
(197 replies, posted in Announcements)

Actinide wrote:

Oh, I totally don't blame you and I totally believe that you did everything in your power to keep the pricing model as stable as possible.  I hope I don't come off that way.  I just want to be clear on what your plans are going forward because I do love using deckbox as a vehicle for my trading (and hope I have provided you some money via the TCGplayer API referrals at some point).

Yep, sure! We totally understand.  Keep the questions / suggestions coming, glad to answer.

I just don't want everything to fall apart because the pricing situation got a bit weird.

I am very convinced it will not only not fall apart, but it will be better! And I am rarely convinced of things, as laura might confirm big_smile


(197 replies, posted in Announcements)

Again, we are really sorry for this situation, and if it had been avoidable, we would have avoided it, but sadly we cannot.

I have tried to discuss and reason with the president of Tcgplayer, offered my thanks for the collaboration until now, explained our position on the market and general strategy for the future in a clear way. All we received were legal threats.

But we do understand the need for reliable pricing, and we will find a way to provide them. We want them to be more reliable than the tcgplayer ones and fix all the issues that we had with them, and that people kept reporting.

We were not able to do that before, but we are able to do that in the future.


(197 replies, posted in Announcements)

Thanks for reporting Berserk, I fixed it. I also just opened a new topic in Site Feedback for people to easily report this kind of issues: http://deckbox.org/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=85547

For really rare stuff we will still display amazon prices, or pherhaps other price source from the web that we can use (i.e. from companies that will not sue us for it).

The pricing will not be abusable. We will have treshholds for seller accounts that count in price calculations (i.e. if you have not sold anything or have negative score, you do not count) etc.

In addition, we will also actively ban and suspend anyone who tries to manipulate pricing. We want to have a body of serious and respected sellers here, on whose prices and service to buyers we (and the buyers) can count.


(389 replies, posted in Site Discussion)


I am closing this thread as it is much quicker and easier for us to see the feedback if you simply click on "Report Pricing Error" on a certain printing's page, above the prices. Thanks!

Please post in this topic when you find issues with mis-priced cards. We will manually check and fix our importers to address the issues.

When to post about a card:
- the price is way off from other sources, such as amazon or star city (our our own market prices)
- the card has a foil printing only, and it shows also a non-foil price
- the card does not have a foil printing, but it shows a foil price too
- the card has an additional printing that is not displayed on deckbox

(You can just post the name of the card and surround it with [ mtg ] tags, the forum will auto-link it.)

Thank you.


(197 replies, posted in Announcements)

Actinide wrote:

This seems to have really complicated things since Amazon seems to be very off comparatively to TCGplayer and they seem to lack data points in general for many, many cards.

We are still importing some of the foil prices, and fixing some of the missing ones, so this should be better later today.

How will deckbox prices work?  What if the card has never been sold in your marketplace?

We will base our prices, much like tcgplayer does, on min/max and median values for all currently listed cards for sale. We are pretty sure we will have enough price points for this a month from now at the latest.

Top Cards (Statistics)

Seeing as we have some data to use - a lot of trades going on monthly, and people storing wishlists & tradelists, we thought we are in a good position to provide some fun or useful statistics to the community. Check out our first draft of the statistics page.

There are many others that could be interesting (Cards used based on the format - Modern/Standard, etc) or based on their rarity, etc. Please take a look and let us know what stats you'd be interested to see. We will refine this page in a future release.

Market Community

Even before we launched the Deckbox Market, users have been meaning to have a separate forum & community to post about cards they want to buy or sell, super deals or flash sales.
For this, we have created now the  Buying & Selling subforum.

The former Mtg Market community is now linked to this
forum. Feel free to join the community, you will automatically then see on your profile favorites menu when new posts are made in this forum.


We have started a round of interface cleanups to user dashboards and profiles. This is only a small first step, we have more coming up in the next release. We want the information you see on your dashboard to be more useful and easier to digest and customize.

As always, if you have specific suggestions on requests of what you'd like to have there, do not hesitate to let us know in the comments!

Other fixes:
- fixed an issue with sorting by edition in inventories
- fixed an issue with adding cards with apostrophes to trades (like Maze's End)
- fixed an issue with the "Remove all Cards" tool in Tradelists and Wishlists.


