
Hey all. I am looking to clear out my wishlist. The priorities are:
Maze of Ith
Dust Bowl
Coalition Relic
War's Toll
Kher Keep

Secondary priorities are:
Atarka's Command
2x Vexing Devil
Devastating Summons

Everything else is tertiary in priority:
4x Entomb
3x Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
4x Ancient Tomb
1x Cabal Therapy
Mystic Confluence
4x Bloodbraid Elf (FNM Promo preferred)
3x Ponder

Are you still selling?


(0 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hi all, so on Reddit there has been a small movement happening. With the announcement of Eternal Masters coming out there is a flow of mixed feeling in most people. For those that play Legacy already, there is a breath of life that they feel this set will bring more people. Things like Force of Will and Wasteland are confirmed to be reprinted and there are many other speculated cards that are to be reprinted. There then are others that feel while this set is going to be great, there comes the realization that while the spoiled cards are high priced and Eternal Maters will bring down the price, this set will not reprint anything on the Reserve list and that those cards, like the duels and Lions Eye Diamond, will reamin to be the biggest barrier to playing Legacy. This is already has spiked cards like Tropical Island by $50, the same with Lion's Eyes Diamond. This is making it so that unless you already have RL (Reserve List) cards, you still may never be able play Legacy.

Enter https://www.reddit.com/r/mtgEternal/.

From the FAQ on the subreddit: Eternal magic is a competitive format that does not include reserved list cards. The popularity of modern comes from the mix of power level and availability of cards. There is no doubt that players wish to play legacy as it is a much more complex and intuitive format. With the upcoming set EMA, there will be a large influx of cards available to be played in eternal formats, however the barrier will always be the restricted list cards which we have already seen spike beyond reason. The fact is that new supply of these cards will never be made and we as a community must adapt to that. This format will not be legacy, and it will not be modern. It will evolve it's own meta-game with cards that need to be removed from the format or added as appropriate. This will be done as a community.

We are serious about getting this format going and to make it evolve in such away that it can coexist with the other formats. We do not want to take over Legacy or Modern. We want our own format that we can Force of will someones Splinter twin as an example. We want to have access to these powerful and iconic spells with out having to spend $1000 on just 4 lands. Please join us as we work out details and strive to create this format. This is a community driven format that will discuss cards and talk about it before bans happen. All decisions will be based on how the players feel about them.

Crap... I hate that I have to wait for may tax return. I want sooo much of your stuff lol.:D

Are prices negotiable with a larger order?

Trade sent.

Are you wanting any serum visions or just the original?


(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(2 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

I am looking for stuff specifically for a Norin the Wary EDH deck. Everything in my want list is needed at equal priority. I have my TL open and I also have the GP Vancouver Play mat and Promo Stoneforge Mystic. that I might be willing to trade away.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Just two more cards! Thanks to all those who traded!


(11 replies, posted in Decks and Deckbuilding)

Honestly, if you ar going to try and do this combo, you might as well add Fling as a way to push the damage right to the face. If it gets countered you are boned but it is another way to try and push the damage.


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Updated and bump.


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

FlutterGuy wrote:

I honestly believe bloom titan will evolve. One of my buddies play it and he switched to 4 Azusa and 4 Simian Spirit Guides to still win on turn 2. I feel like people who want to play degenerate decks will switch to this.
I understand the twin ban. I don't think twin was unhealthy, sure it pushed decks out of the format, but it also policed decks. The only reason it got banned, I feel, is because of the pro tour. Just like pod last year, Wizards needs to shake things up to diversify the meta. I don't know if I agree with them on that, but they are a business and they can't let a cash cow like modern get stale.
And I might be bias on this, but I think the new best deck in the format is Anafenza/Melira company. As a person who plays the deck, I just don't see how we lose now. Gain infinite life on turn 3. Twin was really the only deck that didn't scoop to infinite life. Now that that's it if the way aggro decks can't beat Kitchen Finks. Control decks don't really get a chance to interact. You also just win before midrange decks get to stabilize. Other combo decks can't go off as fast and now probably can't beat the life gain.
But that's just my two cents.

I agree. I have heard that Bloom players tweaking the list to still enable fast turn 3 kills with the right had and SSG. I dont think Bloom is dead just yet and can for sure evolve to a good level. I like adding more Azusa to make up for Bloom.

