(3 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

skittensro wrote:

What I would suggest is putting together a 360 pauper cube, which sleeves, box, and cards, can all be done for under 100 bucks and will keep you guys going for as long as you want.

I'd like to second this suggestion. Cubing is some of the most fun I've ever had playing magic, and as skittensro said it's not terribly expensive. Pauper (just commons) and Peasant (commons + uncommons) cubes aren't too hard to put together, and you have the freedom to build one with whatever restrictions or archetypes you choose. I've seen cube lists that have a tribal focus, cubes that allow drafting of a particular set or block, as well as cubes filled with nothing but "unplayable" cards.

I invested maybe a hundred bucks into the first iteration of my own cube, and probably around another 50 or so since then, but that's a very long-term number. I built the cube over the span of about 4 or 5 months, and while it's still evolving, it is absolutely 100% playable in its current form.

Cube is supreme overlord. Trust in Cube.

Theros card Dark Betrayal does not appear to be addable to the sideboard of a decklist. I repeatedly receive error message "Cannot find card. Please choose one from the autocompleted dropdown" while using the "quick add" feature, whether I select the card from the dropdown or not.

Edit: having the same problem with Magma Jet.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Just need a playset of the pyro kid. Would prefer to trade for all of em as a set if possible.

Tradelist should be up to date, just make me an offer. Thanks!

Just looking for the stuff on my wishlist. Primary wants are:

Oath of Druids
Puresteel Paladin
Etched Champion
Final Judgment
Shardless Agent
Leonin Shikari

Lower-priority wants (more inclined to add these into trades for the higher priority stuff):

Crypt Ghast
Dreg Mangler
Bottomless Pit
Dreamborn Muse
Mind Grind
Time Reversal

Tradelist should be up to date. Notable stuff:

Akroma, Angel of Wrath
Chandra's Phoenix  -  x2
Grave Titan
Sigarda, Host of Herons
Worldly Tutor
Legion Loyalist

etc etc.

Make me an offer, I'll consider anything if I can!


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I have 3 Skylashers plus a couple other things on your wishlist (Phoenixes and a Smiter). Started trade discussion


Tradelist updated. Also still have 2x Chandra's Phoenixes, among other things.

Hit me up with a trade offer, will consider anything and am happy to look at tradelists!


daily bumparooni

Currently looking for:

- Reflecting Pool   -   highest priority
- Oath of Druids   -   high priority
- Bottomless Pit
- Leonin Shikari
- Time Reversal
- Leyline of the Void [M11]

Notable haves:

- Burgeoning
- Grave Titan
- Akroma, Angel of Wrath [Legions]
- 2x Chandra's Phoenix
- Legion Loyalist
- Loxodon Smiter
- Worldly Tutor
- Sigarda
- Imposing Sovereign
- Swan Song
and anything else on my tradelist!

I'm happy to look at tradelists even if you don't have anything I need, so please don't hesitate to start a discussion if I've got something you'd like!

Have smiters and witchstalkers + a couple other things on your list. Trade offer sent

Just need 1 Temple of Mystery, 1 Temple of Deceit, and a Reflecting Pool. My tradelist has stuff on it, just go nuts with it. If you have a Reflecting Pool for me it's entirely likely I'll throw my firstborn into the trade as a bonus, because good god the stupid Pool is impossible to find. Will donate future child for mtg card.

Okay no in all seriousness, I'll love you forever. You know you deserve my undying love. Make this trade happen.

gooby plz


Other notable stuff: Worldly Tutor, Sigarda, Grave Titan, Legion Loyalist, Swan Song, Frontline Medic x4, etc.

Let me know what you need from my tradelist!

I'm not looking for anything specific right now except for Reflecting Pool, which no one here seems to have or want to part with, so just start a trade discussion if I have anything you need and I'll take a look at your list and see if anything catches my eye.


oblig daily bump


(8 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Have some stuff on your list, interested in Ye Olde One-Shotte Automaton. started discussion

Daily bump, still need these 2 cards. Someone out there has to have em!



Have 1 soldier and a couple other small things from your wishlist, started discussion.

Shadowmoor printing preferred if possible but it really doesn't matter too much. It's the last proxy left in my last edh deck, I just want to get the deck completed. Help a brother out! Also looking for 1x Blind Obedience.

Make me an offer!


(1 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Have one, started discussion

Do you need the WR scryland, Temple of Triumph?

You're also randomly opening trade requests with people who have expressed ZERO interest in your codes. That's spam.


obligatory daily bump