Topic: Recent Modern Bans

Hi, so I know the forums on here are not really the most active, but I thought I would give this a shot. I would like to know what the Modern players thoughts are with this most recent Modern bannings. Feel free to answer the poll and more importantly, what is the next step going further? How will your current deck evolve? Is there a new deck that scares you?

To start things off,  I now going to focus on completing GrsShoalbrand. I really do feel that the super straight forward, fast decks will become really popular now that Twin is not around to beat them. Hyper Zoo, Infect, Burn, Goryo's Vengeance. These types of decks are able to race the new boogyman that will be Tron and the Eldrazi decks that I feel will surge in popularity.

I am also a firm believer that evolving the current Twin shell to add in Kiki-Jiki is a possibility. I know Kiki is more susceptible to bolt, but in order to keep the dream alive, you have to make some sacrifices. It will be a more control game until you are sure you can slam Kiki and Protect him.

I know I could but this on Reddit, but honestly, a lot of the people there are kinda toxic. Plus I would like to see more discussions on here smile I always try to input what I can when someone post. Good day everyone!

Re: Recent Modern Bans

I'm definitely happy to see Bloom gone. As for Twin, it doesn't affect me too much, but it will be nice to not have to consider it when building a sideboard.

Re: Recent Modern Bans

Thanks for responding,if I may ask, what are you playing currently and how many SB slots did you have dedicated to Twin?

Re: Recent Modern Bans

I haven't played competitively for a while and when I do it's usually with a fringe deck like 8-rack. My current pet deck is suicide zoo. 4 Thoughtseize and 2 Vines of Vastwood mb made Twin not a bad matchup and a 3rd Vines and 3 Dismember sb were also good answers if needed. Suicide Zoo is, for the most part, a non-interactive deck though and boarding in specific answers tends to just make the deck worse and slower.

Re: Recent Modern Bans

I honestly believe bloom titan will evolve. One of my buddies play it and he switched to 4 Azusa and 4 Simian Spirit Guides to still win on turn 2. I feel like people who want to play degenerate decks will switch to this.
I understand the twin ban. I don't think twin was unhealthy, sure it pushed decks out of the format, but it also policed decks. The only reason it got banned, I feel, is because of the pro tour. Just like pod last year, Wizards needs to shake things up to diversify the meta. I don't know if I agree with them on that, but they are a business and they can't let a cash cow like modern get stale.
And I might be bias on this, but I think the new best deck in the format is Anafenza/Melira company. As a person who plays the deck, I just don't see how we lose now. Gain infinite life on turn 3. Twin was really the only deck that didn't scoop to infinite life. Now that that's it if the way aggro decks can't beat Kitchen Finks. Control decks don't really get a chance to interact. You also just win before midrange decks get to stabilize. Other combo decks can't go off as fast and now probably can't beat the life gain.
But that's just my two cents.

Re: Recent Modern Bans

I was a bloom player, it's a super challenging deck to play correctly, and I really liked playing it.  The lines are not intuitive at all. I'm a better player overall from having run it the last year or so.  However, I was sure something was going to happen to it though, so I aggressively traded into twin the last month or so... talk about getting kicked in the nuts...

uhg... anyways...

With that, i think kiki-twin could be a thing... kiki does die to bolt but you can also res him with k-command.  Kiki/k-command is like having 7 coppies of twin in your deck or more thanks to jace/snap.  The mana base would be supper tight though... I think cryptic command is probably just unable to be played in the kiki version of the deck.

Re: Recent Modern Bans

FlutterGuy wrote:

I honestly believe bloom titan will evolve. One of my buddies play it and he switched to 4 Azusa and 4 Simian Spirit Guides to still win on turn 2. I feel like people who want to play degenerate decks will switch to this.
I understand the twin ban. I don't think twin was unhealthy, sure it pushed decks out of the format, but it also policed decks. The only reason it got banned, I feel, is because of the pro tour. Just like pod last year, Wizards needs to shake things up to diversify the meta. I don't know if I agree with them on that, but they are a business and they can't let a cash cow like modern get stale.
And I might be bias on this, but I think the new best deck in the format is Anafenza/Melira company. As a person who plays the deck, I just don't see how we lose now. Gain infinite life on turn 3. Twin was really the only deck that didn't scoop to infinite life. Now that that's it if the way aggro decks can't beat Kitchen Finks. Control decks don't really get a chance to interact. You also just win before midrange decks get to stabilize. Other combo decks can't go off as fast and now probably can't beat the life gain.
But that's just my two cents.

I agree. I have heard that Bloom players tweaking the list to still enable fast turn 3 kills with the right had and SSG. I dont think Bloom is dead just yet and can for sure evolve to a good level. I like adding more Azusa to make up for Bloom.

I am still unsure. While I hate that they banned Twin just for the PT, I am also pretty excited to see where things are going to go and how the Pros will go into the event.

I think that other combos like your Anafenza/Melira can start making an appearance with the main combo deck being taken out.

elpablo wrote:

I was a bloom player, it's a super challenging deck to play correctly, and I really liked playing it.  The lines are not intuitive at all. I'm a better player overall from having run it the last year or so.  However, I was sure something was going to happen to it though, so I aggressively traded into twin the last month or so... talk about getting kicked in the nuts...

uhg... anyways...

With that, i think kiki-twin could be a thing... kiki does die to bolt but you can also res him with k-command.  Kiki/k-command is like having 7 coppies of twin in your deck or more thanks to jace/snap.  The mana base would be supper tight though... I think cryptic command is probably just unable to be played in the kiki version of the deck.

I have tried to play Bloom and I agree, you really have to know the deck to play it well. I couldnt figure it out and I respect those who can. As we mentioned above, have you though of trying to play Bloom with 4x Azusa and Simian Spirit Guide? Is that a good change to keep the deck alive in some way?

Yesh. if you want UUU up for Cryptic and RRR for Kiki, it just wont work. Cryptic would be cut for differnt counter spells I think. More Dispels in the Main probably?

Last edited by valdor (2016-01-20 21:40:38)

Re: Recent Modern Bans

Im off the bloom deck and put it all in my trade binder, if you know anyone that wants to trade my 2 azuzas for some kikis let me know tongue

it could still work... lets say you go with 4 noble hierarch and 4 azuza.  A much more stable choice than 4 spirit guides... you could do the following...

turn 1 noble
turn 2 amulet, bouncland, azuzua
turn 3, titan/hivemind...

You get the heigharch trigger as well as the aggressive titan for a total of 9 damage.

to make that work though the mana base has to be reworked a lot.  I think the number of come into play untapped lands needs to go up.

as far as kiki twin... you only ran 2 cryptics, and 1 on the side... it's not a huge cut and you could easily slot a 3 mana counter with a desirable effect like disipate or even something like