(197 replies, posted in Announcements)

As you guys know, we have been using TcgPlayer prices to show the value of cards, decks and trades.

Our plans going forward were to add our own Deckbox Prices as soon as the Market feature got enough traction to provide meaningful values, but to keep the TcgPlayer ones as an option for users that considered them more useful or relevant. This is sadly no longer possible.

We have received very insistent requests (i.e. legal threats) from TcgPlayer asking us to remove all price information we get from their website. While using publicly displayed prices does not (as far as I can tell) actually represent copyright infringement [1], we want to build useful websites for our users, not argue and fight with other companies, so we hereby fully comply.

So what now?

Since the market feature has just launched and cannot provide meaningful price data yet, we will move to use prices imported from amazon.com for valuing cards & trades. We hope to switch to our own prices in a few weeks time.

If you see prices that are completely off or missing please let us know in  this topic: http://deckbox.org/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=85547

Until then, we will provide a warning message on trade & set pages so all users are aware of the change. There is also link on each card page to the tcgplayer page, for easy access for users that wish to quickly assess the prices there.

We are sorry for the inconveniences caused, and we will do our best to find a good, permanent solution for varied and relevant price data as fast as we can.

[1] http://web.mit.edu/smadnick/www/wp/2010-05.pdf

Later edit: Posting a reply I made later in this thread, for clarification of our intent:

We are really sorry for this situation, and if it had been avoidable, we would have avoided it, but sadly we cannot.

I have tried to discuss and reason with Tcgplayer, offered my thanks for the collaboration until now, explained our position on the market and general strategy / plans for the future. All we received in return were legal threats.

We do understand the need for reliable pricing, and we will find a way to provide them. We want them to be more reliable than the tcgplayer ones and fix all the issues that we had with them, the ones our users kept reporting.

We were not able to do that before, but we are able to do that in the future. The future is bright smile


(92 replies, posted in Announcements)

Yep, you do not have to be an actual business. Only to have a verified PayPal account that accepts payments.

This forum is for the Deckbox Market buyers and sellers.

0. If you are looking to sell cards on deckbox, first check out our help page for information: http://deckbox.org/help/selling_cards

1. Do not advertise selling or buying cards through external websites or systems. See the following question in our FAQ:

Can I sell cards on deckbox without having a seller account and using the market system?

We do not support making or advertising sales on deckbox that do not use the Market System. We believe we have to offer a single, solid and intuitive Marketplace to our buyers and sellers, and our new Market system is just that.

If you do not wish to use the Market system, we understand, and you still can - of course - trade, build decks and manage your inventory on deckbox, but do not try to sell cards to other users on deckbox through unofficial means. (Sanctionable by account suspension)

This rule has been added on the 4th of May 2014. Sales initiated on the site before this date can still be finished. If you are reading this later and were not aware of this rule, do not worry, we will not suspend your account. Our administrators will warn users advertising sales on the forum, and we will post a notice on one-sided trade pages about this, to inform users about the change.

2. Most questions you might have about buying or selling are listed in our Market FAQ. If we missed some, please let us know in the Site Feedback forum.

Thank you, and happy trading!


(92 replies, posted in Announcements)

rfioren wrote:

I just received my first order. I was disappointed to see that there was no way to "accept" the purchase and then automatically add the cards into my inventory and remove from my wishlist -- I thought that integration into my inventory was one of the big selling points with the new marketplace function, but it doesn't seem to do that very well yet, at least for buyers.

The button is definitely coming in a couple of days!


(12 replies, posted in Announcements)

Forgot to actually attach the file, as usual.


(12 replies, posted in Announcements)

Yep, you can import the attached csv file. It will add all cards in the decklist, marked as belonging to the correct edition, near mint, english. If you need different conditions / language, open the csv in a spreadsheet editor and replace it there before importing.

Sorry for not providing this when we posted the announcement. smile


(92 replies, posted in Announcements)

Thanks everyone for the great feedback!

Ripptor, you're of course right about the shortcomings of the inventory. We want to add for one, the option to make the inventory private, and secondly, a system of 'tagging' to help with cataloguing. This has been promised years and years ago and I did try out some things once or twice but did not find a satisfactory UI / workflow for them. But this time I am commited to find one smile If you have suggestions of inventory products ( not necessarily for Magic) that have intelligent systems I could research for this, I'd be very grateful.

