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)



(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(1 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Prefer to only ship to USA.

Tradelist | Wishlist


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Prefer to only ship to USA.

Tradelist | Wishlist

No longer available:
3x Boros Reckoner
1x Scavenging Ooze
1x Detention Sphere
2x Hallowed Fountain
1x Jace, AOT

I think he looks really strong. You have to remember when it comes to standard gruul is losing a lot of the creatures they have lived around. Hell rider, thundermaw, strangleroot geist, and god forbid flinthoof. Domri had really good synergy with those cards, but without them gruul will be slowed down and this planeswalker seems like a new direction for gruul.

If you are not busy look through my trade list;  there is a lot more there I did not list below.


I will accept Paypal for anything I am trading, but I will not buy anything for paypal.

We can discuss prices on things in a trade chat. If you want to buy anything just open a trade and let me know. All paypal transactions will need to be sent as payments not donations.

Trade list best cards:
1x Jace M14
2x Tamiyo
1x Fiendslayer Pally
2x Obzedat
2x Liliana M14
1x Gideon, Champion of Justice
3x Blind Obedience
4x Ghor-Clan Rampager *signed by artist*
Wishlist Items:
4x Thune
3x Voice of Resurgence
1x Trostani

I have and need a lot more so feel free to look!





3x Temple Garden
2x Stomping Ground

Still have a lot of stuff people may want so make an offer if you see something smile