I am still unsure. While I hate that they banned Twin just for the PT, I am also pretty excited to see where things are going to go and how the Pros will go into the event.

I think that other combos like your Anafenza/Melira can start making an appearance with the main combo deck being taken out.

elpablo wrote:

I was a bloom player, it's a super challenging deck to play correctly, and I really liked playing it.  The lines are not intuitive at all. I'm a better player overall from having run it the last year or so.  However, I was sure something was going to happen to it though, so I aggressively traded into twin the last month or so... talk about getting kicked in the nuts...

uhg... anyways...

With that, i think kiki-twin could be a thing... kiki does die to bolt but you can also res him with k-command.  Kiki/k-command is like having 7 coppies of twin in your deck or more thanks to jace/snap.  The mana base would be supper tight though... I think cryptic command is probably just unable to be played in the kiki version of the deck.

I have tried to play Bloom and I agree, you really have to know the deck to play it well. I couldnt figure it out and I respect those who can. As we mentioned above, have you though of trying to play Bloom with 4x Azusa and Simian Spirit Guide? Is that a good change to keep the deck alive in some way?

Yesh. if you want UUU up for Cryptic and RRR for Kiki, it just wont work. Cryptic would be cut for differnt counter spells I think. More Dispels in the Main probably?


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)



(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Updated and bump!


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Thanks for responding,if I may ask, what are you playing currently and how many SB slots did you have dedicated to Twin?


(4 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hi, everything in my want list is what I am looking for. I moved a bunch of stuff to mt TL that have value to help get what I need.:

All I need is 2x Pact of Negation.


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hi, so I know the forums on here are not really the most active, but I thought I would give this a shot. I would like to know what the Modern players thoughts are with this most recent Modern bannings. Feel free to answer the poll and more importantly, what is the next step going further? How will your current deck evolve? Is there a new deck that scares you?

To start things off,  I now going to focus on completing GrsShoalbrand. I really do feel that the super straight forward, fast decks will become really popular now that Twin is not around to beat them. Hyper Zoo, Infect, Burn, Goryo's Vengeance. These types of decks are able to race the new boogyman that will be Tron and the Eldrazi decks that I feel will surge in popularity.

I am also a firm believer that evolving the current Twin shell to add in Kiki-Jiki is a possibility. I know Kiki is more susceptible to bolt, but in order to keep the dream alive, you have to make some sacrifices. It will be a more control game until you are sure you can slam Kiki and Protect him.

I know I could but this on Reddit, but honestly, a lot of the people there are kinda toxic. Plus I would like to see more discussions on here smile I always try to input what I can when someone post. Good day everyone!


(2 replies, posted in Site Discussion)

RegurKenaid wrote:

It'll be nice to see OGW finally. In open game client Xmage all cards are already ready for game! It means that people programmed all of them in a few days without a cent payed!!!

You demand inadequate amount of money for premium accounts and even can't publish spoilers in time.

Dude, you need to chill. This is a trading site. Not a site to play the game. Why would there be a rush to get cards posted for trade when they are not even out for circulation to the public yet. Xmage would rush the update to allow people to play. Plus, from what I know (and I could be wrong) Xmage is a team while Sedi does this on his own.

TRZ wrote:

Erg lost most of a post. *sigh*

I mean Thunderclap Wyvern Sorry! XD

Oh thats a good call

I would also look into Silumgar's Scorn if you want to great counterspell since you are running so many dragons. It is basically

I will try and get a better write up when I have a chance, but the biggest flaw I see is that you need more lands. Bad. If you wanna run the expensive creatures you are running you need at least 25 lands. Next big thing is that you need to not do 2 of ever thing. Focus on what you want to do and do 4 of each card that helps achieve that.


(0 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Hey everyone. So I am hoping that someone can help me out with some edition swaps. I have two Path to Exiles that I want to turn into the Duel Decks: Venser vs. Koth edition. I have 2 Serum Visions that I want to turn into the the FNM promo edition.

I prefer to just swap card for card but I am willing to do an actual trade for these. I really want to get this done. Anyone willing to help a guy out?


(10 replies, posted in Reddit MTG Trades)

Honestly, they probably got lost behind a seat or shelf and they just now had time to clean that area out. I would still lodge a complaint with the PO though.


(4 replies, posted in Buying & Selling Cards)

I have an unopened BFZ lands from a fatpack I could trade you.