Up, just reorganized some things. Have a look and maybe we can work something out.


(6 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Sent you a link, thanks!

I sent you a link on deckbox

And free bump!


(23 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I sent you an offer.


(1 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

I keep having this appear in my trade list and for the life of me I can not find where the message is, i've clicked on every active traded and looked through the rest 3x over.

Is this a bug or am I that blind?


Bump: Looking for anything I don't need on this list:

I sent you a deckbox link, I had three cards from your wishlist.


I posted a deckbox proposal.

Hello masterofdisaster,

I was interested in your:

Serra Ascendant
Stoneforge Mystic
Potentially Reya

Take a look at my list and let me know if there is anything I can trade for these cards.

Thank you,


Up: I'm looking for a Scalding Tarn

I sent you a proposal!

Some things from your inventory, but start up a trade because I know you may need to keep some of the cards I want.

Bump! Updated the things that are being sent off for trades, I still haven't added the things I will be recieving.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Anyone pimping out an EDH or legacy player interested?


Hit me up on the deckbox!

Typically not that interested in TF2 trading unless you have like buds or TC burning hats ext.

Never really played TF2, so I would have no interest in the keys nor would I know what to trade them for as its hard to trade across games.

However, I was interested in a few of your things

I'm interested in trading two verdants for a scalding tarn and a little bit of value

I sent you a trade proposal


I sent you a deckbox proposal

Bump Bump and away!

To the top!

Looking for mono white EDH stuffz



I need some white stuff.

I also need a Moat and a Mana Drain, willing to trade duals for any of these.

drnaturalist wrote:

Hi I am interested in your tooth and nail for my edh deck. I have a RTR Overgrown tomb I can put towards it. thanks for the consideration.

I just got a tomb today, sorry bud! I didn't see anything else I needed in regards to a Tooth trade.