Title says it all. Looking for three of the promo prophet of kruphix from the clash packs.

Hit me up if you have any!

Price and need updated


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Ok so Jay sent me pictures of the custom counter I ordered, let me just say it looks spectacular! I sent him 4 normal Kiora's Followers, then two foil Kiora's Followers, and then one foil yavimaya coast...and it turned out amazing!




Needless to say I'm REALLY excited to get it in the mail.

If you are worried about price don't, he is really really easy to work with. And this is a completely unsolicited ad big_smile

Here is how many of what I need

Plains #231 - 26 needed
Island #235 - 10 needed
Island #236 - 10 needed

Shoot me a trade if you have any and I would like to buy them in bulk if possible. Offering  $1 a card for all lands.

If you have a foil I am interested, but we will need to either trade for that or maybe we can work out something on price, but I can't buy too many outright at near 20 bucks a pop


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Would love your FNM Dimir Charm, love that artwork. Perhaps I can find more promos, but is there anything in my trade list you are interested in?


(15 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

List updated, got ma Brimaz!


(15 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Just got a whole bunch (8) list updated big_smile


(15 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

List updated, send me some shiny kittehs!

I'd be interested in a German Top.


(15 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Got four more, list updated


(15 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

List updated, once again. Got some big ticket foils of out of this list so that will help smile


(15 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Lists updated, still looking for things!


(15 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Still lookin guys, help an EDH junkie out!


(15 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Thanks for the interest! I'll take a look smile


(15 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Lists updated


(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hey there again...return customer here, lets do another 3D counter big_smile


(8 replies, posted in Commander Trading)

I can second that, I had fetch lands in my decks but when they were high I traded them off. Haven't really looked back. The vivids and green ramp work just fine, farseek or sylvan scrying are always great for my shocks. (Yeah I still use shocks, but I've never even owned an original dual)


(15 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I would do promo's, in fact promo's might be really cool.

As for the command, throw that in the trade as well, I can always upgrade it later.


Unless you were Clan Ghost Bear, they are cool, and they used Ice Ferrets as well. But oh God Clan Wolf, I hated those guys so much.

Summoner B/C, Stormcrow A/C, and Mist Lnyx (all around), with one or two DireWolves for the heavy hitters. Clan Smoke Jaguar all the way!


(15 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Discussion started...woot!


(15 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

List updated, already got a trade. Keep them coming and thank you!

Well when I say I have...everything, I mean if there is a card you list and I don't have it I will be very surprised.

If you want to get a list set up for me of things you might want I can dig them out of their binders and such.

Only things I won't trade unless I have a playset are any card with the specification of "Clan Smoke Jaguar" on it. That is my clan, pure and simple.

Lastly some of the cards are edged, I will let you know which but none are worse than LP, but I bought lots from people ages ago and some came to be with a bit of love. I was not encouraged as a child to play CCGs so I missed the game as it released.

I'll open up a trade for us.

(Also I have tons of Direwolves so no worries on getting your favorite mech back big_smile)


(15 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hey all, I've decided to create my Kitty Kat Kreigers deck, and I need a crap ton of foil commons, uncommons and a few rares. For some of the rares I have non-foils to trade back, if that will induce to yo part with the foil but I just want as many foils as possible. For all the common's and uncommon's I want foils only, for the rares if I can't find the foils I'll have to settle for normal. Thanks for your interest and hopefully we can help each other out.

Foils only please: (promo's where applicable are acceptable as well)
Return to Dust
Rout (Conspiracy version only please)
Planar Cleansing
Infiltration Lens
Shield of the Avatar
Scythe of the Wretched
Sword of Kaldra
Boon Reflection
True Conviction
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx

Foil or Normal:
Raksha Golden Cub
Jareth, Leonine Titan

And any full art Zendikar plains or Foil plains from scars of Mirrodin/New Phyrexia or foils plains from Mirrodin, you have would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again for looking through big_smile

I know you say anything, but I have a SHIT ton of Battletech, as I am a BT nut (JAGUARS FOREVER), so any direction as to what you want would be helpful.

Also, are you after BT cards for magic cards or BT cards for BT cards?