Actinide, we thought about the "selling the old way" issue and its implications. I added a response for in at the bottom of the FAQ. The TL;DR is that we will not forbid it, but also we will not provide any support or dispute resolution for it (cause we can't, not in a satisfactory way). We will also post a warning on these trades to let the "buyer" side of them know of the risks.

With regard to the "Accept button" for sellers, there has been some more feedback in this Site Feedback thread, also with a lot of great points. I have posted my thoughts there just now. TL;DR is that I think canceling orders that cannot be shipped & refunding the money might be enough for the exceptional cases. Negative feedback from buyers would act as a deterrent for the sellers abusing this.

We also changed our mind on the rule that we will bill the refunded payments too. It was a stupid rule, and I'm sorry for that, my reasons for having it make no sense in retrospect smile. So, to clarify, we will NOT bill any Deckbox fees on payments that sellers refund.

Also, we went back on the rule of taking the Deckbox Fee even on refunded orders. This will NOT happen, refunds will not be billed.

Most situations that people bring up when wanting an Accept button are exceptional situations. Not having a specific card because you mis-inventoried it, or gave it away the same day, or mis-labeled an Alpha card as NM when it was HP, these things happen, but happen rarely.

I think the seller canceling the order and offering a refund is an ok solution in these cases. I think we need to discourage it though, so we will allow the buyers to leave negative feedback in these cases if they want.

I have tried to edit the Refunds and Returns page a bit to clarify some of these things.

One, two or five negative feedbacks should not be a problem when you have tens / hundred of sales, it works for ebay & amazon & the other places too.

Looking forward to your thoughts.

Not yet, but we're cooking something up. Specific cards you can see on the card page who's selling. (Sadly Berserk seems to not have any sellers yet).


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Sorry, forgot to say, but this is fixed since yesterday, you should only see vendors in your country.


(3 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Could you give us a link to the trade in question please, and let us know which internet browser you are using?

What happens if you select an address from the dropdown (on the trade page) and click on Confirm?


(11 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

minic00pers wrote:

I'm assuming the Orders section will show up in "My Favorites" automatically when there is an order to look at?



(92 replies, posted in Announcements)

gumgodMTG wrote:

My page says

"You have 1 orders that need your attention. Head over to the Orders section for more details."

Sorry for that, it was a display issue. It should now say you haven't got any orders that need your attention again.


(11 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Hi guys, thank you for reporting these.

The "you have 1 order that needs your attention" was a display mistake, it should now say there aren't any. (If there will be, you will also get an email about it.)

ReliquaryTower, I fixed it, the page should be displaying correctly now. I will reply to rfioren's mail about the payment, he will be able to redo it.

atomicashes, nothing can happen with the 0, if it's 0 it behaves as if you did not set anything. Users cannot add it to their shopping carts, so it's safe. We might have to fix it so that it does not show as 0, but still as N/A.


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Found it, seems to be happening on old IE & some versions of Safari browsers.

Should be fixed now.


(5 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

Could you please tell us which browser you are using?


(92 replies, posted in Announcements)

Xan wrote:

In addition, as part of the "controls" others have mentioned that they hope sellers will have, it would be nice to auto-block anyone with a bad reputation. This is particularly valuable as sellers do not get the option to approve of a sale. Make it a setting sellers can change-- how bad is "bad," or disable the auto-block entirely, or make an exception for this one dude, etc.

Good idea in principle, but not sure what "bad" would mean. People who are suspended, banned, scammers, or involved in a disputed BTR are already not allowed to buy, trade or sell. Not sure what other conditions would qualify for the 'badness' smile. Trade score maybe?

I haven't looked, but are there options for different shipping rates? Two-day vs standard, or a bulk discount

Yep, you can add multiple shipping options, each with their own price and description. You can also set the maximum number of cards you can ship with each of the options. No options for bulk discout yet though.


(92 replies, posted in Announcements)

We have started to compile a list of frequently asked questions, you can see it here: http://deckbox.org/help/market_faq.

Keep em' coming smile